Chapter 826

Because the soul has the mark of Yuhabach, almost all the Quinciers will be controlled by Yuhabach, and after the death of the Quincy, their souls will also be swallowed by Yuhabach and become part of the power of Yuhabach.

Of course, only the soul of the pure-blooded Quincy can involuntarily be swallowed by the friend Habach.

This is not the case with mixed-blood quintessences. However, the mixed-blood Quincy also possesses the mark of Yuhabach in his body, and will also be restrained by Yuhabach.

Because of this, in the original plot, Uhabach was able to recover his own power through sanctification by drawing on the power of mixed-blood quintessences from all over the world.

The power of the world’s mixed-blood quintessence can only help Yuhabach to break the seal, but it cannot allow Yuhabach to live from a thousand years ago to the present, and his strength has been improving until it breaks through to the original level, and then completely regains consciousness.

The reason why Uhabach’s “One Four Three” can survive to the present is because of the support of the entire invisible empire’s Quincy Master. The support of these quintessences caused a large amount of energy to accumulate in Euhabach’s body.

With the accumulation of these energies, Uhabach can advance by leaps and bounds while sleeping, and eventually become a source-level powerhouse. Youhabach is still asleep now, and the strength in his body is still being accumulated.

Mu Feng’s so-called third way to obtain the origin point is to pay attention to the power in his friend Habacher. Not only that, but Mu Feng even wanted to try to see if he could use Yuhabakh as a medium to initiate sanctification in advance, draw power from all the Quincy, and transform it into a source.

These three ways are the three ways that Mu Feng can now think of to obtain a large number of origin points.

Needless to say, the first one will definitely not work.

Therefore, Mu Feng can choose only the second and third. The way Mu Feng temporarily chose is the third. It is better to choose both the second and the third than the third.

Choosing the third route means that Mu Feng must go to the invisible empire, and the left arm of the spirit king is in the invisible empire. While collecting the power in the body of the friend Habach, Mu Feng certainly cannot let go of the left arm of the spirit king.


Mind moved slightly, Mu Feng put away the attribute panel in his mind.

To go to the invisible empire, it is possible to obtain more origin points, which is the plan that Mu Feng has already made.

For Reiatsu’s original rules, Mu Feng is very much looking forward to it.

After putting away the attribute panel, Mu Feng’s gaze narrowed slightly, an invisible force spreading around with Mu Feng as the center.

Observation Haki, open!(Read more @

Almost instantly, Mu Feng’s Observation Haki covered most of the corpse world.

What kind of Mu Feng, has restored its original strength, Observation Haki has also risen, and it can cover more than half of the corpse soul world.

Mu Feng’s current Reiatsu strength is indestructible, and Observation Haki has added a trace of original level will. Except for the strong at the same level, no one else can detect Observation Haki.

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, the strongest in the corpse soul world, is just an infinite powerhouse. It is impossible to perceive Observation Haki until the immortal level, which means that Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni cannot perceive Observation Haki either.

Even Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni was unaware of the existence of the invisible empire, and it was even less likely that other people in the corpse world would have noticed Observation Haki.

In fact, at the time when his strength was restored, Mu Feng once used Observation Haki, and no one in the entire corpse soul world could detect it.

Since then, Mu Feng has been somewhat unscrupulous when performing Observation Haki.

No one can find Observation Haki, and Observation Haki can cover more than half of the Soul World, which means that the entire Soul World is under Mu Feng’s surveillance. As long as Mu Feng thinks, no one can escape his detection. However, Mu Feng has no interest in peeping at others and does not often use Observation Haki.

After regaining his strength, Mu Feng discovered the invisible empire hidden in the shadow of the Soul Soul World, which was hidden in the shadow of the Soul Soul World for the first time.

It is precisely because of perceiving the invisible empire that Mu Feng wants to go to the invisible empire and seize the power of Habach.

Unfolding Observation Haki, locking in the invisible empire, Mu Feng’s figure suddenly flashed, and the whole body disappeared in place.

When Mu Feng reappeared, his figure had already appeared in a space.

At this time, a rather empty space, the space is characterized by white, with a large number of white houses distributed all over the body. In the center of the space, stands a huge ice palace.

“Queensman’s methods are really amazing. Under Shinigami’s nose, in the shadow of the building of Jinglingjing, such a vast space has been constructed…”

Looking across the entire invisible empire, Mu Feng couldn’t help but exclaimed.

The Quincy’s methods are indeed amazing enough. In the shadow of the building of Jing Lingting, Lingzi builds a huge space and then hides in it.

This method can only be done by the Quincy.

He has survived under his enemy’s eyelids for nearly a thousand years, and has not been discovered by the opponent at all, and only the Quincy can do it.

Withdrawing his gaze, he spotted the Ice Palace in the center of the space, and Mu Feng took his time to fly towards the Ice Palace. The ancestor of the Quincy, the emperor friend of the invisible empire, Habach, should have fallen asleep in the ice palace in the center of the space.

Mu Feng did not deliberately hide his figure during the flight to the Ice Palace. Ever since, it was naturally discovered.

The invisible empire was built in the shadow of the Jingling Court, which is equivalent to being under the eyes of the 13th Division of the Guardian. Although the high-levels of the invisible empire are very confident in the invisible empire that they have created and hidden in the shadows, they still have to be prepared.

Around the invisible empire in the center of the invisible empire, there are a large number of quintessential patrols every day, and Mu Feng was discovered by the patrolling personnel.

“Who?!” As soon as he approached the Ice Palace, Mu Feng asked for a while.

With the sound of this questioning, a small 4.8 team of quintessentially dressed in white quintessential outfits quickly rushed towards Mu Feng.

Before Mu Feng could speak, the quencher who rushed to see Mu Feng’s figure immediately exclaimed: “Your costume is a death tyrant, you are Shinigami?! No, the enemy attack, Enemy attack!”

While exclaiming, the quintessences who rushed over were all on guard. Nearly a thousand years have passed, and most Shinigami can’t remember the existence of the Quincy for a long time.

In the original plot, when the invisible empire invaded the soul world, many Shinigami did not recognize their identities.

The Quincy of the invisible empire is different. Although they live in the entire enclosed space of the invisible empire, every quince of the invisible empire knows Shinigami very well, Shinigami’s iconic death tyrant outfit. , They certainly recognize it. .

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