The blue sky is filled with a few white clouds floating and a few seabirds flying in the air from time to time.

Suddenly, a golden-yellow behemoth appeared from the sky and headed towards the Chambord Islands.

It was a giant ship with a pirate flag hanging on it.

It's a flying pirate ship!

As the last island in the first half of the Great Route, Chambord Land is the end of all routes, and in order to reach the second half of the Great Route, you must pass through Chambord Land.

So the residents of Chambord Land can be regarded as well-informed. But they have never seen such a pirate ship, which is actually made of gold! What a luxury this must be!

As a stopover on the Great Shipping Route, the Chambord Islands are mixed.

Many pirates who arrived in the Chambord Islands saw the huge ship made of gold and were ready to move.

This giant ship is the Ark Proverbs.

Gojo Gojo watched as they watched, and the pirates who surrounded them did not stop them.

Anilu parked the boat on the shore.

Standing on the ark and glancing at the pirates surrounding him, Gojo said,

"I didn't expect the pirates of the Chambord Islands to greet us so warmly!"

"Hahaha! Boy, who do you think you are! We want to greet you!

"Obediently hand over your golden ship and spare you from death!"

"It turned out to be our pirate ship! All right! If you have the ability, come and get it yourself!

"Boy, it's quite crazy, just let Uncle Ben teach you to be a man!"

"Everyone go together, whoever kills them, this ship will belong to whom!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Turning

around, Gojo said indifferently, "

Kill them all!"

Sasuke: "That's what you're waiting for!"

Anilu: "I want to rob the ship of this god and look for death!"

Estes: "I'll have fun with them!" "

God's sanction!"

Thundered! Thundered!

In the blue sky, a thunder pillar formed, exuding a devastating aura.

In the horrified eyes of the pirates, it fell with a bang.


None of the pirates who were hit were spared, and all were electrocuted into scorched corpses.

At this moment, the scene suddenly became chaotic.

"What?! What a capability is this!

"Devil Fruit! It's the Devil Fruit!

"They have Devil Fruit powers!"

Before they could finish exclaiming, Sasuke attacked.


"Yan Dun Plus Tu Mei!"

Sasuke's kaleidoscope turned, and as a drop of blood and tears flowed from the corner of his eye, black flames gushed out, turning into the form of an arrow and instantly shooting towards the pirate.

The dense Amaterasu arrows made people have no time to dodge, and the pirates shrouded in a rain of arrows were all hit.

Some were shot to the point and lost their lives on the spot. Some were shot in the arm, burned by Amaterasu, and tried to extinguish it, but they could not extinguish it, and they were finally burned out.

"What kind of monsters are these! Why is there such a weird ability!

"Run away! Run away! "

The moment the battle began, most of the people were wiped out, and although greedy, they also spared their lives.

Looking at the terrifying strength gap in front of them, they had already been scared and wanted to run away with a few legs!

"Since you're here, why rush to leave!"

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"

With a wave of Esders' hand, the ice spread from the ground, instantly catching up with the pirates who turned and fled.

There was almost no stagnation, and the pirates were directly frozen into ice sculptures.

Estes snapped his fingers and said, "


As the words fell, the frozen pirates directly turned into ice slag and scattered from the air.

At this point, all the pirates involved in the battle have been killed, and the process is only a few tens of seconds!

The pirates and local residents watching the battle from a distance showed incredible expressions.

"What a power this is!"

"What kind of pirate group are they?"

"They seem to be the famous spell pirate group recently!"

"Is that they defeated, Klockdar in the Seven Martial Seas?"

"It's even scarier than rumored!"

For a time, the news that the spell pirate group had arrived in the Chambord Islands was spread by those watching the battle.

The rumors of their abilities are becoming more and more mysterious.

What summons the thunder god, what can release the blood pupil that cannot extinguish the black flame, what the blue-haired witch who froze thousands of miles with a wave of her hand, and the white-haired handsome man who determined life and death between words.


Gojo realized their arrival and made the entire Chambord Islands boil.

But they did not care, but divided the troops into several ways.

The Lucy Six and Corlat and others stayed behind in the Ark Proverbs. Others went to the interior of Chambord.

Sasuke and Anilu are in a group, while Gojo Goku is in a group with Esders.


Soon after, a bar in the Chambord Islands

, with his hands in his pockets and Gojo Gojo with a black blindfold, walked in through the door. Since he is dressed a little strangely, it has attracted the attention of many people who are drinking.

Some of them thought Gojo was a little familiar, but couldn't remember who he was.

Gojo didn't pay attention to the gazes of others, but went straight to the bar and sat down.

The lady asked, "Sir, what kind of wine do you want to drink?"

Gojou: "It's okay, you just look at it."

"Yes, sir!"

Then Gojo looked at the man sitting next to him.

The man was somewhat scruffy in his dress, with pale hair and beard, and looked like an ordinary middle-aged man.

But Gojo Goku knows that he is once the world-shattering, the deputy leader of Roger's Pirates, Hades Rayleigh.

"I didn't expect to be able to meet Mr. Reilly here!"

Although he came specifically for Renly, Gojo felt that it was better to show a "coincidence" with Renly.

"Gollum! Grunt!

Reilly drank the wine in his glass, turned his head to look at Gojo Gojo and said

, "I really didn't expect that after so many years, there are still young people who can remember the name of this old man of mine!"

Even if he was called out by Gojo Goku for his true identity, Renly did not panic, this is the calmness of the strong man who once stood at the peak of the sea!

Gojo continued

, "Mr. Rayleigh's daimyo, how could anyone forget it. I wonder if Mr. Rayleigh still wants to return to the sea?

"Hahaha! Return to the sea? I'm an old man, I can't stand the toss anymore, the time for our guys has passed! It's the time of your youth! "

Renly has no intention of returning to the sea.

"It's a shame, but Mr. Reilly, if you want to return to the sea again! Be sure to come to the kid's boat to see it! I am always welcome! The kid's name is Gojo Gojo and he is the captain of the Spell Pirates! "

Gojo Gojo in his previous life liked Renly very much, and now he also respects him.

"I said how you are a little familiar, it turns out that you are, you have always given the navy a headache recently, the leader of the spell pirate group!"

While Gojo and Renly were communicating.

The people in the bar, who also heard what they were talking about, became commotion.

I didn't expect that here, I would actually run into the deputy captain of the former One Piece King Roger, and the leader of the spell pirate group who has recently been in the limelight-white-haired Gojou!

White hair is the title of Gojo Gojo Goku, which some people gave him based on the characteristics of Gojo Gojo Goku White Hair.

By the way, in the capital of seven waters, after capturing the spies of the world government, Gojou's bounty directly reached 300 million Baileys, Esders' bounty was 100 million Baileys, and Sasuke's bounty was 110 million Baileys.

As for Anilu, he did not participate in the battle in the capital of seven waters, so he was not rewarded.

"That person is Hades Renly!"

"There is also a reward of 300 million Baileys, gray-haired five goku!"

I don't know who it is, but he called out the names of Renly and Gojou. There was chaos in the bar, and many people fled outside in a panic.

There were also some people, although they did not escape, but they also looked solemn and broke out in cold sweat!

However, Gojo and Renly were not affected, but continued to drink and chat. Estes sits beside Gojo and pours wine for Gojo from time to time.

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