On the Seven Towers

Chapter 916 Ghost Ship

He Xiaoxi pointed at the Southern Islands and drew a circle and said: "The last news I found about the Tower of Spirits was on the territory of the Sea Clan. According to the records of the Natural Temple, they had an army following the last member of the Tower of Spirits. Saint Adriana went to the Pearl Islands, but the pursuit team, including the two saints, disappeared without a trace. Of course, there was no news about Saint Adriana after that. Knowing the outcome of this battle, many people speculated that it was a decisive battle at sea.

But I also noticed that not long after that, the legend of ghost ships began to appear in the Pearl Islands. Occasionally, ships would disappear on the route, and then be seen sailing in those waters again many years later. It is said that those who disappeared When a long-lasting ship is seen, it has no crew, but it can control its sails and sail in the sea. This kind of ghost ship often turns a blind eye to ordinary merchant ships, but will actively attack pirate ships. When they approach the pirate ship, they will see it from above. Many ghosts appear, haunting the pirates, causing them to jump into the sea in terror in hallucinations. When all the crew members on the pirate ship are dead, the pirate ship will join the ghost fleet and become one of the ghost ships hunting other pirates. Isn’t this very similar to Spirit Tower’s style of doing things? "

Master Gordon said with some confusion: "I have heard the story of the ghost ship, but as far as I know, there are still endless pirates in the Pearl Islands, but the stories of the ghost ship are like groundless rumors."

Xiao Chen said: "If you were a remnant of the Spirit Tower, would you act in a high-profile manner? Or should you act secretly, slowly accumulate strength, and let others treat you as a nonsense? Pirates themselves are elusive, It is also very dangerous to sail on the sea. Once there is a storm, the ship will be destroyed and people will die. Therefore, if a few pirate ships disappear from time to time, it will not attract anyone's attention. However, if it is too grand, it will be destroyed. Have you exposed yourself to the eyes of the Temple of Nature?"

Gordon nodded in agreement.

Luo Ling said: "Speaking of this, I remembered an anecdote I saw in the Kingdom Library.

It is said that more than three hundred years ago, there was a great pirate leader who wanted to attack a city in the southern city-state. He ordered his four fleets to gather in a certain sea area and then land together to attack the city. But one fleet had not arrived a whole day past the assembly date. The pirate leader thought they had encountered bad weather and could only continue to wait for them.

However, that night, the fleet suddenly appeared, but there was no crew on the seven or eight ships, but there were many luminous shapes swaying on the ship. These things could also control the sailboat. They seemed to have no weight, so the ship was very fast. , once close to the pirates' ship, they began to attack with magic.

The big pirate's fleet was in a bitter battle, because once his warriors fell, ghost-like human figures would stand up from their corpses and join the ghosts on the opposite side. In this way, his men and the ship were fighting each other more and more. The fewer there are, the more people and ships the opponent will fight. In the end, the big pirate escaped in a panic under the cover of two ships, and finally ran into the combined fleet of the southern city-states.

Naturally, they were easily wiped out by the combined fleets of the southern city-states. Before being hanged by the city lord of that city, the big pirate told this story, but no one believed him. Everyone thought it was an internal conflict among them. He was just defeated by his own people. But a scribe recorded his story. What do you think? "

"It's really like fighting in the "Spirit Gathering List"." Glad said, "I just rely on the Holy Scriptures to achieve this effect. But as far as I know, the saints of the Spirit Tower have more than one kind of magic. Obtaining similar effects. And Adriana is known as the Manzhu Shahua who lives on the boundary between life and death. If it were her, she should be able to achieve this easily. "

"You actually have a theory about Manzhu Shahua?" Luo Ling asked curiously.

Glad said: "This is a flower name written in the Spirit Tower books, and it is also called the flower of the other side. Because the Spirit Tower is originally a magic tower that communicates life and death, so they like to use this tonal name. Give me a nickname."

Luo Ling and Xiao Chen exchanged looks. It seemed that the Tower of Spirits was inseparable from the time traveler.

Xiao Chen said: "It seems that if you want to find the Tower of Spirit, you have to go to the Pearl Islands. It's a good journey to find the Pearl Islands, then to the Dwarf Kingdom, and finally to the Sea of ​​Ice and Snow."

He Xiaoxi continued: "There is another place you can go all the way, and that is the Western Continent where the Tower of Source is located."

"Western Continent?" Several people sitting here couldn't help shouting.

The Western Continent is naturally another continent relative to the one we are on. Further west of the Pearl Islands, across the entire Raging Sea, there is a continent much smaller than the Eastern Continent, and that is the Western Continent. . This continent is completely unknown to most people in the Eastern Continent. For the few people who know the existence of the Western Continent, it is just a concept. Because in the area further west of the Pearl Islands, the sea conditions and weather are extremely bad, as if the gods have deliberately placed a barrier there.

It is almost impossible for existing ships to cross that sea area. In history, only a few explorers have crossed that sea area, and they all suffered very heavy losses. However, the travel notes and observation notes they brought back made people lose their appreciation for the sea area. interest. Desolate wilderness, vast forests, and ragged people.

The feats of those explorers may cause a wave of enthusiasm for the new continent in a short period of time, but this wave is a rootless tree and will soon fade away. If there is no follow-up progress after one or two years, no one will remember these things. If there is smooth transportation between the two continents, something like the colonization of America on Earth may happen. However, the journey of life and death, coupled with the fact that there is nothing worth pursuing on that continent, made the kings, nobles and priests have no interest in it.

It is more backward, more wild, easier to conquer, and has various resources, but even after development and occupation, there is no value in trading. Therefore, the East and West continents are almost isolated from each other. The people of the East Continent don’t know how the people of the West Continent view them, but in their eyes, the people of the West Continent are completely barbaric, and their level of civilization may not be even as good as that of the orcs in the north.

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