One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 330 Don’t hesitate, charge upward! (four thousand words)

"Everyone, it's time for us to fight back!"

When all the members gathered together, Wang Lufei also felt unprecedented confidence, then he looked up and said, "I can already feel where BIG·MOM is."

"I'm going to fight her off now!" Wang Lufei turned his head, looked at his friends, and said with a smile, "Can I leave this place to you?!"

"Of course, Captain!" Brooke said.

"Super, don't worry, leave it to us!" Franky said with a big smile, showing his signature pose.

"It's just some minions, nothing to worry about! X3" The timid trio were confidently hiding behind Sanji and Zoro at this time and said confidently.

"Originally, I wanted to try cutting down the [Yonko], but if you say so, captain, there is no other way." Zoro pulled out his sword and said with a smile.

"I will kick the 'General' away this time!" Sanji looked forward and said firmly.

"Although I don't want to break your morale, there is something I must tell you." Robin suddenly spoke, and then said to Nami: "Nami, set up mirages around us first, I have important things to do. I have to tell you first."

"Uh...oh." Nami was stunned for a moment when she heard this. Then she followed Robin's words and took out her weapon 'Magic Weather Stick' and waved it around, spraying out hot and cold bubbles. Bubble.

"Cloudy weather, flowers in the mist!"

As Nami waved her hand, the cannons ejected from the magic weather stick exploded, and the released hot air and cold air collided together, forming a thick fog around them that could deceive the enemy, hiding the figures of their group.

"Okay, Robin." Nami took back the magic weather stick, then looked at Robin and asked, "Do you have anything important to tell us?"

Robin nodded, then looked at Wang Luffy and said, "Luffy, don't rush to challenge Big Mom, we might be in big trouble." Then, Robin told Brook the news he heard from Big Mom. Wang Lufei and others.

"What are you talking about? Big Mom has already formed an alliance with Kaido?! X2"

Nami and Sanji, who didn't know about this yet, were shocked beyond measure when they heard Robin's words.

"By the way, we actually forgot about this!" After Robin's physical reminder, he also remembered this 'bad news' and said to Wang Lufei: "Luffy, let's escape."

"That's right, let's run away! X2" Nami and Chopper said to Wang Lufei with tears streaming down their faces.

"Indeed, if the two [Four Emperors] form an alliance, no one in this world should be able to fight against them." Robin also said with a solemn face: "I'm afraid even Ace doesn't know about this. So I think it would be the best plan for us to retreat now.”

"It doesn't matter how many [Yonkos] there are, as long as I'm here, I will definitely protect you, Nami-san, Robin-chan!~" Sanji turned his head and said to Robin and Nami.

"No!" Wang Lufei directly rejected his companions' proposal without looking back.

"Luffy, Miss Robin is right. Now is not the time to be willful. If two [Yonkos] join forces, even the Navy Headquarters will tremble with fear. That is not a force we can fight against now. "Sanji looked at Wang Lufei and said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Yes!" Nami and Usopp nodded wildly, and the latter said: "We are just retreating temporarily. After we go back, we will discuss it with Ace and the others to formulate a new plan, and then we will fight back." Too late."

"I said... no!" Wang Lufei refused again, then turned to look at his friends and said firmly: "It took a lot of effort to get here, but I haven't fought against the [Four Emperors] yet, and I haven't even seen each other in person. See, I don’t want to run away in despair like this.”

"Besides, I believe Ace, he will definitely come!" Wang Lufei said with certainty.

"Bulu Bulu~Buru Bulu~"

Nami wanted to persuade her again, but suddenly, the phone bug on her body rang. She took out the ringing phone bug and took a look at it, then looked at everyone and said, "It's Ace's phone." After that, Nami said, Mei answered the phone directly.

"Moxi Moxi, this is Nami, is it Ace-kun?"

"I'm Ace." After the phone was connected, Ace's voice rang out, "Miss Nami, is Luffy with you? I have something important to tell him."

"Yes." Nami glanced at everyone, then nodded: "Everyone is here."

"Very good, listen, my plan has made a major mistake. The Beast Pirates may have united with the Big Mom Pirates, and Kaido has led the entire Beast Pirates to your side. went."

"But don't worry, I have led everyone to catch up as fast as possible, although I don't know if I can catch up... No, we will definitely catch up."

"So, you must hold on until we arrive!"

"Are you guys already rushing over? That's great!" Hearing Ace's words, Nami breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "But your place is far away from here, can you catch up?"

"Don't worry, we have a secret weapon and we will be able to get there soon. We may arrive before the Beast Pirates," Ace said with certainty.

"Huh, that's great." After hearing Ace's affirmative answer, Nami finally felt relieved, but when she was about to speak again, Luffy snatched the phone bug away from her hand.

"Ace!" Wang Lufei said loudly to the phone bug: "I am already preparing to fly Big Mom. If Kaido arrives before you, I will fly him too, and I won't wait for you. ah!"

"Hahahaha, you guy, I won't let you get ahead of me!" Ace laughed, and then said in a deep voice: "I'll be there soon, wait for me, Luffy!"

"No, just a little bit!~" After Wang Lufei finished speaking, he made a face at the phone bug, then he grasped the phone with his palm and crushed the phone directly.

"Ah, Luffy!~" Nami quickly grabbed the microphone that was crushed by Wang Lufei. After realizing that it was hopeless, she yelled at Wang Lufei: "You guy, why did you break the phone bug so that we can There is no way to contact Ace."

"No need to contact us anymore!" Wang Lufei looked forward, then squeezed his palms and said in a deep voice: "Next, we just need to make a big fuss without restraint."

"That's right. Since Ace said they will be here soon, they will definitely not be late." Sanji lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth and took a heavy sip, and said, "If you don't have any worries, our But you can make a big fuss without restraint!"

"Oh, hehe, me too, I suddenly feel motivated." Brooke said with a smile.

"Then, my secret weapon can finally show off its super skills." Franky said loudly, putting on his signature pose.

"That's right, let's let the Big Mom Pirates see our strength next!" Usopp put on his goggles and said with high morale.

"Yes, let them see how powerful we are! X2" Nami and Chopper said at the same time.

"You two, can you stop hiding behind me when you say this?" Zoro yelled at Nami and Chopper who used him as a shield, then he held the knife and said expectantly: " I really hope Kaido can come soon, so I can try what it feels like to kill the [Yonko]!"

"Haha, everyone is very motivated." Seeing the high morale of his friends, Robin said with a smile.

"Then!" Wang Lufei raised his head again and said, "Everyone, I'm going to rush up there and fight off Big Mom. I'll leave this place to you!"

"Oh, don't worry, leave it to us! X8"

At this time, the 'smoke and mirrors' set by Nami dissipated, and all members of the Straw Hats got into position and stood in front of Wang Lufei, preparing to stop all enemies for him.


"The Straw Hats' invisibility magic has disappeared, catch them quickly!"

The Straw Hats appeared again, and the Big Mom Pirates immediately became excited and rushed toward them.

"Must kill·exploding cactus!"

Usopp fired a bullet seed. The moment the bullet seed hit the enemy, a large number of thorns were shot out from the bullet, repelling Charlotte Duckworth, the 'Jam Minister' of the Big Mom Pirates. .

"Antlers strengthened!"

Chopper activated his abilities and transformed his lower body into beast-like hind legs, his upper body with huge human hands, hard back hair, and especially the huge pair of antlers on his head that were very eye-catching. He jumped up and took Big Mom's first On the 19th, 'Clerical Officer' Charlotte Mondor was knocked out.

"Thirty-round Flower·Gliding!"

Nicole Robin activated her ability on Charlotte Compert, the 'Fruit Minister' of the Big Mom Pirates, causing 30 arms to instantly grow on her body. After connecting at a high place, she grabbed her feet and gave her a hard blow. He threw her away and threw her far away.

"Franky Cannon!"

Franky's eyes flashed, and a gun stretched out from his shoulder and fired randomly, blasting away the three brothers Charlotte Conte, Charlotte Kadenz and Charlotte Cavalette at the same time.

"While we are here, don't even think about disturbing our captain!"

After showing off their skills, the four of them looked at the leaders of the Big Mom Pirates around them proudly and said in unison.

"Please, everyone!" Wang Lufei looked at the backs of his friends in front of him, with a sincere smile on his face, then turned and ran towards the stairs.

"Sticky syrup!" Charlotte Perospero stood in front of Wang Lufei, swung her cane, and sprayed a large amount of syrup at Wang Lufei.

"Devil's Wind Kicks·Highest Grade Minced Meat!"

Sanji jumped up, and before the syrup spilled by Charlotte Perospero fell, he kicked with both feet continuously at super high speed, releasing scorching red flames, blocking all the syrup in mid-air. down.

"Thanks, Sanji!"

Wang Lufei waved his hand to Sanji above his head, and then continued to move forward.

"Don't even think about it!" Charlotte Perospero also wanted to stop Wang Lufei, but was kicked away by Sanji who was swooping down.

"Don't get in the way of our captain, you disgusting bastard!"

"Straw Hat!"

"Go to hell!"

At this time, two figures attacked Wang Luffy from both sides at the same time. They were Baron Eggman and Charlotte Armand, the ‘Nut Minister’ of the Big Mom Pirates.

"Revolutionary Dance·Assault!"

"One Sword Style·Three Hundred and Sixty Worrying Winds!"

Sauron and Brooke appeared on both sides of Wang Luffy at the same time, stopping Baron Eggman and Charlotte Armand.

"Hohohoho, miss, please don't hinder our captain, let us continue the battle just now!" Brooke smiled at Charlotte Armand, and then stabbed her rapidly with the thin sword in his hand. , forcing her to keep retreating.

"'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro!"

Dandan looked at Sauron who was standing in front of him, his face full of solemnity. After all, the man in front of him had defeated 'General' Kricker not long ago.

"Oh, do you know me?" Sauron looked at Dandan, slowly pulled out the second knife, and said with a smile, "But it's a pity, I don't know you."

"Although I don't want to kill you, but I can't let you hinder Luffy!" Zoro smiled, then held the knife in both hands and rushed towards Dandan.

"Straw Hat, don't even try to pass us! X5"

When Wang Lufei rushed to the third floor, five identical young men with huge scythes in their hands stepped on the moon steps and swooped down from the sky towards him at the same time.


Just as the five people were swooping down towards Wang Lufei, a series of bubbles wrapped in dark clouds suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their way.


One of the quintuplets accidentally popped a bubble. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed out from the dark clouds in the broken bubble and hit him accurately.

"Brother Niuichi! X4" The other four people saw this and exclaimed at the same time.

"I'm fine!" Charlotte Newidge, who was all charred, looked down angrily. Seeing that the magic weather wand in Nami's hand was still releasing the balloons, she said angrily: "'Little Thieving Cat' 'Nami, go to hell!"

Charlotte Newidge waved the scythe in her hand and swooped down at Nami below.

"Everyone, look up there." Nami slowly turned the magic weather wand in her hand and pointed it at the sky.

The quintuplets subconsciously looked up and found that a large thick dark cloud had gathered above their heads.

"It's thundercloud weather now, be careful of thunder!" Nami said, swiping down the magic weather stick in her hand, and the wisps of lightning echoed with the thunderclouds in the sky. Suddenly, dazzling lightning flashed, and a large piece of thunder and lightning came from The thundercloud struck down and landed accurately on the quintuplets.

"Done!" Nami looked at the charred quintuplets falling from the air, then winked at Wang Luffy playfully and said, "Luffy, don't hesitate, just charge up."

"Haha, everyone has become stronger." Wang Lufei glanced at Nami, and then looked at his friends below who were fighting fiercely with the enemy. His eyes suddenly condensed, and he looked at the roof in front of him, then threw his hands and grabbed He clung to the railing above, then suddenly launched himself towards the roof, and then broke through the roof.

"BIG·MOM, I'm here to beat you up!"

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