Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2716: Swallowing and nourishing (2)

Without comparison, there is no harm. Zhizai now deeply understands the meaning of this sentence.

Wisdom is busy for three days, no achievements, those high and big but charming and charming, no one knows how to set up a battle, Zhizai can only cry and tears to express their efforts.

However, when I went back to the condensed air tower for less than three days, I came out again. The situation changed completely. I don’t know what kind of teaching method Sun Hao took. Within three days, all the maiden’s battles were drilled. Call a familiar.

The station is called an accurate one.

Wisdom is completely speechless, is this a loose witch? How do you feel that every spirit is full of enthusiasm, as if you are being summoned by Sun Hao, full of passion?

Zhichi expressed his conviction, and Sun Boss is really the boss of Sun. If you don’t see the gap, you can’t compare it.

After Zhizhi and Zhu Dezheng came out, Sun Hao threw himself to a map that had just been produced by Zhizai. He said, "According to this map, you can find the vampire bat nest with the team after about three days. If you kill it, you should have a weak harvest."

Zhichi nodded and said: "Well, with this magical battle combination, I promise to be able to get into this buddha bat nest."

A few witches had uneasy expressions on their faces, and they stopped talking.

Looks like, in the family classics record, the sorcerer's nest is extremely dangerous, even if it is a kind of powerful distracted monk composed of a team of warriors, do not dare to chaos, their own uneven team, plus just learned soon The battle, can you take a trip?

Is the husband of the husband too too big?

Sun Hao said to Zhiduo noddedly: "Well, this battlefield is specifically planned by the witch, and her ability is not weak. You and the German government will cooperate well."

Zhu Dezheng and Zhiqiu Qi Qi said well.

Sun Hao fluttered in the air, pointing his hand toward the front, and said in his mouth: "Ladies and gentlemen, with me, kill the buds of the sorcerer's blood, take the blood of the gods, practice the technique of swallowing blood, stimulate the evolution of blood, and go..."

The letter will be suspicious, many witches suppress their own doubts, under the leadership of Sun Hao, go straight to the goal pointed by Sun Hao.

On the road, more than one witch woman made a suggestion to Geer Yunwei: "Boss, the husband is not too big, the sorcerer's bat is very powerful, the sorcerers on the road are very difficult, we are so thorny Killing the past, it is estimated that you will not be able to eat and walk."

Geer Yun has gradually established his own majesty in the heart of the witch, and is called the eldest sister or the boss by many witches.

After hearing the advice of the witches, Geer Yunxiao chuckled and said: "It's okay, the husband of the princes has a lot of thoughts. When you get there, you naturally understand."

Following the route designated by Sun Hao, the team of thousands of people, under the leadership of Zhichi, killed all the way, and the strange situation happened. On this road, the sorcerer, which should have been seen everywhere, actually did not see it. It was just being cleaned up by people, and it was quite clean.

The Witch team rushed unimpeded to the cave of the sorcerer's bat, and saw a huge cave that was enough to drag into the sorcerer's cave.

Some witches are strange: "It’s strange, why didn’t you see it all the time? How did it die?”

According to Sun Hao's suggestion, in addition to a few tall witches, other witches followed the intellectual idiots, formed a team, and heroically entered the cave.

To be honest, many witches are deeply worried about this unreasonable style of play, fearing that their team will be instantly submerged in the siege of the sorcerer's blood bat, instantly poisoned, killed or alive.齑 powder.

However, after entering the cave, things that made them even more surprised happened. The bats in the entire cave were a listless, breathless, exhausted look. They had never seen a decent resistance. Directly killed to the Wuxue Shentan!

The powerful sonic attack turned into a futile, screaming; powerful, said to be able to give a scorpion to the anesthetic toxins, and did not show much power at all.

The entire group of witches and blood bats is like a war, exhausted, so that the witch team takes up a huge bargain, and if it is not careful, it will kill the **** gods.

The witches cleared the entire sacred blood bat cave, and after occupying the famous Wuxue Shentan, they were still in a dream.

It’s a weird feeling. Is this action too easy and simple? Standing on the edge of the Wuxuetan Lake, many witches can't believe the scene before them.

Standing on the edge of the attacking Wuxue Shentan, the witches began to discuss how to use the blood of this magic pool.

The witches who have mastered the intelligence said that the blood of Shentan is extremely poisonous and extremely violent. When using it, it is necessary to be careful and careful. For the sake of insurance, they suggest a little refining.

Ge Yunyun asked Sun Hao's opinion.

Sun Hao’s big hand waved, and a whole wall was erected in the middle of the Wuxue Shentan. It was divided into two parts. The hand pointed to the blood pool. Sun Hao said with a smile: “There is nothing hesitating, since it has been attacked. You will go in and take a shower. On the other side of the small pool, let Dezheng and Zhichi go on the line. The big pool is yours. Soaking in the practice, the effect should be good."

Many witches have stunned their eyes, isn’t the husband of the husband too arrogant? Don't ask for the meaning of green and white!

However, more witches have already blindly worshiped Sun Hao, and they laughed happily. One of the witches raised a small head and said: "Adult, are you also making a bubble with us?" ?"

Is this the rhythm of washing the bath? Sun Hao laughed and said in his mouth: "Well, then let's bubble with you, right, Zhichi, you put this **** blood with some utensils, send it out, give some big men outside. Let them slowly digest, the husband, what are you waiting for, all go in and soak in a bubble..."

The earth wall was erected high, and the intellectual idiot and Zhu Dezheng were separated from each other. Suddenly, the Yan Yanyan around Sun Hao was active, and the armor was removed from the body, revealing a healthy white or wheat color. Skin, start to try to bathe in the blood pool.

Seeing this kind of posture, some of the wandering witches were anxious, and when they were waiting to advise the sisters, they slammed, and Sun Hao jumped into the blood pool and walked a few times like a fish. Standing in the blood pool, he waved and said, "Come on, come on, come on..."

Encouraged by Sun Hao, the witches suddenly became motivated and jumped into the pool of blood.

However, their performance is much worse than Sun Hao. After jumping in, they screamed in their mouths, as if they were hot and hot.

Not the girl's face showed such a look, but immediately they found out that the sisters were screaming a few times, but they could barely stand in the blood pool.

Geer Yunxiao’s face showed a bright smile and whispered to these sisters: “I don’t understand yet? The husband’s method means the heavens. This witch-blood bat cave should be a place that adults can find for everyone to practice. ”

Several witches have a good spirit.

Geer Yun’s eyes turned and looked at Sun Hao in the blood pool. He said in a loud voice: “Sisters, if you can’t resist the pressure of blood pool, you should go to the adults to drive the yin and yang combination law, then There is no problem at all."

The witches cheered together, and Sun Hao couldn't help but slowly shake his head. Unexpectedly, after the cloud of three people merged with Ge Yunyun, the courage became much bigger and he dared to do anything.

However, Geer Yunzhen is really right. can't stand the blood of the witches, as long as they find Sun Hao, it is not a problem at all.

Sun Hao brought the witches here, and the purpose is to use the yin and yang combination method to drain the blood of the last blood, and to maximize the role of the blood pool.

The blood of a sorcerer's blood is indeed a weak effect on Sun Hao's blood changes.

Sun Hao earnestly perceives himself and finds that after the whole blood pool is completely absorbed, he should be able to complete the pure yang of about one percent.

A whole blood pool can only be completed by one percent! This ratio is indeed small enough, but this is only the first stop after Sun Hao entered the rhinoceros state.

This discovery gave Sun Hao the greatest confidence in the body of pure Yang.

The blood-sucking technique is really helpful for practicing the pure-yang body. It is really right to come to the rhinoceros state.

Below, I only hope that there are enough caves for the sorcerer's bat, and I can find enough Shentan.

A good start is not.

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