One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 122 Thread and Flame - Collision of White (Please subscribe)

"Let you see the real power of this sea!" Doflamingo opened his arms and said loudly.

Boom boom! ! ~~~

The ground under Ace's feet suddenly moved violently, and then the entire ground turned into white threads.

"The ground has turned into a line!" Feeling the fluctuation under his feet, Ace was shocked, knowing that this was Doflamingo's ability to use a higher level of Devil Fruit to 'awaken'.

When an esper develops his or her Devil Fruit ability to the extreme, it will reach a higher level of Devil Fruit ability. That level of ability is called awakening.

Once a person with abilities reaches the state of 'awakening', they can have their abilities affect things other than themselves. Under this influence, even superhuman abilities can release effects comparable to those of natural abilities.

If the pinnacle of a physical master is the strength of his domineering energy, then the pinnacle of an esper is whether he or she is awakened. For the same superhuman type, those who have awakened the ability of the Devil Fruit and those who have not awakened their abilities are completely different concepts.

Doflamingo is one of the few esper in the sea who has developed his abilities to the awakening state. With his abilities awakened, he is indeed qualified to say that he has mastered the truly powerful power in this sea.

"The wild waves and the white line!"

Under Doflamingo's control, countless thin white threads formed a wave of waves at Ace's feet, directly rolling up Ace's entire body.

"Kid, let me tell you, the ability of Devil Fruit can reach a higher level, and that is the power called 'awakening'."

"Don't think that only nature-type ability users can change the surrounding environment and terrain. Superman-type abilities that have mastered the 'awakening' realm can also do the same, or even do it more exaggeratedly."

"Feel the terror of this power, fuhahahahaha." Doflamingo laughed, and then moved his fingers to control the wave of white lines to slowly tighten.

These white threads are not only extremely tough, but even if they are not wrapped with armed Haki, they can accurately capture Ace's entity, preventing him from elementalizing, and then begin to twist, trying to crush Ace trapped in the wave of white threads.

Ace, who was entangled in countless white threads, struggled for a while and found that he could not break free from these white threads. However, he did not panic. Instead, he praised: "The 'awakening' of the Devil Fruit's ability is indeed extraordinary!"

"However, my abilities are no longer ordinary Devil Fruit abilities!"

In the wave of white lines, there were flames burning in Ace's pupils, and then his body temperature began to rise, and dazzling light continued to seep out from the surface of his body. At this time, Ace's whole body seemed like a star about to explode. Like a bomb.

"Explosive flames!"

boom! ~~

The hot flames erupted in the wave of white lines. The impact of the flame explosion exploded the white lines, and then the ultra-high temperature directly vaporized those white lines instantly and disappeared without a trace.

In the sky, Ace's figure gradually appeared bathed in flames. He looked down at Doflamingo below and said: "The awakening of superhuman abilities is indeed very powerful, but you have overlooked one point. If it is just a competition between abilities. , the natural system is the strongest!"

"Hahahahaha, you are such an arrogant brat." Doflamingo laughed, and then said loudly: "Then let's try it, which one is more powerful is my Devil Fruit awakening, or is your natural ability stronger? .”

"Big wave and white line!"

Doflamingo activated his ability and turned everything around him into thin white lines. These white lines gathered together and swept towards Ace like a huge wave.

"White!" Ace looked at the sweeping white wave, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then white flames ignited in his pupils, and white flames burned everywhere on his body.

"Pure Flame·Fire Fist!"

With one punch, white flames erupted from Ace's fist. The hot temperature melted a large piece of it before it even touched the wave formed by the thin white lines, and then continued to attack the people below with unabated force. Doflamingo roared away.

"Hey, what kind of flame is this? It's actually white, and the temperature is too high!" Doflamingo looked at the white fire fist falling from the sky, and the terrifying temperature that hit his face made his face twitch slightly. A few times.

"Shield White Line!"

Doflamingo waved his hands, and the surrounding ground and buildings turned into huge white thread pillars, forming a shield in front of him under his control.

Boom! ! ~

The white fire fist struck the line shield, and the powerful force caused the entire ground in King's Heights to shake violently. The impact of the fire fist could not shake Doflamingo's line shield, but the terrifying temperature of the white flame burned quickly. After passing through the thread shield, the remaining flames rained down on Doflamingo's body.

Doflamingo released his armed domineering energy and wrapped it around his hand, catching a falling white flame. His eyes flashed under his sunglasses, and then he looked up at Ace hovering in mid-air, his face gradually becoming serious.

If it weren't for the terrifying residual warmth still lingering in the air, he would have even thought that he was hallucinating just now. He didn't remember that the ability of Burning Fruit could also release such white flames with terrifying temperatures.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, but it seems that this kid has developed incredible abilities with the Shaoshao Fruit." Doflamingo laughed and then stomped his feet. Then the ground under his feet and the surrounding buildings all changed. became a line.

"Umihara Shirami!"

At this moment, the entire ground seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​white lines. The turbulent waves formed by countless rolling white lines rolled up high, rolling like a raging wave to a height of tens of meters, at a super fast speed. Ace was directly sucked into the sea of ​​​​threads in mid-air.

"Pure Flame·Fire Pillar!"

boom! ~

A pillar of boiling white fire broke through the wave of white lines, fell heavily to the ground, burned through the ocean of white lines, and then slowly dissipated, revealing Ace's figure.

Ace looked at Doflamingo, who had a sneer on his lips, which made Ace's heart tremble.

"Feather attack line!"

Doflamingo waved his hand, and a spike composed of sharp white lines quickly struck from Ace's back. Ace ignited his pure flames to resist, but the armed domineering energy wrapped around the feather line actually withstood it. The high temperature of the pure flames then penetrated the flames and pierced Ace's body.


Ace turned sideways, and although he avoided the thrust of the feather strike line, a wound of more than ten centimeters was still made on his shoulder.

"Sure enough, although the temperature of this flame is terrifyingly high, it cannot break through my armed Haki." Doflamingo saw the wound on Ace's shoulder, and the corner of his mouth raised a cruel arc.

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