Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1123: Exit the entertainment circle 1

Crying with a headache.

How could this happen, why did things develop like this.

She remembered that it went well last night, Lu Hualiang entered the room and drank.

Then she walked in.

When I opened the door, my eyes became dark, and I didn't know anything.

When she woke up, the room was full of reporters, and all kinds of flashlights blinded her!

The soreness from her body made her desperate, especially her lower body...

A strong sense of shame made her want to die!

It's Lu Hualiang, Lu Hualiang must do all this!

Yan Weiyang collapsed. She did not expect that the person who ruined her was her favorite man!

"Lu Hualiang, you are so cruel!"

Really ruthless!

The most precious thing of a woman, he threw it to three wretched scum like this!

Director Zheng and the two producers are indeed very famous, but they are famous because they made island action movies!


When he thought that the first time he was taken away by these three beasts, and that everyone knew about it, Yan Weiyang wanted to die!

The psychological line of defense has completely collapsed.

Weibo fell, and the phone was blown up.

The agent's phone, the company's phone, and the interview phone are constantly calling her cell phone.

She didn't dare to take it, she didn't dare to face the scandals outside.

Her reputation was ruined.

The rest of her life was completely ruined.

All, ruined.

Now she doesn't even have the courage to get out of the room.

The curtains in the room were all drawn up, she didn't dare to see anyone, or even the light, which reminded her of the spotlights that ruined her.

Locked himself in the room for a whole day, but the butler did not dare to come up and knock on the door.

Yan Fei went to the National Defense Building early in the morning. Because of this incident, he was so busy that he didn't even have time to eat lunch.

Yan Yuexian was already on winter vacation, and was at home at this time, wondering whether to ask Yan Weiyang to come down for dinner.

This thing is really miserable, but it is also what Yan Weiyang deserves!

She didn't understand. How could a cousin who was so good before suddenly changed herself.

Today, a few classmates who knew that Yan Weiyang was her cousin sent a message asking her whether things on the Internet were true, and she was afraid to speak.

Too shameful.

Yan's noodles were all lost!

Yan Yuexian struggled all day, and it was not until eleven o'clock in the evening that Yan Fei returned with exhaustion.

She hurried up, "Brother."

Yan Fei touched her head, her voice filled with fatigue, "Why haven't you slept so late?"

Yan Yuexian looked upstairs cautiously, "Cousin hasn't been down for a day and hasn't eaten yet."

Her eyebrows were frowning. Although she doesn't like Yan Weiyang now, she is her cousin after all.

Blood relationship cannot be chosen.

So I am still a little worried.

Yan Fei curled his eyebrows, "I'll go and see."

When I was about to go upstairs, I heard the sound of an engine outside, followed by footsteps hurriedly.

Yan Fei and Yan Yuexian both turned their heads and saw Yan Lingyi rushing in with a cold air.

After such a big incident, she had already rushed back.

"Xiao Fei, what's the matter, what's wrong with Wei Yang?"

When mentioning this, Yan Fei's expression sank, "She is still upstairs."

"Auntie, my cousin hasn't come down to eat all day." Yan Yuexian said.

Yan Lingyi's heart is broken, that's her daughter.

Although she has been dissatisfied with her daughter this time, she is her only daughter.

Seeing that my daughter has been hurt so much, how can I not feel sad as a mother?

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