"Is this your Devil Fruit ability?"

Pika, like most people, thought it was Sasuke's Devil Fruit ability.

"Look how I break it!"

As soon as the words fell, Pika once again swung the fist of the huge stone man and slammed it towards Sasuke's Susano.

"A guy who doesn't know the height of the sky!"

Sasuke taunted, then controlled Susano's fist and swung it sharply at Pika's fist.


Susano's fist collided with the stone giant's fist, making a loud noise that shook the earth.

The entire ground was also centered on the two giants, cracking in all directions in an instant.

Countless Doflamingo family cadres and ordinary soldiers were blown away by the powerful shockwave, or fell into the cracked ground, and everyone showed a shocked look on their faces.

Battles of this level are no longer something that these lower-level cadres and ordinary soldiers can participate in! A little aftermath of the battle is enough to inflict them on heavy damage!

"Oh my God! How is this possible?!

"Shouldn't I be dreaming?"

"Lord Pika, you can't defeat this purple giant!"

"I can even compete with Lord Pika!"

Not far away, many civilians were watching the situation here, not only because this battle would probably determine their fate, but also because in their hearts Doflamingo was a great king, and they did not want the Doflamingo family to be defeated.

The showdown in the royal palace touched the hearts of the commoners.


Pika saw that his fist was actually blocked, his eyes showed anger, and he clenched his other empty hand into a fist and continued to blast over.

Sasuke's Susanoo held it with one palm.

"Is that all you need? Too weak! After

that, Sasuke drove Susano, and a force pushed the stone giant back.

But that wasn't the end of it, Sasuke burst out with a powerful chakra and conjured up a sword, rushing straight up to cut off one of the stone giant's legs.

Ben did not stand firmly, coupled with the loss of a leg, the stone giant could no longer maintain his figure. It fell backwards, and many buildings that were close were directly crushed.



Seeing Pika knocked out, many ordinary soldiers, civilians, and Doflamingo family cadres exclaimed.

"Hahahahaha! See! This is the power of Uchiha!

Blocking his bleeding eyes, Sasuke let out a maniacal laugh.

At the same time, the battle between Esdes and Anilu also achieved great results.

Under the attacks of Esders, Sasuke and Anilu, Doflamingo's men were killed and wounded.

The forces on the side of the Doflamingo family are completely suppressed!

Seeing the heavy casualties of his subordinates, Doflamingo couldn't help but wrinkle his brows together, and said in a cold voice:

"Each of your subordinates is not a simple character!" You're hiding deeply! Gray hair five realization!

"It's not that we hide deeply, but no one has ever been able to force us to give our all!"

"You really dare to say it!"

He still didn't admit it, but Doflamingo had long understood in his heart that Gojo was indeed qualified to be so arrogant!

Although he has received some information about the spell pirate group, only by personally fighting it can he know its true horror.

The combat power displayed by the Spell Pirates now far exceeded his expectations!

Pika's stone giant is suppressed by Uchiha Sasuke's purple giant, and the others simply cannot intervene in their battle.

Diamandi was also restrained by Estes, no, it should be a joke, Estes took the lives of countless ordinary soldiers with a single blow in addition to fighting.

Only Trebol fought better there and was able to fight with Anilu, but it didn't last long!

If you want to reverse this situation, you can only solve it quickly!

Doflamingo adjusted his breath, a cold light shot out from his eyes under his sunglasses, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Gojo Gojo and kicked it.

"Foot shaving!"

In the face of Doflamingo's kick, Gojo Gojo did not dodge or dodge, and just when the kick was about to kick himself, he came to Doflamingo's side in an instant, and then threw a backhand punch, wrapped in a violent spell.

Looking at the five realizations that suddenly appeared on his side, Doflamingo's sense of crisis rushed straight to the heavenly spirit cover, and he did not hesitate to immediately use his armed color domineering to resist.


But even if he unleashed his armed color domineering, under this blow, Doflamingo was still blasted out!

"Such a powerful force! Have you guy been putting water just now?

Doflamingo, who was back on his feet, roared at Gojo.

Gojo said unscrupulously,

"Just now? Hahaha! And how are you sure that I don't put water now? After

listening to Gojo's words, Doflamingo's face became even more gloomy, and in the confrontation just now, he had already judged that Gojo's strength was indeed worthy of the name, both speed and strength were above him!

What's even more difficult is that his own attacks can't do any harm to Gojo Gojo at all.

The defensive barrier of the five enlightenments, even their own extremely sharp silk threads cannot penetrate!

"My subordinates are all fighting, and as a captain, I have to come up with some results!"

When the words fell, the figure of Gojo suddenly flickered, and then appeared directly above Doflamingo, and kicked down.

The spell condensed on the foot and compressed to the extreme, this blow was enough to kick the ground in half.

"Not good!"

Seeing that the domineering color sensed the power of Gojo Gojo's kick, Doflamingo couldn't help but change his face suddenly, and waved his hand without hesitation.

"Cobweb wall!"

Countless silk threads instantly weaved above Doflamingo into a large net.

However, under the foot of Gojo Gojo, the entire cobweb wall still changed shape the moment it touched, and in the face of powerful forces, it broke and collapsed in an instant, hardly stopping Gojo Gojo for a moment.


Doflamingo tried his best to avoid sideways at the moment when the cobweb wall was broken, and the sound of Gojo Gojo's kick burst in Doflamingo's ears.


That kick landed on the ground, instantly splitting the ground from the attack point to both sides, forming a crack that was hundreds of meters long, and the ground shook violently!

Doflamingo took advantage of the shock wave formed by the five-strip Gojo kick to distance himself from Gojo Goku, and at the moment of landing, he drank lowly:

"Super Strike Whip"

Doflamingo crossed his hands and swung sharply, and two extremely thick Super Strike Whips struck Gojo Gojo, but Gojo Goku's right hand became a knife, wrapped in a spell and swept left and right at will.

"Whoosh! Laugh at! "

Two super whips that were enough to easily break through a piece of building were cut into four pieces under the casual hand knife of Wujo Gojo and fell to the ground.

Looking at Doflamingo, Gojo raised his right index finger slightly.

Next moment!

The black ball flashing red formed at the fingertips of Gojo Gojou, and the energy continued to converge towards the black ball, exuding a palpitating power.

"Technique reversal He!"

As soon as the indifferent voice fell, a shockwave suddenly erupted from the fingertips of Gojo Gojo and shot directly towards Doflamingo.

"Multiple spider nests!"

Doflamingo spread his hands and cast multiple spider nests, forming multiple spider webs in front of him, and attached armed color domineering.

But the spider web collapsed directly the moment it made contact with He, and He's attack fell directly on Doflamingo.

Doflamingo's whole person was bombarded and smashed into the building of the palace, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

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