On a street somewhere in the Chambord Islands

, a tall man with a slave collar crawled almost naked on the ground.

On his back is a man dressed in strange costumes.

This strangely dressed person is none other than Draco, a world nobleman.

This Draco waved the whip in his hand, directly pumped it on the slave, and said: "

Climb faster!"

The people on the street, seeing the Draco, gave way in horror, and knelt on both sides of the street, lowering their heads for fear of angering the Draco.

Even the unruly pirates who killed countless people obediently fell to their knees.

Because when he saw Draco, he would be executed if he did not kneel. If you provoke Draco, then the admiral will come!

But in the direction of Draco's advance, there were still two people who did not kneel.

Instead, he swaggered towards Draco.

The two of them were none other than Sasuke and Anilu.


Draco saw that Sasuke and Anilu did not kneel, and said angrily:

"You two pariahs, you dare not kneel when you see me!"

Anilu: "Huh? When you see this god, if you don't kneel, forget it, you even dare to let this god kneel!

Sasuke: "Idiot! Also worthy of me kneeling?!

"What a rampant pariah! Kill both of them for me! The

Draco ordered at his men.

The bodyguards protecting him immediately raised their guns and aimed them at Sasuke and Anilu.


But before they could do it, they pulled the trigger, and with a few thunders, a devastating electric light enveloped Draco and his bodyguards, directly taking their lives.

The humble mortal actually called God to kneel! Find death!

"Oh my God! Draco was killed!

"Are they looking for death?"

"Run! The admirals are coming! "

Seeing Draco killed, the whole street was chaotic, and everyone was very frightened, that was Draco!

The inhabitants of the Chambordi Islands ran home with rolls and closed doors. And the pirates also turned around and ran, because the admirals are coming!

Sasuke and Anilu, who were the perpetrators, continued to wander the streets fearlessly.


Navy headquarters

"Jingle bells! Jingle bells!

"Hey, I'm Sengoku, what's the matter?"

Admiral Sengoku picked up the phone.

"Report Marshal, Draco was killed in Chambord!"

"What did you say?! Draco was killed, what bastard did it?!

"It was done by the people of the Spell Pirates!"

"Bastard! Another spell pirate group! If I don't catch them, how can I explain to the people of the Holy Land! "


After Sengoku hung up the phone, he slammed his fist on the desk.

The yellow ape, who was sitting on the side drinking tea, heard that Draco had been killed, so he quietly stood up and slipped towards the door.

If you don't leave, you can't touch the fish!

"Stop! Yellow Ape, where are you going?

"Oh, I suddenly remembered that I still have a task to complete, and now I plan to complete it."

"No matter what the task is, don't care, now you immediately go to Chambord Land and capture all the bastards who killed Draco for me!"

"But, my mission..." The

yellow ape still wanted to continue to strive to be able to touch fish.

"Go quickly!"

Sengoku said without question.

"Okay! I'll take a run! Draco has an accident, and the general is going to move! Seeing

that he couldn't touch the fish, the yellow ape "cheerfully" agreed to the Warring States.


Soon after

, "Boom!"

As the first roar sounded, the sound of explosions was heard one after another, and the whole island was filled with shouts of killing.

Listening to the noise outside the bar

, Gojo asked

, "What's going on, why is it so noisy?"

Renly said indifferently: "It may be that the pirates are making trouble!"

At this time, a pirate broke in from outside the door and said:

"Captain, Draco has been killed, the admiral is over!" Let's run!

"What did you say?! It's time for the admiralty! Which fool was Draco killed by?

"It seems to be someone from the Spell Pirates!"

"What!? Spell the people of the Pirates! The

leader of the pirate group glanced at Gojou, turned around and left, all the big guys can't afford to mess with!

Renly heard that it was the Spell Pirates who killed the Draco, and laughed:

"Hahaha! It seems that your team members are very personality!

"It's just going to get in trouble!" But Draco should have been killed, kill it!

Gojo said indifferently.

"The admiral is coming, aren't you going to help?"

"It's also time to go and see which admiral the navy sent over!"

Gojo Goho said nonchalantly, not taking the admiral in his eyes at all.


"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

Beams of destruction burst out of the pacifists' mouths.

It was Orochimaru who arrived with a few pacifists.

"Bastard, how did reinforcements from the Navy arrive so quickly?!"

Watching his subordinates being pierced by the beam, a pirate captain roared.

The weapons and attacks of these pirates cannot cause the slightest damage to the pacifists at all, and can only be passively avoided.

"Everyone scattered and fled, and after escaping, gather at our pirate ship!"

Another pirate captain said to his crew.

But as soon as his words fell, a golden light flashed to his side.

"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?"

The devilish whisper exploded in the ears of the pirate leader, making his scalp tingle.

"Admiral, Huang... Yellow Ape! "


Before he could shock, the captain was flown out.

"Captain! Damn it! "

A pirate saw his captain, was kicked and roared, and pointed the gun in his hand at the yellow ape.

"Go and die!"


With a gunshot, the yellow ape's body was pierced, but no blood flowed out, it was elementalized!

"It's terrible!"

The yellow ape said terrifying in his mouth, but his face did not show the slightest look of fear.


In the next instant, the pirate who shot him was kicked away without even having time to react.

"The people who killed the Draco are over there, what are you chasing us for!"

A pirate said, pointing to the street in the distance.

"Oh, thank you so much for your information, as a thank you I won't arrest you!"

Saying that, the yellow ape flashed into the distance.

"Arrest them all!"

After the yellow ape left, Orochimaru ordered the pacifists and the navy.

"Didn't you say don't arrest me? Why did you arrest me again?! The

pirate who was let go by the yellow ape said unwillingly.

"It was the Yellow Ape General who said that he didn't catch you, what does it have to do with my war peach pill!"


On the other side of the street

"Huh? It seems that someone is coming towards this god, and the speed is very fast, and it is comparable to this god!

Anilu's sight sensed the yellow ape.

"It seems that those pirates said just now, the admiral has arrived."

"Admiral? Is it awesome?

"You go and fight him, don't you know!" Don't you claim to be a god? Are you afraid?

Sasuke irritated Anilu badly.

He had already written the wheel eye with a kaleidoscope to confirm the strength of the yellow ape.

It is the current Anilu, an opponent who is impossible to defeat, just let the other party teach a lesson, this confused and confident guy!

"Hahaha! Fear? Who has this god been afraid of?! Just let him see the strength of this god!

"Then I'll take a good look at your performance!" Don't be too quick to ask me for help!

With that, Sasuke jumped back, leaving the battlefield for the upcoming battle.

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