One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 329 The counterattack begins (4,000 words)

"BIG·MOM, where are you? I'm here to beat you up!"

Wang Lufei, who burst out of the mirror, instantly surpassed Zoro with his gorgeous appearance and attracted everyone's attention. At the same time, his declaration of appearance instantly spread throughout the Cake Castle, including Xia who was enjoying the wedding cake on the roof of the Cake Castle. Lott Lingling also heard his voice clearly.


Seeing Wang Lufei jumping out of the mirror, everyone in the Straw Hats was stunned for a moment, and then all showed expressions of surprise.

First, Sanji and Nami suddenly appeared, and then Zoro and Luffy appeared one after another. At this time, the group of them finally gathered together again.

On the Big Mom Pirates side, seeing Wang Lufei appear, there was another commotion, because they all knew that this guy had been fighting Katakuri before.

"It's Straw Hat. Isn't he fighting Katakuri-nii?"

"He also appeared here. Could it be said that Katakuri brother also..."

"Don't be stupid, brother Katakuri is invincible, he will never be defeated by anyone!"

"Look, Bray is in their hands. That guy must have caught Bray and threatened Katakuri-san before escaping!"

"Yes, that's absolutely the case. How could a brat like him be a match for Katakuri-chan? That brat definitely used despicable means to escape from Katakuri-brother!"

"No!" At this time, Charlotte Bray, who was being carried on the shoulders by Pokomus, suddenly spoke and said loudly: "Straw Hat Luffy, didn't he sneak out while Katakuri-san wasn't paying attention? , and did not use forced methods."

"It's our brother, the perfect, powerful, and number one Katakuri brother in the world, who lost to the Straw Hat boy!"

Although she didn’t know why Katakuri asked her to say this, Charlotte Bray still followed Katakuri’s instructions to her and said what Katakuri asked her to say in front of her brothers and sisters. These words.


"How can it be!"

"Brother Katakuri, you lost to such a brat!"

"This is impossible!!~~~~"

After hearing Charlotte Bray's words, everyone in the Big Mom Pirates showed expressions of disbelief.

Even Charlotte Lingling, who was enjoying the wedding cake on the roof of the Cake Castle, was surprised when she heard Charlotte Bray's words.

"How could it be possible that such a powerful Katakuri-san was defeated by Straw Hat Luffy!" Next to Charlotte Lingling, Charlotte Brynn, who was wearing a wedding dress, also covered her mouth when she heard the words coming from below. exclaimed in shock.

"Has even Katakuri been defeated?" Charlotte Lingling glanced down with a gloomy face, and then immediately returned to normal. She ate the wedding cake and said, "How could Katakuri be defeated?" Kuri, that kid is quite capable."

"Mom, Brother Cracker and Brother Katakuri have been defeated. Is it really okay to continue to let those people go like this?" Charlotte Brynn asked with a worried look.

"This is not something you should worry about." Charlotte Lingling glanced at her and said, "What you have to do now is to master your power as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Hearing this, Charlotte Brynn raised her hand to lift up the bangs on her forehead, revealing the third eye on her forehead, and said, "Mom, I can feel that the bloodline of the Three-Eyed Clan is gradually changing. After awakening, it won’t take long for me to master this power.”

"Very good. I can't trust what I read from other people's mouths. If you can completely master this power, then the world's most powerful [ancient weapon] will be in our possession soon." Xia Luo Te Lingling glanced down and said: "As for those guys, let them make trouble. It won't take long before all they are left with is despair!"

"What's the situation outside?" Charlotte Lingling suddenly asked Charlotte Brynn.

"I'll ask right away!" Upon hearing this, Charlotte Brynn immediately took out the phone bug and started to contact the situation in the waters of the world.

"An hour ago, the combined forces of [Shichibukai] 'Monk' Ulki and Elbaf invaded our territory from the front. Now they have conquered three islands. They are now being attacked by Sister Smoothie on Cocoa Island. Brother Dafu and Brother Owen stopped them, and the two sides were fighting fiercely." Charlotte Brynn reported to Charlotte Linglinghui.

"Elbaf..." After hearing Charlotte Breen's report, Charlotte Lingling stopped eating and said with a gloomy look: "Tell Smooji and the others that they don't have to fight with those guys and let go. They just come here.”

"Eh?" Hearing Charlotte Lingling's words, Charlotte Brynn was stunned for a moment, and then said immediately: "Okay, I will contact Sister Smoothie and the others right away."

Although she did not understand Charlotte Lingling's intention of deliberately letting the enemy in, Charlotte Brynn immediately conveyed Charlotte Lingling's order to the coalition forces who were resisting Urki and Elbaf on Cocoa Island. Smoothie et al.

"The order has been conveyed to Sister Smoothie and the others." After conveying Charlotte Lingling's order, Charlotte Brynn reported to Charlotte Lingling again: "Mom, Sister Praline Not long ago, it was discovered that the former Shichibukai's 'Sea Knight' Jinbei and the Taiyo Tai Bandits quietly sneaked into the waters of our territory from the bottom of the sea. The purpose was unknown, but Sister Praline judged that their purpose should be that they came with bad intentions. Sister Pralinene asks you if you want to attack them?”

Due to the changes in the outcome of the [War on Top], the Whitebeard Pirates have not disbanded, so Fish-Man Island is still under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates. This also resulted in Jinbei not using BIG as in the original plot. To protect Fish-Man Island with the flag of the MOM Pirates, the Sun Pirates naturally do not need to join the Big Mom Pirates.

Therefore, the vice-captain of the Sun Pirates did not marry Big Mom's daughter Charlotte Plalinee.

"Jinbei, the Sun Pirates... Well, well, there are really unexpected guys showing up one after another!" Charlotte Lingling sneered and said: "No need to attack, let them all come over, No matter who they are, let me let them come over."

"I want to see if someone else will appear suddenly!" Charlotte Lingling said coldly.

"Yes...yes!" Upon hearing this, Charlotte Brynn immediately conveyed the order according to Charlotte Lingling's instructions.

In the Sea of ​​All Nations, Cocoa Island.

After the pirate legion led by Ulki and Crocodile and Elbaf's giant legion invaded the territory of the Big Mom Pirates, they quickly attacked the three islands with thunderous momentum.

However, just as they were charging towards Cake Island, the core of the Big Mom Pirates, they encountered an army of pirates led by Charlotte Smoothie, the 'General' of the Big Mom Pirates. , and then the two sides started a fierce battle.

Then, not long after the two sides fought, Charlotte Smoothie and others suddenly gave up their resistance and retreated towards Cake Island.

This situation made Urki and the others as well as the giants of Elbaf stunned. They subconsciously thought that this was a conspiracy of the Big Mom Pirates, and then they gathered together to discuss the next move. .

"Sir Odin, I have just confirmed that the sudden retreat of the Big Mom Pirates was not a conspiracy, but because someone had broken into their territory and made a big fuss there. They I had to withdraw as a last resort." Urki looked at Odin sitting opposite him and said with a smile.

"Oh? Someone can break into that old witch's territory. This is really a big help, hahahaha." Hearing Ulki's information, Odin laughed loudly, and then asked: "Break into the old witch's territory." Who is in the witch's territory? Does it have anything to do with us?"

"They are a group of newcomers called the [Straw Hat Pirates]. Although they have nothing to do with us, 'the enemy of our enemy is our friend'. As long as their goal is the same as ours, which is to defeat the Big Mom Pirates, then they are allies! " Urki said.

Although Urgi has already formed an alliance with the Giants, the Giants don’t know anything about Urgi’s relationship with Ace, so they won’t know about Urgi’s alliance with the Straw Hat Pirates. Speaking of which, , these giants are actually just a bunch of tool men in Ace's plan, sad.

"That's true, but it's just a group of rookie pirates who can actually make the Big Mom Pirates' army return to defense. Could this be a trap?" Odin said with some worry.

"Your Excellency Odin, although that group of pirates are newcomers, their strength is extraordinary." Urki stood up and said: "According to the information I received, they seem to have defeated the big bosses of the Big Mom Pirates one after another. The signatures are Charlotte Katakuri and Charlotte Cracker from the 'Three Dessert Stars'. It is precisely because of this that Charlotte Smoothie and the others had to give up resisting us and return. Come to BIG·MOM’s side.”

"Oh, he actually defeated Katakuri and Cracker. That's really incredible." Hearing Urki's words, Odin also exclaimed, and at the same time he understood why Charlotte Smoothie and others did this. Suddenly he gave up resisting them and suddenly turned around and went back.

"By the way, two years ago, the guy next to me was also defeated by a group of new pirates called the [Straw Hat Pirates]." Urqui suddenly looked at Crocodile next to him with a look on his face. Said with a smile.

"Hey!~" Hearing Ulki's words, Crocodile sitting aside turned his head disdainfully, but did not deny it.

"So, Lord Odin, without further ado, let's attack while the Big Mom Pirates are back on defense!" Urki looked at Odin and said in a deep voice: "Let's attack BIG in one go. ·The hinterland of the MOM Pirates, and then take down BIG·MOM’s head!”

"Okay!" Odin stood up excitedly after hearing Urki's words, then raised the giant ax in his hand, turned to the giant army behind him and shouted loudly: "Compatriots, follow me to attack and take down the BIG ·MOM’s head!”

"Oh! Oh! Oh!~~"

Under the thunderous roars of the giants, the alliance army continued to advance, heading toward Cake Island, the core of the Big Mom Pirates, with high morale.

"You kid, are you hiding something from me?"

On the ship of the Broken Monk Pirates, Crocodile suddenly asked Urki after Odin left.

"You also know the information from Straw Hat. What I said is all true. Why do you think so?" Ulki looked at Crocodile and asked.

Regarding the alliance between the Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates, Ace has told Urki, but Urki has not told Crocodile.

Although the chance was very small, Urki was afraid that this guy would be frightened and run away if he knew the truth about the two [Four Emperors] they were about to face, so Urki chose to hide the news from him.

"I always feel something is wrong. I feel like you are hiding something from me..." Crocodile frowned and stared at Urki for a while, then waved his hand and turned around: "Forget it, it's already reached this point. , even if there is any accident, I have no way out."

"This guy is really keen..." After Crocodile left, Urqui wiped the sweat from his forehead, then came to the bow of the ship and directed the pirate group's attack.

The sea of ​​all nations, somewhere under the sea.

"Brother Jinbei, we seem to have been discovered." Aladdin looked at the sea slugs around him, then turned to look at Jinbei who was at the helm, and said in a deep voice.

"We're already here, it doesn't matter if we notice or not." Jinbei looked ahead and said firmly.

"That's right." Aladdin nodded and said, "Even if we go back now, we probably won't be able to stay out of it."

"Aladdin!" Jinbe looked at Aladdin and said in a deep voice: "If you regret it, you can take your brothers back and come here to help Luffy. It was my decision alone."

"You guy, what are you talking about?" Aladdin looked at Jinbei with a firm smile on his face, then pointed behind Jinbei and said: "Look behind you, if you ask them to go back now, even if you are the captain , I’m afraid I won’t even be able to be brothers anymore.”

When Jinbe heard this, he turned around and saw his companions standing behind him with firm eyes. He also laughed and said, "Hahahaha, I'm sorry, everyone, I made a mistake."

Hearing Jinbei's apology, all the members of the Sun Pirates on the ship showed cheerful smiles on their tense faces.

"Haha, it's okay, Boss Jinbei."

"But if you say such things again, even if you are the captain, we will never forgive you again, hehehehe!~"

Cake Island, in Cake Castle.

After Wang Lufei appeared, all the members of the Straw Hats gathered behind him, including Pocket Mousse, who was carrying Charlotte Bray.

Wang Lufei turned his eyes slightly, scanning the surrounding members of the Big Mom Pirates, then raised his hands, bumped his fists, and said with a smile: "Everyone, it's time for us to fight back!"

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