Chapter 827

Of course, the relative quintessence who arrived, although they were exclaiming the enemy’s attack, they did not fully identify the identity of Mu Feng. They had been hidden in the shadow of the Jingling Court for so many years, and they had almost never seen Shinigami. Therefore, they dare not believe that Mu Feng must be an identity.

Whether or not Mu Feng is Shinigami, a stranger, who did not identify himself, but thinks that Silver Frame City is close, it is enough to define an enemy attack.

“Hehe, this was discovered, it’s really unlucky!”

Mu Feng glanced, rushed to intercept his own Quincy Division, and sighed. Although he said that he was found, there was no worry in Mu Feng’s tone.

After entering the invisible empire, Mu Feng has been the opener of Observation Haki, and Mu Feng knows everything about the entire invisible empire. Almost immediately, Mu Feng found out about the situation of Ukhabach.

Today’s friend Habach is still in the seal, and even his consciousness does not seem to be restored. Youhabach is still under seal, so Mu Feng certainly has nothing to fear.

In the entire invisible empire, only Youhabakh, the original-level powerhouse, deserves Mu Feng’s attention. The other powerhouses are just ants in Mu Feng’s eyes.

After discovering Mu Feng’s Quincy Division 12 team and calling out an enemy attack, the entire Silver Frame City was immediately alarmed.

A large number of unidentified quintessences gathered from everywhere to the direction where Mu Feng was.

The invisible empire implements militarized management, and almost every quencher belongs to a qualified soldier. Therefore, the overall combat effectiveness of the invisible empire is much better than the loosely managed Guarding 13th Division.

In the original plot, as soon as the invisible empire invaded the corpse and soul world, it brought huge battle damage to the thirteenth division of the guardian, which has a lot to do with the militarized management of the invisible empire.

Youhabach’s character is extremely cruel, and he can be called a tyrant. As a tyrant, Uhabach has only one management method, and that is a high-pressure policy.

Moreover, this high-pressure policy is treated equally. Even for his strongest Star Cross Knights, the management methods implemented by Yu Habach are extremely brutal.

Any member of the Star Cross Knights is not allowed to fail, and will be executed if he fails. In the original plot, there were two members of the Star Cross Knights who were ordered to be executed by Friends of Habach.

Even the extremely powerful Star Cross Knights under his own, and his friend Habach can order to kill or kill, let alone those ordinary quintessences.

Although Uhabah is sleeping, the management methods of the invisible empire are still the same as when Uhabah was there. Uhabah’s high-pressure policy has been perfectly implemented to the present.

In a way, the invisible empire is a hell.

Having survived for thousands of years in such a hell, every Quincy has become a brutal walking corpse who only obeys orders.(Read more @

Although most of the quintessences have been tortured by Ukhabach’s high-pressure policies, they are almost numb.

But one thing is worthy of recognition, and that is, every quintessence trained by Habacher’s high pressure policy is a qualified soldier. The legion composed of these quince divisions is also a qualified and powerful legion.

The basis of a powerful legion is order and prohibition. Only a legion that achieves this can be called a relatively powerful legion.

The army that has been tempered through the high-handed policy of Youhabach is undoubtedly an extremely powerful army.

You know, the invisible empire has been hiding in the shadow of the Jingling Court for nearly a thousand years. For nearly a thousand years, there has been almost no invasion of the invisible empire. In this case, after hearing the enemy’s attack, almost all the Quinnivores still rushed to Mu Feng’s so-called position in the first place. This kind of discipline was quite terrifying.

Facing the quintessences who are constantly gathering here, Mu Feng’s face is full of admiration and appreciation.

While admiring, Mu Feng has flown to Yinjia City unhurriedly.

“Intruder, please inform your identity immediately!”

After entering within a distance of less than 100 meters from Mu Feng, the Quincy Division first spotted Mu Feng and asked loudly.

Although Mu Feng is wearing a death tyrant, this Quincy team is not certain that Mu Feng is Shinigami.

In the past thousand years, almost no Shinigami has invaded the invisible empire. At first sight of a Shinigami, the Quincy team will inevitably doubt Mu Feng’s identity.

The most important thing is that the members of the Quincy team did not perceive the Reiatsu breath belonging to Shinigami from Mu Feng.

This is the result after Mu Feng condensed his breath.

With Mu Feng’s current mastery of his own strength, even the strong of the same level may not be able to see his strength.

No one of the same level can do it, let alone a Quincy who is not even at the Captain level.

Mu Feng did not answer the question from the Quincy team, but continued to fly towards Yinjia City without any haste, as if he had not heard the question from the Quincy team.

“Intruder, please inform the identity immediately, otherwise, we will fight back!” The leader of the Quincy Division frowned.

Compared to believing that Mu Feng is Shinigami, the captain is more inclined to prank Mu Feng.

After all, the invisible empire has been around for many years and I haven’t seen Shinigami. Moreover, if Mu Feng is really Shinigami, it is absolutely impossible to be so calm when facing them.

You know, in just as short as 540, there were already more than a thousand Quincy Divisions gathered in the surrounding area.

With so many quintessences, it can be called a legion, even members of the mighty Star Cross Knight Order, dare not ignore so many quintessences.

Seeing so many quintessences who were surrounding him, they still showed extremely calmness. There was only one situation, and that was that he was already quite familiar with the scene in front of him.

Therefore, the leader of the Quincy squad determined from the bottom of his heart that Mu Feng must have been disguised by the Quincy, or perhaps someone from the Knights of the Star Cross was disguised.

However, the person who greeted the leader of the Quincy Division was still silent. Mu Feng ignored him at all and continued to fly forward on his own.

“Intruder, since you don’t want to tell your identity, don’t blame me for the action, everyone is ready.”


Under the order of the captain, all the Quinques of the Quinques team raised their left hands, and within a short time, an energy bow was condensed and formed in their hands.

The next moment, the energy bow is pulled, and an energy light arrow is condensed and formed on the energy bow.

After the energy light arrows were condensed, the Quinciers of the Quincy Division did not hesitate to let go of their right hands, and the energy light arrows with sharp brilliance shot towards Mu Feng like lightning. .

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