
Gojo's fist once again landed on Doflamingo.

"Step! Trample!

Doflamingo was slammed backwards and struggled to regain his stabilization.

"You guy really lives up to his name! It seems that repelling the yellow ape is not accidental!

"Since you know, how about surrendering earlier?"

"Do you think it's possible?!"

"Foot shaving!"

Doflamingo's toes were accompanied by sharp silk threads, and he kicked towards Gojo.


Once again, Doflamingo's attack was blocked by Gojo Gojo's hand and stopped in a millimeter.

"What kind of ability are you? So difficult!

"What ability do you think it is?"

Gojo didn't intend to tell Doflamingo his information.

"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! At

the same time, others were fighting fiercely and emitting a roar.

"Two hundred million volts Thor!"

Anilu let out a low roar, and powerful electricity was continuously released from his body and quickly condensed.

Eventually, a giant made up of thunder took shape.

The giant hand composed of thunder shot out with a palm, and it fell from the sky overwhelmingly.

The moment he landed, dozens of Doflamingo soldiers were enveloped.

But this is not the end, the huge palm burst out with even more brilliant light, extremely destructive thunder and lightning, instantly swallowed around, electrified the ordinary soldiers around to lose their combat effectiveness, fell down, and could not get up again.

"Thunder fruit?"

Doflamingo looked into the distance, and his subordinates suffered heavy losses and frowned.

However, now is not the time to deal with other war situations, and the man in front of him must go all out.

Thoughts fluttered, and Doflamingo attacked again.

"Super Strike Whip!"

The moment the words fell, Doflamingo's five fingers clenched into a fist, and countless silk threads erupted from the palm of his hand, constantly converging, turning into a thick pillar of thread, and swept towards the five realizations.

Gojo was not afraid, his right hand clenched into a fist, and the powerful spell instantly converged into his fist, and a punch slammed into the line pillar.


The thick pillar collided with the fist wrapped in spell power, and it was instantly scattered.


The powerful impact was transmitted from the line post to Doflamingo, who immediately unleashed his armed color domineering, but still failed to resist this impact and was shocked back.

Gojo, who shot Doflamingo, did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but said:

"Oh yes! What a danger! He

said danger, but Gojo couldn't see the tension on his flat face.

And at the same time that Gojo Gogo fights fiercely with Doflamingo. Not to be outdone, Esders held the Western sword and slashed sharply.


The powerful slash rushed away in the air, and in the face of the devastating slash, everything was like paper, easily cut.

Everywhere the slash passed, the ordinary soldiers of the Doflamingo family were all cut in two.

And the power of the slash was undiminished, and it swept straight towards Diamanti, the highest cadre of Doflamingo.

Diamanti's face changed, and he hurriedly clenched the sword in his hand, and with a sword, he slashed out.

"Half moon funeral!"


Green sword qi erupted from the sword, tearing the earth apart, colliding with Esders' slash.


The moment the two slashes made contact in the air, an explosion was generated, and a huge blast wave was transmitted from the center of the collision and spread around, and ordinary soldiers were all bombarded everywhere they passed, and ordinary cadres resisted with difficulty.

"Bastard's spell pirate group!"

Looking at the battle situation in the major battlefields, Pika let out an angry roar.

"Hey! At war with me, and dare to look around, who gave you courage ?! In

an instant, Sasuke came directly to Pika and kicked out.


Even with a tall body, Pika could not avoid being kicked by Sasuke.

"Bastard! I want you to die! "

Pika who stood up again, activated the ability of stone fruit, the whole earth began to shake, and a giant made entirely of stone rose up from the ground, hundreds of meters high!

"Die! Sasuke Uchiha! Pika

controlled the stone giant's fist and slammed it into Sasuke's position.

But Sasuke has an eternal kaleidoscope chakra eye, and is proficient in seeing and hearing domineering, such a huge fist is slow in his eyes, and Sasuke did not put it in his eyes at all.


The giant fist blasted the earth out of a giant pit, but there was no trace of Sasuke in the pit.

Long before the fist fell, Sasuke was out of range of the fist in an instant.

"Is this your Devil Fruit ability? All right! I'll let you see the power of the great Uchiha clan!


As the words fell, Uchiha Sasuke's eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan pupil power exploded.

Immediately after that, I saw the purple giant, rising from the ground.

Completely enveloped Sasuke's entire person.

This is only Susano's semi-complete body, but this alone is already as tall as the stone giant, or even slightly beyond.

Sasuke felt that it was not necessary to use Full-Body Susa to deal with this kind of character, and if it were not for the plan, he could kill Pika in seconds without Susano.

"Oooo It's up and down! Did you even use Susanoo to destroy this place? "

Susano's power is too great, it can easily destroy this place, after all, this place is going to become the territory of the Spell Pirates, and it is always bad to destroy it.

Gojo was helpless about Sasuke's whim, but did not intend to stop it.

"What kind of Devil Fruit ability is this?"

Doflamingo looked on in surprise, thinking it was the ability of the Devil Fruit that he did not know.


The cadres and soldiers present and the civilians watching the battle from a distance were also very shocked. They had never seen a purple giant like this.

From this giant, everyone felt unprecedented pressure.

Gojo Gojo smiled and said

, "This is not the ability of the Devil Fruit, but the ability of the Uchiha clan to inherit the Blood Limit Realm."

"Blood Succession Limit? What is that thing? "

Doflamingo has never heard of any Blood Succession Limits.

However, this is also helpless, after all, there is no talk about the blood succession limit in the pirates.

Only the Devil Fruit here can give people special abilities.

"That's power from the bloodline, which can't be obtained without the Uchiha bloodline! Unless..." Gojo

didn't continue.


Doflamingo immediately grasped the key point of Gojo's speech.

"Bang bang! Is there another way to gain this power?

"Yes! But there is no way you can do it, because your ambition will end today! "

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