One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 359 - Hawkeye full of swordsmanship Blackbeard is going crazy24

Chapter 359 – ?Hawkeye full of swordsmanship? Blackbeard is going crazy【2/4】

This content was first published on Somewhere about ten nautical miles from Huacheng.

A coffin boat lit with a ghostly fire followed the crowd.

Drive smoothly in a certain direction without any haste.

At a certain moment, turbulent waves hit the hull of the coffin boat.

Ling’s coffin boat undulated for it.

At the same time, the man sitting on the boat opened his eyes.

Between the opening and closing of his eyes, a sharp sword intent burst out.

“You really deserve to be the world’s number one swordsman-Hawkeye Mihawk, you have truly reached the pinnacle of your kendo skills.”

A bold voice came not far from the coffin boat.

“Seaman-Very Ping”

Hawkeye Mihawk looked calmly at the mighty murloc sitting on the shark not far away.

The two Qiwuhai met here.

“Hawkeye, did you go there this time, also for that… the devil fruit of the overlord of the sea?”

The murloc who was riding a shark mount, Qiwu Kai Jinhei asked.

“Do not”

Hawkeye Mihawk replied concisely.

“That said, how can a pure great swordsman like you become interested in things other than kendo? It’s the old man Meng Lang.”

The murloc arched his hands flatly.

“It’s ok”

Hawkeye Mihawk’s answer is still concise.

At the end, it seemed that something was wrong, and then he continued to speak.

“How about you, Jinping, are you here for that fruit?”

Hawkeye Mihawk asked.

“no no”

Very flat waved his hand.

“This time the conference master is like a cloud, not to mention that there are real monsters like the Four Emperors, even if you are an old man, there is not much hope.”

“Although the overlord’s fruit ability is strong, the old man is not stupid enough to give up the huge advantage of the sea.”

Jinping speaks proudly.

What their murlocs are best at is fighting in the water.

Especially he is the number one master of the Murloc clan.

Occupying the land of the sea, even the four emperors dare to fight with it.

Although crushing the fruit is strong, it is not strong enough to make him willing to give up the sea.


Regarding…Shenping’s explanation, Hawkeye Mihawk was just a convention, succinctly and concisely, and he gave a hmm, expressing his approval.

“Pirates, navy, bounty hunters, killers… plus you and I have that… bear, we Qiwuhai… The old man has a hunch that this event may change the direction of the times and the world. ”

Jinping said with emotion.


Hawkeye Mihawk closed his eyes again, still cherishing words like gold.

Jinping: “…”

Although the friendship between each other is not deep.

But it’s rare to meet and communicate with each other.

As expected, this eagle eye is a stuffy bottle.(Read more @

Very Ping shook his head helplessly.

at this time.

There was a flock of newspaper delivery birds passing by in the sky.

The two newspapers ‘Pata’ and ‘Pata’ landed on the back of the shark and on Hawkeye’s coffin boat.

“this is.……”

When seeing the report in the free newspaper, Jinping’s calm face immediately caused the most violent waves.

“Another naval hero who disappeared inexplicably thirty-six years ago! Hey hey hey, has another big incident happened so soon?”

Jinping couldn’t help but lose his voice in shock.

Hearing Jinping’s shocked cry, he felt his violent mood swings.

The Hawkeye Mihawk on the coffin boat can no longer remain indifferent.

Raised his hand to pick up the newspaper that was just coming out of the boat, still sounding with ink on it


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The sharp and powerful sword intent and strength of ‘Boom’ suddenly burst out of Hawkeye’s body.

Under this powerful and incomparable sword intent swept across, two huge intertwined gullies appeared on the vast sea.

Even the clouds in the sky suddenly split at this moment.

Feel the terrifying aura bursting from Hawkeye Mihawk.

The Murloc, who is also Qiwuhai, couldn’t help showing an extremely solemn look on his face.

He knew that if he faced Hawkeye on land, he would have no chance of victory.

Of course, if it is in the sea, at his home court, then he has to say something else.

Regarding… very Ping’s psychology and activity at this moment.

Hawkeye Mihawk didn’t and wouldn’t care.

At this moment, his gaze just fell firmly on the front page of the newspaper.

Looking at the figure that he had been chasing for several months and couldn’t, Hawkeye Mihawk’s always expressionless face unconsciously set off a curve.

“That’s it, I finally know your true identity! Naval hero-Luo Lin! I have chased you!”

An uninhabited island attached to Shengting Island, a great route.

“When is it now”

“It’s about to start! That… “trap” conference!”

“Four emperors, have the two guys, Kaido, the beast of the new world, arrived?”

“Has the master behind Hwaseong, who is brave enough to host this ‘trap’ conference, already appeared?”

“It must not be the alliance of white beard and red hair!”

“Regardless of.……

For what reason did you organize this “trap conference, I laughed at it!”

“A conference that gathers countless powerful people from all over the world, there will surely be many interesting and powerful abilities!”

“There will be my best hunting ground!”

“Thief hahahaha”

Uninhabited island coast.

Marshall Titch, with a black beard like a wild boar, laughed wildly.


“Captain Titch”

On the side, Death Poison and Yue Fan Oka looked at their captain with concern.

Since two months ago, I met that monster in Drum Country and suffered a big defeat, even after the crew member Lafayette died for his own knife.

Blackbeard Titch’s spirit has been unstable.

A person often talks to himself for a long time, giving people a sense of madness.

Poison Fan Oka knew that this was not due to the death of his partner Lafayette.

The captain Titch they followed was a real hero.

How could it be depressed just because of the death of a partner.

Investigate its root cause.

It was probably because of the monster they encountered that day.

That’s a monster close to God! “Captain Titch”

Fighting champion Chisas Bashas shouted.

The figure is like electricity.

Galloping from the distant coast, waving a newspaper in his hand.

“Thief hahahaha, Bashas, ​​has it already started”

Blackbeard laughed.

“Captain Titch”

Fighting champion Chisas Bashas’s voice was trembling slightly with his body.

“What the hell is going on”

Otogo Van Oka frowned.

“Look at this, last time… the monster we encountered last time in Drum Kingdom, he… that monster is the lord of the mysterious Hwaseong Fortress, and he participated in ending the sea 36 years ago. The naval hero of Overlord Locks!!!”

Chishas Bashas could no longer suppress the shock and fear in his heart, and yelled out loud.

“what did you say!!!”

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