''Let's fight! Gray hair five realization!

'''''Pass me before you want to attack your mother!''

Katakuri's deep eyes looked at the five goku doppelgangers who had attacked him just now, and the result of the confrontation just now did not surprise him, because his domineering aura had fully unfolded, and the outcome of the confrontation between the Hao Fireball and the Wall of Sticky Rice had been understood by him in advance.

''Hah! Gojo

Gojo Doppelganger No. 2 grinned, his expression turning dangerous.

''Then as you wish!''


Gojo Goku Doppelganger No. 2, as soon as he stepped on the ground with his foot, the ground instantly cracked, his right hand wrapped in spell power and armed color domineering, directly launched the derivative use of "Cang" to move at high speed, and rushed towards Katakuri in vain.

The speed of the Gojo Gojo avatar was so fast that it was not clear to the naked eye, but Katakuri did not panic, and the domineering spirit of the peak had already sensed the trajectory of the Gojo Gojo avatar.

The arm quickly squirmed, turned into a huge fist, wrapped in armed color domineering, and slammed into Gojou's No. 2 doppelganger.

Katakuri's domineering spirit is undoubtedly the top in the world, and even the body of Gojo Goku does not have this degree of domineering.

With this ability to peek into the future for a short time, he was able to fight with the avatar of Gojo Gojo for a while, of course, there is also the reason why Gojo Gojo's doppelganger did not do his best.

''How is it possible! '''

'A doppelganger of Gojo Gojo is able to fight Katakuri to the point of invincibility! So how does he have to deal with how many doppelgangers have to deal with it! ’’

BIG· Many members of the MOM Pirate Group fell into a bitter battle when they saw one of Katakuri's doppelgangers and Gojo Gojou, and their faces couldn't help but become grim.

Katakuri in BIG· The strength of the MOM Pirates is second only to BIG· MOM, revered by his siblings, even Katakuri can't easily solve Gojou's doppelganger, so who should solve so many doppelgangers left?!

BIG· Many members of the MOM Pirates were shaken in their hearts.

Today they BIG· Is the MOM Pirates going to be destroyed?

''The strength of the Gojo Gojo avatar is limited! As long as the body is destroyed, his doppelganger will disappear! BIG· Brothers and sisters of the MOM Pirates, together drag Gojo's doppelgänger and our mother will kill Gojo Gojo for us and bring victory!

Charlotte Smooge, one of the stars, felt BIG· The wavering of the many crew members of the MOM Pirates stood up to boost morale.

''Yes! We still have mom!

'''Mom will definitely defeat Gojou! ’’

BIG· MOM is BIG· The true spiritual leader of the MOM Pirates, as long as she doesn't fall, BIG· The MOM Pirates will not easily lose their fighting spirit.

Charlotte Smoogie drew her sword, pointed it at Gojo and his doppelganger, and said with a fierce look in her eyes:

"Which of you will be my opponent?" '

Let me be her opponent!'' Gojo

said, one of the remaining doppelgangers who had not yet made a move.

''Although I'm just a doppelganger, you also see that the strength of the doppelganger is not something you can defeat casually!'' How about surrendering earlier?

Gojo's doppelganger said defiantly.

‘‘BIG· The MOM Pirates Group has only pirates killed in battle, and no pirates who surrendered! Let me see how strong you really are! ''

'Ha! Want to know how strong I am, can you do it? ''


Smoogie instantly rushed over, and Gojou's doppelganger also directly greeted him.

''Bang! '' 'Bang! '' 'Bang! '''

Smoogie and Gojou's doppelganger fought together in an instant.

And just when Kriji, Katakuri, and Smougie were fighting with one of Gojou's doppelgängers.

BIG· The remaining cadres and ordinary members of the MOM Pirate Group also rushed towards Gojo Gojo and the remaining doppelgangers of Gojo Gojo.

Gojo Gojo's remaining doppelgangers directly resisted their attacks, and even though they had an absolute superiority in numbers, they were not Gojo Gojo's doppelgängers' opponents.

In an instant, they were forced into danger, and they could only struggle to support, if it weren't for the doppelganger of Gojo Gojo holding a playful mentality and not making an all-out shot, they would have already lost.

''Go-sama, well... That's awesome! Kolat

, who was on the side of Gojo Gojo's body, watched as Gojo Gojo took BIG· All the cadres of the MOM Pirates except BIG· Outside of MOM, all of them resisted, and they couldn't help but be shocked and muttered in shock.

''Is this your strength?'' ''Even

Rebecca had seen the battle between Gojo Goku and the general, and at this time, her heart was shocked, and only one person stopped the attack of everyone in the royal-level pirate group except the emperor, and the body had not yet made a move!

Witnessing it so closely, Gojo Gojo and BIG· The royal battle of the MOM Pirates, Rebecca once again truly feels the power of Gojou!

BIG· The cadres of the MOM Pirates Group all shot, and only BIG· MOM alone.

Looking at the cadres who were caught in a bitter battle, she did not make a move, because the real master of the enemy was standing opposite her, she couldn't help but narrow her eyes and focus all her attention on the Gojo Gojo Essence.

Obviously, she no longer has the contempt for Gojou, and there is no doubt that Gojo is an opponent who has reached her level!

‘‘mama,mama! Your strength is really not a waste! Gojo Gojo!

'''Now that you know I'm not a waster. How about making an announcement, admitting your mistakes to our people, and then declaring that your country is subservient to our country? ’’

‘‘mama,mama! I'm just saying that your strength is good, and you want me to bow down to you!" I haven't shot for so long, it seems that some people have forgotten my prestige! ’’


''In that case, let me see what prestige you have as one of the Four Emperors!'' Gojo

looked at BIG· calmly MOM, clasping his hands to his chest, without a trace of awe for the emperor.

''You will see, but, as a price, let me take your soul!'' ’’

BIG· The moment MOM's words fell, he directly stretched out his hand and grabbed the small sun floating next to him, causing it to turn into a hot flame and wrap around his arm.

''Heavenly fire! '

''Boom! ''The

flame wrapped around the arm was wrapped around BIG· MOM burst out, and the hot flames roared by, engulfing the area where the five Gojo Gojo Essence was located in an instant.

The area shrouded in flames was blasted apart, forming a huge charred black crater.

''Gojo Gojo! '


Rebecca and Corat saw Gojo Goku being hit by flames in the front, and couldn't help but pinch a handful of sweat for him and exclaimed.

''I didn't even move to block my mother's attack, I really don't know if I'm alive or dead!'' ’’

BIG· The members of the MOM Pirate Group watched as Gojo Gojo was hit by his mother's flames defenselessly, and couldn't help but lift his spirits.

But looking at the next scene, they can no longer breathe a sigh of relief.

''Step! Trample! Trample! I

saw that in the area surrounded by flames, Gojo Gojo walked out step by step, unharmed.

The flame had obviously touched him, but it couldn't burn him out!

Obviously standing there, but as if in another space, untouchable!

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