One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 121 Fierce Fight (Please subscribe, please vote)

"Then go to hell, you brat!" Doflamingo bent his palms into claws, released five-colored threads from his fingertips, wrapped them with armed-color Haki, and then fiercely grabbed Ace.

The proposal of alliance was rejected by Ace. At this time, Doflamingo was completely murderous and his attacks became extremely ruthless.


Ace released his armed Haki, wrapped it around his arms, and fought Doflamingo. The aftermath of the powerful collision was like an electric current.

"Foot shave line!"

Doflamingo kicked Ace. In addition to this powerful kick, eight almost transparent thin threads were released from his feet. The sharp thin threads were superimposed with the powerful kick, making the Doflamingo's kick has attack power similar to a slash.


Ace released his armed Haki and met Doflamingo's kick with a punch. The armed Haki on Ace's fist collided with the armed Haki wrapped around Doflamingo's feet, making a harsh sound. The sound of metal friction.

Bang bang bang! ! ~~

The two exchanged a few blows, then retreated at the same time.

"Lower the rogue line!"

Doflamingo bent his palm and released five transparent silk threads from his fingertips. The thin threads were extremely sharp. After being entangled with the armed domineering force, the hardness was comparable to steel. Under Doflamingo's control, it was like a number. The blades were swung down at Ace's body at the same time.

In front of a master like Doflamingo who has mastered the three-color Haki, the natural physique seems to have completely lost its effect. Ace can only resist with the armed Haki, but he is forced to do so under Doflamingo's fierce attack. Back step by step.

Doflamingo punched Ace in the head. Ace dodged sideways. After Doflamingo's punch missed, it opened behind Ace.

"Cobweb wall!"

Doflamingo released countless transparent threads from his palm, forming a huge spider web behind Ace, directly blocking Ace's escape route. Then he raised his right leg high and pointed it towards Ace's body from bottom to top. Kick to the chin.

Ace leaned back and avoided Doflamingo's kick. When his back hit the spider web line, a burst of sparks flew out.

Ace glanced back, secretly surprised at the tenacity and sharpness of those spider web lines. If he hadn't released the armed domineering energy on his back beforehand, he might have been torn apart by the sharp spider web threads.

"Hahahaha, kid, you have no way out!" Doflamingo laughed, and suddenly released several sharp threads from his feet, slashing across Ace's neck.

Doflamingo clearly knew how difficult Ace's Burning Fruit ability was, but the common shortcoming of natural ability users was physical skills, so he directly used close combat to attack from the beginning, just to avoid being hurt. Ace has room to use the fruit's abilities.

Ace raised his right hand, condensed the armed haki in his palm, and then faced Doflamingo.

"Armed Air God Strike!"


The armed domineering energy condensed in the palm of his hand was released, and an invisible impact hit Doflamingo's chest, knocking him back several meters, and two deep ravines were plowed under his feet.

"Highly armed and domineering!"

Doflamingo's face was gloomy after being repulsed, and then he rushed out with a single step. He was in front of Ace in an instant, crossed his hands and drew, and the sharp five-color threads of his hands wiped out a burst of sparks on Ace's body, and then with a The foot kicked Ace to the spider web line behind him.

"fire punch!"

Ace raised his arm and was about to release his fire fist, but Doflamingo grabbed his wrist and interrupted the attack. Ace immediately attacked with his other hand, but Doflamingo blocked it again, and then two People are deadlocked.


At this time, Doflamingo suddenly raised his leg, stretched out a white thread from the storage pipe, formed a sharp wire saw, and sawed off Ace's right arm that was caught.

Kaka! ~~~

The wire saw with sharp teeth sawed on Ace's right arm, breaking through Ace's armed domineering force bit by bit, and cut into the flesh of his right arm.

Ace's eyes narrowed, flames rising in his eyes, then he took a deep breath, and his chest suddenly swelled.

"Dragon's Breath·Big Fire Breathing!"


Red flames spurted out from Ace's mouth, so powerful that the force of the jet directly pushed Doflamingo more than ten meters away. The scorching temperature even singed most of his hair and eyebrows, and the fire on his body The flamingo's feathers were also burnt black by the high temperature.

Doflamingo seemed to care more about his flamingo feathers than his hair and eyebrows. He looked at the burnt feathers on his body, and the veins on his face suddenly popped out.

"You bastard brat!"

Doflamingo roared angrily, and released a large number of thin threads from the palms of his hands. These thin threads were tangled together under his control, and each became a thick thread.

This move is a weakened version of the Super-Strike Whip. Although the attack range is not as large as the Super-Strike Whip, its power is not much less, and it is more flexible and easier to control.

"More than the whip!"

Doflamingo swung his hands over the whip and swung it at Ace. The two sharp whips danced like a dragon and a snake, dancing so airtight that they directly enveloped Ace.

Ace's eyes were slightly focused, and there seemed to be light flashing in his eyes. This was a sign that he was exerting his domineering power to the extreme.

As Ace released his extreme domineering power, everything around him seemed to slow down, and the trajectory of Doflamingo's whip-whip dance was clearly reflected in his eyes.

"Very good, you can see it!" A smile appeared on Ace's face, and then under Doflamingo's surprised gaze, he began to twist his body, using various incredible postures to perfectly avoid Doflamingo's attack. He crossed the whip, moved sideways in front of Doflamingo, and then hit him in the face.


Ace's punch hit Doflamingo firmly in the face, sending him flying away and then hitting the wall of the palace heavily.

"Damn brat." Doflamingo stood up from the rubble, looked at Ace solemnly, and thought to himself: "Did that brat perfectly predict my movements with his knowledge and domineering power just now?"

"Fuhahahaha, whether it's the armed color, the sight color, or the overlord color that can affect real things, to be able to refine the three-color domineering to this level at such an age, you are indeed worthy of inheriting the blood of the Pirate King. Man, what a terrifying talent.”

"However, you are still too impatient. With your talent, if you can continue to grow, you will undoubtedly stand at the top of this ocean, but you are too impatient."

"Although your current strength is not weak, it is still far behind those monsters standing at the top. With you now, it is too early to stand on the world stage and compete with those monsters for the throne. .”

"Let me show you the true power of this sea!"

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