A few days later, Gojo returned to Dressrosa with Ro.

According to the agreement, Doflamingo was handed over to Luo, and Luo killed Doflamingo, fulfilling his long-cherished wish for many years.

After returning to Dressrosa, Gojo received the good news that Fujitora had joined Dressrosa.

Upon hearing this news, Gojo Goku was also shocked.

It turned out that it was Dressrosa's intelligence officers who saw Fujitora in a casino and immediately reported to Dressrosa.

As soon as Kalifa received the return, she went with Sasuke, who used the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan to gamble with Fujitora.

Sasuke won, and as agreed in the bet, Fujitora joined Dressrosa.

Unexpectedly, after going out, there was an unexpected joy after returning, and Gojo immediately promoted Fujitora to the rank of general and took charge of the Fifth Fleet of the Dressrosa Navy.

In addition, the unrest in the Chambord Islands was reported by major newspapers.

Although the navy used a lot of force to block the news, it still had no effect, and there were too many people who witnessed the turmoil, and the fish and dragons were mixed, and it was impossible to completely control it.

The incident of Luffy punching Draco was also reported, and of course, the incident of Gojo Goku vs the Yellow Ape did not fall.

Gojo Gojo, one of the five emperors, suddenly appeared in the Chambordi Islands, blocking the general Yellow Ape for the supernovas, which shocked everyone.

Why did Gojo appear in the Chambord Islands?

Why did Gojo save Supernova?

Does anyone in the supernova have anything to do with Gojo?

For a time, it caused a heated discussion in the sea.

The events in the Chambord Islands have indeed attracted the attention of many people on the sea, but the biggest hot spot now is the execution of Ace and the upcoming war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy.

Ace's execution day is just a few days away, and all the forces on the sea are surging, and each major force intends to get a piece of this war.

Among them, Kaido was the most active, and the entire pirate group began to prepare for war, and wanted to take this opportunity to attack the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Of course, there are also many people who are worried about the Whitebeard Pirates, afraid that the Whitebeard Pirates will be destroyed.

They are under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates, and if the Whitebeard Pirates are eliminated, they will become the swords of other powerful pirates and let them be slaughtered.

The Navy also used the largest intelligence network, and various intelligence officers monitored the movements of major forces, especially paying special attention to the Five Emperors Pirates.

In addition, naval troops were frequently dispatched to gather at Marin Fandor, preparing for the arrival of the Whitebeard Pirates.

On the side of Dressrosa, Gojo also frequently dispatched troops and was ready to go out at any time.

Gojo also intends to play a kick in this war.

Dressrosa, there

were only a few people that Gojo trusted the most, Esders, Sasuke, Fujitora, Rebecca, Cyrus, King Riku, Kalifa, etc.

Corratt is not here, not because Gojo doesn't trust him, but he doesn't have any role here, and the less people know about what will happen next, the better.

Sitting at the front of the conference room, Gojo said

, "The Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy are about to go to war, and we can't be idle!"

Rebecca asked, "Will the Whitebeard Pirates really go to war with the Navy?"

"Yes, the reason why Whitebeard is supported by the crew is not only because of his strength, but more importantly, his love for the crew, in order to save Ace, he will definitely attack Marin Fando!"

Rebecca: "The Whitebeard Pirates will face off against the Navy headquarters, it will be a protracted battle!"

Estes couldn't wait to ask,

"So what are we going to do in this war?" Going to war?

Gojo: "We really want to go to war." Esders

: "Oh! It's so good, the vanguard will be handed over to me and my second fleet!

Fuji Hu: "Your Majesty, I don't know which side we want to help?" Gojo

Gojo: "This big battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy headquarters, I can go alone, you don't have to participate!"

"You go alone? Without an army? I thought that you have been frequently mobilizing the army recently, just to lead the army to battle. Esders

had some regrets that he could not lead troops to fight again this time.

Gojo realized: "Our army is indeed going to fight, but the target is not Marin Fandor, but the Holy Land of Marie Joa!" "


"Holy Land Mary Joa!?"

Except for Esders, Sasuke, and Fujitora, everyone present exclaimed.

The holy land of Mary Joa is the residence of the world's highest power "Five Old Stars", the seat of the world government, and the residence of the world's aristocratic Draco, where many high-end combat forces of the world government are gathered.

Gojo actually wants to attack Mary Joa!

They couldn't believe their ears!

"Your Majesty, why did you attack the Holy Land of Mary Joa?"

Although Fuji Hu did not exclaim, his heart was also full of shock, and he couldn't help but ask out loud.

"Draco is a cancer in this world, has no ability, but occupies a high position, enslaves the whole world, this kind of goods must be eradicated!"

"The Whitebeard Pirates attack the naval headquarters, a large part of the high-end combat power of the world government will be dragged in Marin Fandor, and now is the best opportunity to attack the Holy Land of Mary Joa!"

"Old man, joining Dressrosa, it is indeed the most correct choice, Your Majesty, what are your orders, although you open your mouth, the old man is obliged!"

Eradicating the cancer of the world of Draco is in line with Fujitora's justice, and Fujitora is very glad that he can join Dressrosa.

"Then I can go to war this time!"

Estes asked excitedly.

"Of course, you are still the main force! So next, I'll assign combat missions.

"I alone will go to the headquarters of the Navy to participate in the battle, although the Whitebeard Pirates are strong, they can't stop the many navy people."

"The Holy Land of Marie Joa is attacked, and the world government may abandon Marin Fandor and support the Holy Land Marie Joa, just in case I go to solve the navy that vainly tries to reinforce Mari Joa!"

"Esders, Sasuke, and Fujitora, the three of you lead the Second Fleet, Third Fleet, Fifth Fleet, and 40,000 Army of Dressrosa to attack the Holy Land of Marijoa! Esders as the commander-in-chief! "


Esders, Sasuke, and Fujitora all answered in unison.

"The rest of the people are guarding Dressrosa during our departure from Dressrosa, and everything is arranged by Kalifa!"


"Then help us win!"

Gojo stood up.


Everyone stood up and said.

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