''Four Emperors BIG· Is MOM as strong as this? It's so disappointing! "

Then it's my turn!"

Gojou, who walked out of the fire, calmly looked at BIG· MOM, Gojo raised his right index finger slightly.

Next moment!

The black ball flashing red light formed at the fingertips of Gojo Gojou, and the spell power continued to converge towards the black ball, exuding a palpitating power.

''Technique reversal Hyh! As

soon as the indifferent voice fell, a shockwave suddenly erupted from the fingertips of Gojo Gojou, directly towards BIG· MOM strikes.

In the face of Gojou's extremely fast attack, BIG· Although MOM sensed the trajectory of the attack with her domineering attitude, she was not a speed-type powerhouse and could not be easily avoided.

The pitch-black armed color domineering immediately covered the upper body, and her hands were crossed in front of her, as one of the four emperors of the sea, her armed color domineering strength was undoubted, coupled with her unique perverted physique, she actually blocked He's attack abruptly.

''Ahem! Cough! Cough! ''However

, apparently BIG· MOM also suffered a lot of internal injuries when he blocked the attack just now, although he did not cough up blood, but the sunken ground and the scratches on his feet were enough to prove the horror of the blow just now.

''It seems that your physique is really different.'' He actually took my attack head-on. '

'Gojo Gojo for BIG· It is not too surprising that MOM can take this move, her physique is recognized as powerful, coupled with the royal-level armed color domineering, the defense power can not be broken casually.

‘‘mama,mama! The person who can defeat the admiral is really not a wasted name! ’’

BIG· MOM lowered his hands crossed in front of him, cracked his palpitating mouth, and showed a cruel smile, and the next moment he rushed directly towards Gojo Gojo.

Although BIG· MOM is not a strong player of the speed type, but with the help of the bounce force of the ground, it directly bursts out with terrifying speed.

In the face of the BIG· MOM, Gojo Gojo did not mean to dodge, but clenched his fist with his right hand, the spell surged wildly, and the armed color domineering was also instantly covered, facing BIG· MOM punched out.

And the BIG· MOM also punched Gojo Gojo at this time.

''Boom! The

moment the two fists collided, a terrifying invisible shockwave, with Gojo Goku and BIG· The MOM center spreads out to all around, and in an instant it fills the palace.

Under this terrifying impact, the entire palace was shattered like a mirror in an instant.

This is not only a competition of armed color domineering and strength, but also a collision of overlord color domineering.

''Buzz! Airplanes! Airplanes! '

'Gojo Gojo and BIG· The overlord-colored domineering that erupted on MOM's body instantly swept the entire shattered palace, and this was the overlord-colored domineering of both sides that erupted with all its strength, forming a terrifying hurricane, and the fragments of the building were blown up.

BIG· The ordinary members of the MOM Pirates have been shocked to death by the powerful overlord-colored domineering.

Even BIG· The cadres of MOM could not stand in this overlord-colored domineering, and could only be forced to transfer the battlefield.

However, under the coercion of these two terrifying overlord-colored domineering forces, even if they did not stun, their hearts were trembling, their expressions were shocked, and cold sweat flowed.

And nearby Rebecca and Corat are fine, because Gojo realizes that BIG· While the MOM duels, he also protects them with an overlord-colored domineering.

''Is this the real showdown of the overlord color domineering? ''

'Gojo Gojo that guy's overlord color is actually so strong!

''''Can compete with mom! After

taking a deep breath, he looked at the Gojo Goku doppelganger in front of him while guarding the Gojo Goku avatar and BIG· MOM's battle murmured.

Gojo Goku used Overlord Color Domineering when he was fighting in Dressrosa, and it had already been reported in the newspapers, so he was not surprised by Gojo Gokukai's Overlord Color Domineering.

What really surprised him was that Gojou's overlord color domineering was so powerful that he could be equal to his mother!

Even better, because Gojo Goku also protected the two people behind him with his overlord-colored domineering spirit when he fought against his mother!

''Whoops! The power is good! So what about this? The

overlord-colored confrontation lasted for a long time, and it was Gojo Goku who broke the stalemate first, only to see the spell on Gojo Gojo's fist skyrocket again and push forward sharply.

''Boom! ’’

BIG· Under the soaring power of Gojo Goku, the ground on which his feet stepped instantly cracked, and even if the armed color domineering ran to the extreme, he was still bombarded by this blow and flew out.

BIG· MOM, in an instant, directly collapsed the already shattered palace wall, and was blasted out of the palace like a cannonball.

''Mom! ''

''Mom! Seeing

her mother being blasted out of the palace, Klee Rack and other cadres couldn't help but exclaim, when had they seen their mother so embarrassed!

''Unexpectedly put BIG· MOM to blast out! After this battle, Lord Goku will truly become the fifth emperor!

Seeing this scene, Corat showed a shocked look, he thought that Gojo Goku would win, but he didn't expect that Gojo Goku would be able to have a monster-like physique from the front. MOM boom!

''Don't panic! Mom's okay!

'''Focus on your own battle! ''Right

at BIG· The cadres of the MOM Pirates because of BIG· When MOM was bombarded and panicked, Katakuri let out a low sigh and calmed the rest of the members.

His domineering appearance has sensed BIG· MOM wasn't badly injured, just shot away.

As one of the Four Emperors, BIG· MOM is a monster, strong physical ability, completely non-human.

Just comparing the strength of the flesh, I am afraid it is not much inferior to Kaido.

Even the technique reversal He just now could resist hard, and this level of attack could not kill her.

''Gojo Gojo! ''

BIG· MOM, looking at Gojo Gojo who was standing in the palace that had been lifted from the ceiling, let out a roar, and his fierce eyes seemed to have a flame burning.

‘‘BIG· MOM really doesn't have to beat that easily! ''Looking

at BIG· MOM, Rebecca was a little worried.

''Goku-sama will definitely win!'' Corat

never thought that he would be lucky enough to witness the Emperor's duel, and he was full of confidence in Gojou.

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