Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2717: Pure yang body

In the Mahayana period, no one practice can be achieved in one step. After all, after this level, the energy level required for each progress is multiplied.

Moreover, judging from the experience of Sun Hao’s past practice, it is not so easy to practice every step of the way.

Among the mountains, Sun Hao let the witch digest the money in this sorcerer's blood pool, and he went quietly. Not long after, he found the second bat nest, quietly sneaked in, like the method, the essence of this bat's nest was again To steal the cockroaches, the toxins of the bats were completely forced out, and the fighting power of the bats was consumed seven or eight.

The sorcerers once again relaxed and succumbed to the second sorcerer's blood, and began a new round of blood-sucking magic.

If it is the real sorcerer's blood, the sorcerers' repairs are too low, and they can't bear the **** impact of that level.

This kind of Shentan, which has been sucked away by a lot of blood and blood, is just a good level for them, and they can gradually increase their blood concentration.

In addition, Sun Hao drives the yin and yang to help each other, and each sorcerer can clearly perceive his own great progress.

Zhu Dezheng and Zhichi are also making rapid progress. Their bodies have grown up and become more powerful.

However, the two choices of Zhu Dezheng and Zhichi are not the blood of Sun Hao's criminal warfare. They practiced different witchcraft inheritance exercises according to their own needs to guide their bloodstream evolution direction.

Among them, Zhu Dezheng chose the 12th ancestor's side because of the needs of the refiner. He once defeated the blood of the flaming **** Zhu Rong. Zhizai was suppressed by Luo Mei, and he always looked at his blood. When he chose blood, he chose a very mighty ancestral witch, and he was bloody. Once he was built, there are eight feet, three heads and six arms, and the iron head is inexhaustible. .

The practice of the two is also gradual, and Sun Hao reasonably adjusts the concentration of their blood and soul pool according to their progress. At present, the effect of their practice is quite good and progresses smoothly.

However, what makes Sun Hao more emotional is his own practice. After the second Wuxue Shentan is completely digested, Sun Hao suddenly discovers that this Shentan’s practice of purely Yang’s blood is weakened. One percent.

A little thought, Sun Hao understands what is going on here, the blood in the blood of the blood of the gods, and most of the nutrients, the actual is the witches in the mountains, the blood is relatively pure, The quality is relatively simple, such a blood, afraid that it is difficult to completely pureize the blood of their war witch.

After all, from the blood level, the blood of the witch is weak, and the blood of the witch does not know how many times. Even if it is all the essence, it is difficult to form a decisive influence on the blood of the witch.

Feeling this situation, Sun Hao can not help but sigh, the Mahayana is not easy, the practice is difficult, every step, it takes a long time to accumulate.

At the same time, however, Sun Hao’s heart has also raised many flukes. In other words, Sun Hao is quite fortunate compared to other monks. In the Mahayana period, he still found a practical way of practicing, without blind pursuit.

The practice of yin and yang combined with Dafa has already found a direction, and the process may be more complicated, but the road is here, and more time is normal for the Mahayana monks.

After killing the second sorcerer's bat cave, Sun Hao continued without clearing the mountains.

Soon, I found the third sorcerer's blood pool. What surprised Sun Hao was that he absorbed the huge blood of this sorcerer's blood, and after the yin and yang combination with his own sorcerer, the bloodline increased again. Some of them, however, their own overall cultivation, but through the accumulation of the front and the nourishment of several witch blood pools, the water into the general, entered the middle of the Mahayana.

The real yuan was completely filled, the trees were unfolded, and the branches and leaves were swayed over nine days. Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei Qi Qihe congratulated: "Congratulations to Daoyou, Tongtian Avenue, and further."

Sun Hao’s heart was delighted and said slowly: “It’s the same with hi.”

In the middle of the advanced Mahayana, it is already expected. After the real entry, Sun Hao’s heart is still full of joy.

When Sun Hao is doing this, every improvement is worth celebrating.

After a few days of happiness, Sun Hao ran back to organize a big family gathering. He had to condense the empty towers, summoned the main monks around him, and gathered together to answer many of the questions on the practice. I shared with you after the promotion. The joy of this, then come back, bring your own sorcerer, continue to sweep the mountains.

On the mountains of the mountains, there are many nests of witches and blood bats. For many years, because there are no natural enemies, the group of swan and blood bats has developed quite well.

However, after a grandson, the sorcerer's bat has suffered a catastrophe.

All the way to the past, Sun Hao lost more than forty witches and bats in the nest, at this time, the witch blood bat cave has been left, and it will be completely extinct. At this time, Sun Hao also found that his blood pure Yanghua reached about 20%, and there was no longer a little effect on the blood and the blood of the gods. There was no sign of improvement.

Finally, I found a witch blood pool. Sun Hao did not secretly kill it. Instead, he opened his mouth and spit out three real fires, forcibly burning into the cave.

The ordinary flame couldn't stop the sound of the gods, but the three fires of Sun Hao's practice were excluded, the fierce flames burned everything, and the swan-blooded bats in the caves did not escape, and all of them were turned into ashes.

After this Wuxue Shentan attacked, Sun Hao did not go to the bubble himself, but left the whole land to the witches and Zhu Dezheng and Zhizai.

After the tempering of so many witches in the front, the monks around Sun Hao’s ability to adapt to the blood and the resistance to the battoxin were greatly enhanced. After jumping into the Shentan, they could barely support it. With the help of Sun Hao, the sorcerers were among the gods, and they began to change one by one.

More than forty Shentan came down, and Sun Hao took extra care. Geer Yunyu, who often opened a small stove, directly upgraded his cultivation from the middle of distraction to the distraction, while some of them were relatively low-minded. Forty thousand Shentan down, have made great progress.

One thousand of the sorcerers, more than half of them completed the accumulation, arrived at the edge of the distraction into the distraction, and the remaining sorcerers also entered the robbery period, began to follow the arrangement of Sun Hao, accumulated thunder and began to accumulate .

Seeing the speed of progress of the monks around Sun Hao, Zhizai and Zhu Dezheng could not help but sigh. One person has to go to the sky, and I am not deceiving.

Their two sorcerers practiced a qualitative change in the last sorcerer's blood pool. Zhu Dezheng began to spit fire, and Zhizhi grew a second head.

However, unlike other witches, after the last Wuxue Shentan, Sun Hao asked them to suspend the sorcerer's practice and go back to digest the income.

Like Sun Hao’s practice of practicing the sorcerer’s body, Zhu Dezheng and Zhizi’s body accumulated a lot of indigestion blood, but it took a while to polish.

Sun Hao himself, after digesting the harvest of more than forty sorcerer's blood pools, the pure blood of the blood is stable at about 20%. In the end of this sorcerer's blood, Sun Hao has suddenly started to accumulate for a long time. God bat blood poison.

The powerful toxin toxicity broke out instantly, and Sun Haohua was sentenced to the sorcerer's sorrow. In the Wuxue Shentan, he instinctively drove the yin and yang to merge the Dafa, and he was ruthlessly ruining his own thousand Finally, I was able to stimulate my blood and the opportunity to make progress.

The blood poison of the **** bat should have the effect of purifying the essence of blood, coupled with the intentional stimulation of Sun Hao, and achieved a good practice effect.

Full of blood, after Sun Hao promoted blood poisoning, achieved pure Yang, which has an unexpected surprise.

That is to say, during the whole process of the practice of Qunshan, Sun Hao completed the pure yang of his own three-in-one blood, and the yin and yang combination Dafa achieved a very good beginning.

After the practice of Qunshan Mountain, there was also a by-product that made Sun Hao quite unexpected. Sun Hao worked hard for a few decades in Wudong. He wanted to make a few dolls to make a difference to the Wu people. There was no movement at all.

To this end, Sun Hao had to come out with the sorcerers and practice his duties while practicing. However, what Sun Hao did not expect was that the group of mountains and mountains had been repaired into a pure sun, and a thousand witches. Among them, 30% are actually pregnant with a witch.

This result makes Sun Hao different, but also has a speculation, will it be, the pure blood of his own blood represents the chance of winning? After the blood is completely pure, is it that the witches will be pregnant with the witch?

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