Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 844: Mr. Lu sent a bunch of red roses to the empress

The cracking silk brought back Xia Weibao's sanity, this place was in the car.

There are people outside to pick up the car occasionally.

Thoughts fought for a while, but in the end they couldn't resist the enthusiasm of a certain animal.

Have the first experience in the car.

Occasionally people come by in the parking lot, and they all take a look when passing by.

Then blushed and walked away.

People nowadays are really open!

How dare to be in the parking lot...

Those who are curious look at it more, the confidentiality work is too strict, and they can't see anything.

Xia Weibao blushed at the beginning of Yunyu's break.

Shrunken on the seat like an ostrich, his face blushed.

Oh my God, she was taken badly. She was taken badly. She actually did this kind of thing in the car.

The man next to him was dressed contentedly, with an elegant manner, his noble and slender fingers tied the buttons of his shirt, like an English gentleman.

Where is the appearance of a beast just now.

Xia Weibao covered his face, shame, shame!

She blushed, her hands tightly covered her eyes, she didn't dare to take a second look, nor dared to take the door and flee.

Because her clothes were torn to pieces by a certain animal, and she was naked.

After Lu Hualiang got dressed, he stared at her with a smile, reaching out to hug the person.

Xia Weibao originally turned his head to pretend to look at the scenery, but now he can't do it anymore, and pats his stretched hand away.

He gave him a ferocious look.

Just after an incisive experience, the red tide on her face has not subsided, her eyes are like a mist of water, this stare, the style is flowing, it is like anger but not anger.

Seeing his heart is hot.

Leaning over, pinched her chin to kiss.

I didn't know what to meet, until Xia Weibao began to resist, he let go.

"Go buy me clothes!"

Xia Weibao made a fist and made a beating gesture.

Lu Hualiang looked down and looked down with a smile on his face. The empress who was watching wanted to punch someone!

"Actually, it looks better without wearing it."

"You..." Xia Weibao turned red and smiled suddenly, "Okay, then I will go out like this."

If he is willing to go out like this, she writes Xia Weibao upside down!

Now it was Lu Hualiang's turn to change his face, he glared at her, and drove to the mall.

If she is allowed to go out like this, it is estimated that many people will die.

Because everyone who sees her style must die!

He opened the skylight and let out the smell.

I found a brand store on the street and got off the car to buy clothes.

When I came back, I was holding a clothing bag and a bunch of red roses.

Xia Weibao was startled, "Give it to me?"


Lu Hualiang glared at her, looking serious.

The premise is to ignore the reddish ear tips.

This is the first time he has given roses to girls.

Xia Weibao was startled, not knowing the reaction at all, Lu Hualiang stuffed the flower into her arms, "Do you like it."

The tone was a bit blunt, like a young man who just confessed to the goddess.

Xia Weibao finally reacted, and his smile slowly bloomed, even more eye-catching than this fiery red rose.

Lu Hualiang was a little dumbfounded.

Reached out and took it, lowered his head and sniffed, his face was intoxicated, "I like it."

Girls like men to give flowers, and she is no exception.

Regardless of the previous life or this life, her man seemed to have nothing to do with romance, and would never take the initiative to give her anything.

Because she is not lacking.

The rare treasures of the palace abound, and she lacks anything.

Lu Yuan is even more luxurious to the extreme, she uses the best in everything, and there is no shortage.

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