On the Seven Towers

Chapter 917: Savage Land

So when He Xiaoxi talks about the Western Continent, most people's minds go blank.

Even the time-travelers who claim to have extensive knowledge and strong memorization feel like they have a black eye.

Xiao Chen and Luo Ling had only seen some vague records in classics, but in their daily lives, they had no access to any affairs or information from there.

He Xiaoxi said: "That continent is a place where the gods have given up, so it is understandable that the mages of the Tower of Source will choose where to escape. At least the Temple of Nature is not willing to pay such a high price to go to that barbaric land. Track them."

"The gods also gave up? In other words, haven't you paid attention to that place?" Xiao Chen asked.

“The gods already have enough believers on this continent to build temples and provide services for themselves, so why would they go to a barbaric world and start over?

In my limited memory, the civilization over there has always been far inferior to here. Since there are clean believers who can serve you, why should you civilize those stinky barbarians? "He Xiaoxi said, "Moreover, even if some organization develops in that place, it will be difficult to communicate with this side. The violent sea is not just storms and waves. There is also a disturbance of magic power in the middle, which reaches all the way to the sky, so even a saint would have a hard time crossing that sea area. Not to mention ordinary people. Moreover, this kind of disturbance will also block transmission and greatly increase the transmission failure rate. Even if someone builds a transmission array on the opposite side, the gain outweighs the loss. "

"What happened to the Tower of Source? Why did they choose that continent as a refuge?" Xiao Chen asked.

An ancient booklet appeared in He Xiaoxi's hand. She opened it and said, "As you know, the "True Source of Magic" from the Tower of Source is a holy book that came out very later. It records how to deal with the effects of depriving the magic text of the gods. method. In fact, this is just an ordinary book. It does not have the power of any other holy book, but its content is more important than any other holy book.

However, during the Seven Towers era, the value of this holy book was not discovered in time, and instead caused controversy within the Tower of Source. I recently spent a lot of effort and finally unearthed a diary manuscript left inside the Tower of Source. It should have been written by a saint or great magician from the Tower of Source. It said this:

...Today, the tower master and Deputy Tower Master Aceros had a serious dispute. Sir Aceros believed that the time has not come yet and we should not launch a general attack. We should wait until everyone has mastered the power mentioned in "The True Source of Magic" Only with the best way of casting spells can we fight against the God of Nature. However, the master of the Tower of Harkmino believed that Asiros's idea was purely worrying. The Seven Towers fought very well in the battle with the Natural Temple and the Divine City, and there was no need to delay. Neither the natural temple nor the divine city can break through our defenses. We should take this opportunity to deal with the god of nature, and the forces attached to the god will collapse.

...The Tower of Sword has sent an envoy, and we plan to set out to directly attack the Kingdom of the God of Nature. However, Aceros refused to participate in the general offensive. The other three saints from the Tower of Source made the same choice as him. Master Harkmino was very angry. However, Sir Aceros also has a deep foundation in the Tower of Source. In the past two days, they had quarreled several times in public, but to no avail.

...The general attack was about to begin. Lord Harkmino seemed to be wavering before the battle began. They finally discussed it twice, and finally the tower owner decided to hand over the Tower of Source to Asiros, regardless of this battle. Regardless of the outcome, the Tower of Source and the inheritance of the "True Source of Magic" will be protected. However, the change in the tower master's mentality seems to indicate something, which is really worrying.

...Tomorrow, we will set off. After Asiros and the others put away the Tower of Source, they took a boat and headed towards the Pearl Islands. It is said that they are planning to go all the way west..."

He Xiaoxi said: "The Tower of Source was located on the Crescent Peninsula, which is what you know as the southern city-state. From here to the west is the Pearl Islands, and to the west of the Pearl Islands is the Raging Sea. Therefore, I infer They went to the Western Continent, and besides, they have four saints, so if they want to protect a ship, they should be able to do it. "

"I don't understand something." Mao Kai controlled the seat to fly a little bit this way and asked, "I thought that the Seven Saints Tower was also hidden in a small world like the Tower of Spiritual Eyes. And we What we are looking for is an entrance. But from this person’s written records, it seems that the Seven Saints Tower can be turned into something portable?”

He Xiaoxi said: "That's right. These seven magic towers were jointly transformed by the saints of the Forging Tower and the Star Tower before they prepared to fight the God of Nature. They used a lot of priceless space materials to transform The seven towers were made into seven holy artifacts, no, it should be said to be super holy artifacts, so that they could be turned into a portable object and taken away.

And when these seven towers themselves become objects, they all have very powerful power. I don’t know what their specific abilities are, but according to records, they are related to the power of gods. This is why I say, The most valuable thing about the Seven Towers legacy is themselves. "

"The Seven Saint Pagodas can be used to deal with gods. Why didn't they use them at that time?" Xiao Chen asked doubtfully.

"Maybe the magicians of the Seven Towers feel that they are better prepared. Maybe they have not reached the last moment and are not decisive enough. But by the time they really need it, it is already too late." He Xiaoxi sighed, "But I was not on the battlefield at that time, and I don’t know what exactly happened at the end of the battle.”

"Okay, let's go back to the question of the Tower of Source. If we can't find four saints to escort the ship, how should we cross the violent sea?" Xiao Chen asked.

He Xiaoxi smiled confidently: "My artifact 'Time Shuttle' can be used to travel through time and space, and it can naturally resist various energy fluctuations. I am going to modify it. If you put it on the boat, it should be safer. across the violent sea."

Liu Yisheng was stunned when he heard this. He took two steps forward and took He Xiaoxi's arm, saying softly: "The shuttle of time is the greatest guarantee for you and me."

He Xiaoxi patted his hand and said: "I know everything you want to say, but this time I feel there is nothing to escape. Restoring the memory of the past reminds me of an idiom: burn the cauldron. Maybe in the past, we could not Success is because we always have a way out."

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