Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 843: If you live in ancient times, there are no concubines in the sixth palace

Feeling the fiery palm stroking her waist through the clothes, then slowly moving down.

Continue to follow the curve of her waist, come to her skirt, and want to lift it up.

Xia Weibao was shocked, "What are you doing!"

Lu Hualiang stared at her pretty face, a flame of fire rose in his eyes.

When watching the video in the office, he thought, to tear her cheongsam severely!

Let her bright and windy face bloom with fatal enchantment under his love.

No need to answer, his has told him bluntly what he wants to do.

Xia Weibao paled, and hurriedly held his hand, "Lu Hualiang!"

Gritting his teeth, the sound almost squeezed out from between the teeth!

Just forget it at home, but now it's outside and the car is still parked in the parking lot!

Occasionally someone walked by outside, and she was even more frightened.

The fire in Lu Hualiang's eyes grew stronger and stronger, and he couldn't wait to melt her!

The hand moved mischievously, and Xia Weibao's body was tense with fright, and his face turned red into an apple.

"Someone outside..."

"Don't worry, the car windows are covered with reflective films, so you can't see them outside."


Xia Weibao was breathing fast. Although he couldn't see the inside, he could see the outside.

And if you do it in the car, the car will be top, it is easy to know what is doing inside, she can not afford to lose this person.

"You seduce me."

Lu Hualiang's eyes grew deeper and deeper, and there was even a fine sweat on his forehead.

Xia Weibao is innocent, "When did I seduce you?"

She was pressed under her body as soon as she got into the car, and she didn't even have time to react. Where did she seduce him?

Lu Hualiang's big palm walked along the curve of her waist, stroking the cheongsam lovingly.

The tone was ambiguous, and all the heat sprayed on her face, "You wear this dress to seduce me."

He bet that when Xia Weibao appeared in the live broadcast in this suit, 90% of the men wanted to pick up this cheongsam!

God knows how tasty he is!

I want to hide her more and more, Jinwu Zangjiao or something, just think about it and be happy.

Lu Hualiang pecked her lips, "If you lived in ancient times, there would never be a palace fight."

"Why." Xia Weibao's breathing was unstable, and some couldn't keep up with his rhythm.

"You are so beautiful, you must be a harem without concubine, you are all in love with you."

Xia Weibao is happy, oh, really right.

When she thought of dominating the harem back then, she was indeed a favorite.

However, there are concubines in the harem. The concubines before the dog emperor are all sent in by the ministers, and there are some beauties sent by the captive countries to enrich the harem.

However, Emperor Xia Liang had a spirit of cleanliness and never favored his concubine.

Weifu was assassinated during the tour and almost died, and then she was rescued.

She was abducted back to the palace, and the sixth house has been the only one ever since.

The concubines in the harem were almost disbanded. Fortunately, she was clever and saved them all, otherwise, how could she live the long days in the palace.

Xia Weibao hugged his neck, eyes gleaming like diamonds, "It's only half right."

It's quite proud to think about it, she is probably the only person in history who can monopolize the emperor.

And it accounted for more than a thousand years.

The more you think about it, the more you have to praise your charm.

Recalling the past, Xia Weibao was also a little moved, and pulled his head down and kissed him.

His wife took the initiative to give a kiss, and Lu Hualiang was even more excited, and his actions were very rude.

Grabbing her skirt and tearing it apart, the antique cheongsam was gloriously scrapped.

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