Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1122: Yan Weiyang's accident 3

"Husband." Xia Weibao hurriedly changed her words, tragically, letting out her mouth.

"Husband, if you have harmed Yan Weiyang like this, the presidential palace is easy to find out. Will there be trouble?"

Lu Hualiang stared at her face with deep eyes.

An angry flutter in her chest, she lay in his arms again, calling other men!

With a calm face, he suddenly lifted the quilt and got out of bed, leaving her only a cold back.

Xia Weibao, "..."

What's wrong? This is, what an unprovoked temper, where did she offend him again.


Really cold.

Suddenly the quilt was lifted, even if the room is turned on, it will be cold.

She retracted her head into the quilt, puzzled, she didn't provoke him.

Lu Hualiang washed out and changed clothes while standing in front of the closet.

Xia Weibao got out of the bed and walked in front of him with his coat and woolen slippers.

The plain jade hand picked up the tie and tied him seriously.

Lu Hualiang looked at the woman with a focused expression in front of him. This was the beautiful morning he had imagined countless times, and his heart suddenly softened.

Just like that, stay with him, just fine.

Xia Weibao secretly observed his face and asked, "What happened to you just now?"

"It's okay."

Xia Weibao muttered, "Did I make you angry?"

"No?" Lu Hualiang stretched out his hand to wrap her waist which was not squeezed. "Sorry, I shouldn't make a face to you."

Xia Weibao looked suspicious, men are really fickle.

"Yan Weiyang's matter, Yan Fei will definitely find out about you, is it all right?"

After all, this time the matter was so serious, innocence and reputation were completely ruined.

The Presidential Palace will not give up.

Lu Hualiang smiled coldly and said endlessly arrogantly, "What did I find? I found the room opened by Yan Weiyang, and did I find Yan Weiyang buying the waiter to prescribe medicine."

This is all about the woman's own making!

Even if he dared to calculate it to him, what Yan Fei should worry most now is that he will not be held accountable instead of running to hold him accountable!

It is estimated that Yan Fei is already overwhelmed by himself. The last time Yan Yuexian's affairs were so ruthless, he almost bloodied China's political arena, and he did not know how many people had been offended.

If the matter this time is used by others, he will suffer.

This is the limitation of politicians. There are too many restrictions and too many eyeliners to stare at. A wrong step may be forever!

The greater the power, the greater the restriction, which is one of the reasons why he dislikes politics and prefers business.

Your Excellency, this name sounds very glamorous and powerful, but there are too many constraints.

Even if Yan Fei made trouble for him indiscriminately, he was not afraid.

After confirming that Lu Hualiang would not be implicated, Xia Weibao was relieved.

Ready to go to the studio.

When we came to the set, the whole crew was discussing about Yan Weiyang.

I heard someone say that Yan Weiyang was scolded to Guan Bo.

Xia Weibao thought that she would not, so she cursed these two sentences and shut down her, just how bad this woman's ability to bear it is.

I think she never thought about Guan Bo when she was scolded all the way.

Click to open Yan Weiyang's Weibo, and it was really closed.

In the Presidential Palace, all the servants were trembling.

Listening to the sound of smashing things upstairs and the roar of the woman breaking down, everyone was a little scared.

This is the first time they have seen Miss Watch out of control so much.

Yan Weiyang hid in the room and smashed everything he could.

Vent the hatred in my heart.


She screamed, clutching her hair frantically with her hands, and sliding down the corner to the ground.

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