In the Chambordi Islands, after Luffy punched Draco, together with his own crew, he was sent to various places by the tyrant bear with the ability of the flesh ball fruit.

Among Luffy's crew are Nami and Robin, and Gojo is very unconvinced.

Why did neither of them join his pirate group when he invited it, but joined Luffy's pirate group, is this the charm of the child of luck in this world?

Luffy was bombarded and fell on Daughter's Island, and after being known by the female emperor Boya Hancock because of his punching of Draco, Hancock decided to help Luffy enter the Advance City to free Ace.

After Luffy enters the Advance City, he releases a series of pirates, such as Jinping the Sea Hero and Bucky the Clown.

By the way, there is also Klockdar, as for how Klockdar entered the city, of course, he was sent in by Luffy, the son of luck.

Gojo had long warned Klockdar not to underestimate the enemy, but he was sent here anyway.

On the day Klockdar was captured by the Navy, Gojo already knew.

After all, Dressrosa's intelligence system has been relatively perfect, and such a major event as the capture of Qiwu Hai by the navy was of course reported as soon as possible.

Knowing that Klockdar was captured, Gojo Gojo did not immediately go to the rescue, because if he attacked the advancing city at that time, it would be too high-profile, and if it attracted the attention and targeting of the navy, it might affect the progress of the top war.

If the war cannot be carried out, then Gojo's attack on the Holy Land of Mary Joa will have a lot of trouble.

With the participation of the Whitebeard Pirates, Dressrosa's attack on the Holy Land of Marie Joa will be much easier.

Although Luffy made a big fuss about advancing into the city, Ace had already been sent away and failed to rescue him.

Ace has been sent to the execution ground, Marin Fando.

At this moment, the entire Marin Fando was full of serious atmosphere, not a single naval soldier or officer had any unnecessary expressions, nor did they exchange heads and ears, and some only had a solemn face.

The 100,000 naval elites were all gathered in Marin Fandor, and there was not a single noisy sound, all of them were fully armed, holding weapons and staring ahead, not daring to relax at all.

This is a rare gathering in the history of the World Government's navy, and all this preparation is to meet the upcoming legendary pirate Whitebeard and his pirate group.

"Give me all focus!"

"The war has come, and the next thing we are going to face is a group of vicious pirates, so be vigilant for me!"

The Marshal of the Warring States spoke with a megaphone to the wide square, a hundred thousand navies.

Standing in front of the navy headquarters are His Majesty Seven Wuhai, the female emperor Boya Hancock, the tyrant bear, the world's number one sword hero Hawkeye Mihawk, and Moonlight Moria.

Although there are only four of the seven martial arts of His Majesty, each of them is a famous pirate on the sea.

Moonlight Moria let out a strange laugh and said:

"Four of His Majesty's Seven Martial Seas, the three admirals, the marshal, the naval hero Karp, and 100,000 naval elites, what a big formation!" If Whitebeard comes, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to go!

Moonlight Moriah's voice sounded harsh, but no one paid attention to him.

The female emperor is disdainful, Hawkeye is high and cold, and the tyrant bear is silent.

"If Whitebeard dies here, it should be very powerful to make his body into a zombie!"


no one paid attention to him, Moonlight Moria spoke to himself with great interest.

"The generals have also appeared!"

Under Ace's execution table, three chairs had been placed there early.

At this time, the red dog, yellow ape, and green pheasant appeared in front of the execution table one after another and sat down on the chair.

All three of them were dressed in the righteous robes of the navy, neatly cocked their feet, their expressions were serious, and their faces were invincible.

With the arrival of the three admirals, the 100,000 naval elites seemed to have the backbone.

The three major naval generals are the highest combat power of the naval headquarters.

With the three of them sitting in front of the execution table, all the navies suddenly felt at ease.

Time passed little by little, there was still no trace of the Whitebeard Pirates at sea, and the Navy had completely lost its monitoring of Whitebeard.

At this time, Fire Fist Ace was wearing handcuffs and leg irons and was escorted to the execution table by the navy.

Seeing Ace locked on the execution table, Sengoku picked up the megaphone again and said righteously:

"Fire Fist Ace! Report your father's name! "

The Navy is broadcasting live all over the world, and the Warring States are going to expose Ace's identity.

As the son of One Piece Roger, Ace has a bloodline relationship with him, and once Ace dies, it means the end of the final bloodline left by Roger.

In this way, the belief of the pirates is shaken, thereby greatly weakening the determination of the pirates to snatch the great secret treasure and compete for the position of the king of pirates.

Ace closed his eyes and said, "

My father is a whitebeard!"

"That's not right!"

"There's nothing wrong with that, my daddy is Whitebeard, no one else!"

Sengoku said sharply:

"Your mother is Portcas. D Lujiu, and your father is the world's largest criminal One Piece Gore D. Roger! The

shocking secret was told by the Warring States, and the audience suddenly fell silent, even the people in front of the live broadcast screen were stunned.

One Piece Gore · D. Roger still has blood left in the world!

The naval soldiers, officers, and Nanabukai present were shocked.

But the shock did not last long, and on the sea in front of Marin Fandor, the shadows of ships gradually appeared.

Slowly, these ship shadows showed their original face, they were pirate ships!

At a glance, there are about dozens of ships densely packed, but there is no main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Want to attack?"

"Wait a minute, Whitebeard hasn't shown up yet!"

The large fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates appeared, and the navy immediately became nervous, and the guns in their hands were loaded.

All navies are looking for the main ship of Whitebeard.

At this time, many bubbles gushed out from the sea in the harbor of Marin Fandor.

Under everyone's shocked expressions, the Moby Dick emerged from the sea.

"Step!" "Step!" "Step!"

Holding the white beard of Cong Yunche, he came to the front of the deck.

The upper body of the white beard is naked, although the strongest name is no longer there, but the oncoming power, no one dares to underestimate this man in front of him!

With the appearance of Whitebeard, the War on Top officially began!

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