Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2643: 5 lines

The thumb belongs to the earth, the soil is the earth, the Kun is the Kun, the Kun is the mother, so it is called the thumb.

The index finger is liver wood, wood is spring, spring is the main student, so the index finger is like spring.

The **** is the heart of the fire, the fire is summer, the summer is long, and the longest summer is the longest middle finger.

The ring finger belongs to the lung gold, the gold is autumn, the autumn is the main harvest, the spring and autumn are equal, so the index finger is equal to the ring finger.

The small finger belongs to the kidney water, the water is winter, the winter is the main collection, and the winter is the shortest, so the little finger is the shortest.

Sun Hao began to practice the five elements of martial arts, which is the method of Wei Xinbing's "five lines of martial arts" practiced from Sun Hao from the aristocratic classics.

What makes Sun Hao more unexpected is that the five elements of the aristocratic classics, in addition to the law, also have handprints.

The principle of handprints is that the five elements of the finger are the same as the ones that they have practiced before, and they do not move the Ming Dynasty and other handprints. In the process of cutting out, they can display the fingerprints and better understand the foundation of the five elements. Quickly enter the state of practice.

Among the five elements of martial arts, Sun Hao once practiced earthworms, and the rafts were also involved in the practice. Now, the practice is that this thing should not be difficult.

However, after really starting to practice, Sun Hao suddenly discovered a fact that he had to practice five elements of martial arts. He feared that he also needed to study it carefully. He had to master the five elements of martial arts. It is also necessary to spend a lot of time. .

Compared with the practice of bandit, there are two great differences between Sun Hao and the other martial arts that practice the five elements of martial arts. The first is that the more martial arts practice, the greater the mutual influence of scorpion surgery. The difficulty is also increased accordingly; the second is the supreme realm of the real five elements of martial arts, that is, among the five elements, nothing, a thousand miles, and a great skill.

The five elements are the origin of the world. The five elements of martial arts practice to the limit, in fact, it means that the monks can go anywhere at any time.

Moreover, because of the difference between the five elements, the way and place of Sun Hao's practice must also be different. According to the characteristics of the five elements, Sun Hao's practice of five elements of martial arts is also difficult.

The practice of gold cymbal requires metal as the medium. When entering, there must be metal around. When it comes out, there must be metal objects within the range of three hundred miles. If not, the scorpion will fail and the metality will be strong. It is powerfully destructive. After the ordinary monk Jin Jin, the days will not be too good. The possibility of being injured by Jin Mang is particularly large. If you are not careful, you will be cut and bruised by the gold gas.

It is not easy to practice gold cymbals. It is mainly because the metality of this world is really varied and varied. All kinds of metals have different textures, densities and different strengths.

According to the most basic principle of the Five Elements, the monk has the most perfect grasp of the properties of the metal, and the most is in place, the better the effect of the Golden Dragon.

In order to practice the bandit technique, Sun Hao drilled many times in the ground and was familiar with all kinds of soil layers. This not only requires super good memory, super good judgment, but also must be practiced by himself.

Hibiscus, it needs trees, and it is alive, and there are trees that can be taken out. The wood properties are milder than the metal, and the danger of practice is much less. However, the difficulty of practicing rafting is also small. Where to go.

The height and material of the trees will change according to the living environment. Sometimes, even if they are the same tree, the wood properties are not exactly the same. In contrast, the randomness of the wood properties is very large. Estimated time is quite a lot.

Minamata must jump into the water and must reach a certain amount of water. At least it must be able to soak the water in the body of the monk in order to display the mink.

In order to quickly display the leeches, there are many things that monks need to master. For example, monks must understand and master a series of environments such as water pressure, water flow rate, water temperature, etc. Only in order to have a good practice.

Firecracker is the most dangerous kind of scorpion in all sorcerers. Fire is also the most destructive and devastating five elements of the five elements. It is a violent and unstable property that allows the monks to enter the fire. Burns are often encountered.

The fire shovel is similar to the practice of the gongs. In the place where there is fire, it enters the flame. Within three hundred miles, the fire source must be found and pulled out. If it is not found, the scorpion will fail instantaneously.

After the failure of the fire blast and the golden scorpion, the damage suffered by the monk was enormous. If it was slightly weaker, it would have to be seriously injured.

The bandit technique is no secret to Sun Hao, and it is also a kind of technique that Sun Hao has mastered for a long time.

However, when he really began to practice bandits, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that he still had a lot of room for improvement.

With the improvement of Sun Haoxiu, with the improvement of Sun Hao's own strength, in the actual combat, Sun Hao has rarely used bandit techniques to escape.

Occasionally, when using bandit techniques, Sun Hao is usually quite unreasonable, and he uses his powerful cultivation to push himself forward quickly.

That is to say, with the improvement of Sun Haoxiu, Sun Hao has actually entered the stage of squatting for the bandit technique, and there is no such fine study to begin to learn the bandit technique.

Because there is really not much need.

Now, when seriously repairing the bandit technique, Sun Hao began to numb the scalp. The virtual world is not the Tianling continent of the lower bound. The Tianling continent lists all kinds of soil layers. Sun Hao was stunned at that time. But now, when it comes to Shang Xu, when I get the bandit technique of the Terran inheritance, it is only the soil layer. Sun Hao found that there is already a thick book in his hand.

The monks of the imaginary people, the monks who practiced the bandits, according to their own experience in cultivation, according to the experience of the monks in the world, gradually accumulated all kinds of soil in the virtual world, and when they arrived in the hands of Sun Hao Good guy, the soil has accumulated more than 30,000 kinds, and I feel dizzy.

Even if it is a bandit technique, you still need to work hard if you want to cultivate it completely.

Originally, Sun Hao’s perception, the five elements of martial arts, is not very useful for the present self. After all, when it comes to speed, one of his own Dapeng wings, flying into the sky, going thousands of miles, 遁During the operation, in addition to the wind and the light, the speed of other scorpions does not necessarily have their own flying speed.

Therefore, Sun Hao did not really pay special attention to the Five Elements.

If not, in the years of Sun Hao’s experience of traveling the world, the five elements of martial arts have long been taught.

Until now, when Sun Hao really needed to learn, he suddenly discovered that his previous practice had a lot of debts and he had to spend a lot of time to add some of these lessons.

Just as Sun Hao sinks his heart and begins to earnestly remember and seriously understand the various attributes of the Five Elements, in the knowledge of God, Luo Pengfei said with a big sigh: "Agarwood, you are right, the five elements of martial arts, It is a subject that must be a monk, and it is a basic subject. Since you are practicing now, it is recommended that you carefully and systematically smelt the five elements of martial arts into one, truly achieving a powerful position of nothing."

Sun Hao nodded and said yes.

The voice of the celestial plane also came out: "Yes, Xiaohao, don't underestimate the various attributes listed in the five elements of the five elements. And if it is possible, I suggest you Xiaohao every time. A five-line attribute is personally instigated, because this is also the basic foundation for you to practice, the basic avenue, and some of the most basic foundations of the Five Elements Avenue."

Sun Hao is not inspired by the spirit. It is true that there is a five-way avenue among the basic avenues selected by Sun Hao. The five elements of martial arts are a method of breaking into the wormhole, and also a five-line technique. In fact, when you practice the Avenue of Time and Space, you will certainly be able to strengthen your understanding of the Five Elements and lay the foundation for your future Five Elements Avenue.

If only simply practicing the five elements of martial arts, Sun Hao may feel that it is uneconomical to spend too much time, but now, Sun Hao found that the five elements of martial arts actually have their own two avenues, but they have to use their heart to understand the practice.

In the Yuxu Palace, there are different dojos. In addition to the Yuxu dojo from Sun Hao, there are some special places, among which there is a very strong five-line single-property dojo.

Sun Hao used his own nameplate to spend some contribution and ran to each dojo to start practicing.

At this time, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that in fact, the contribution of the Terran is also very precious. The five-line single-property dojo of the Jade Palace, each time it is opened, only needs a thousand contributions. Reading network

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