Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2419: Invincible division

The battle of the Qiang people lasted for a hundred years, and within the tri-major territory, there were fierce battles everywhere.

During the Hundred Years' War, some powerful races, some powerful fighters, and some powerful monks stood out.

Undoubtedly, what really remembers the thousands of races is the powerful units of the undead domain.

According to the lethality of the arms, the ranks of the thousands of undead races are given four levels.

The weakest is the cannon ash class. The representative is the warrior army, the zombie warrior army, and so on. There is no special organization of warriors. This kind of soldier can be bullied when he meets, and it is difficult to defeat.

Of course, if you meet the army that uses the Bohai Sea as a unit, it is another matter. If you have more ants, you can kill the elephant.

More powerful than cannon fodder, it is the kind of elite warrior, representing the established archer, the elite zombies, the vampires, the corpse, the black warriors, etc. These units have a strong lethality. It can compete with the Qiang elite.

Above the elite, it is a legendary warrior. It represents the Death Guard, the Undead Knight, and the Silver Ghost. This battle team is terrifying. Once it appears, it is a violent storm. After the ordinary Qianzu elite encounter, it will be quite uncomfortable.

Against the legendary level of undead warriors, unless it is the corresponding group, the team with special ability commanded by a powerful monk, or else, the loss will be quite heavy.

Among the three types of fighters, the strongest attacking force is the undead knight. The knights come and go like the wind, and they can follow the wind. The ability to wear chisel is extremely strong. The knight’s pistol has unparalleled penetrating power and is fierce. Wrapped around.

The most bizarre is the Death Guard. The Death Scythe has the ability to harvest directly, that is, once it is hit, it will directly kill the scene.

The most mysterious is the silvery ghost, the number of occurrences is very small, but the legend has a full physical attack immunity, and the spell attacks often go wrong, quite difficult.

If the legendary fighters can still compete and can play a dozen, the most powerful three invincible divisions in the realm of the virtual world will make people feel terrified. Once they are accidentally encountered, it is definitely a battle. disaster.

Undead dragon soldiers, the dragon family is always one of the most powerful races in the virtual world. It is as strong as the undead dragon. Its huge body and strong strength, once formed into a military, is quite horrible. Only special forces of a strong race can compete.

For example, the Tengu troops in the legend of the Terran, the dragon warriors of the male and female witches, and the phantom shooters of the long-eared people.

More powerful than the undead dragon soldier, the corpse of the undead king is guarded by the corpse, and this unit is really powerful, not the individual strength, the strong number, the corpse of the sea, the number of People fear, the king of immortality has not been involved in the battle of the imaginary and undead protoss, as if they have been building up their strength.

Only recently, only suddenly, the soldiers attacked the Kelman Dragon Field, overwhelming, the unknown corpse, the debut in the virtual, relying on the number, lively to fight a lot of Kelman Dragon Power's powerful dragon warrior constantly smashed into the core areas of the male and female witches.

The Zhongxu Wanzu was shocked and felt a little overwhelmed.

Such a number of corpse warriors, who are the rivals? The powerful male and female witches could not resist, and they had to apply for help from the current strongest people in China.

However, the Zhongxu Wanzu thought that even if it was a human race, it would be difficult to have a powerful unit to fight such a powerful corpse.

Even if the top ten people of the Terran are strong and strong, I am afraid that they will not face the so-called corpse army, and the consumption will be consumed.

The king of Gewang once played in person, and found that the poisonous bomb of the corpse army could destroy his magical law and could break his defense. After destroying tens of thousands of corpses, he had to quit.

The king of immortality, in the battle against the male and female witches, revealed the embarrassment and shocked the Zhongxu people.

To be honest, many races are a bit scared, and they are afraid that the undead king will lead such a force to attack themselves. Both the male and the female witches have been defeated, and it’s not bad to be their turn.

Many races are watching and seeing the reaction of the Terran. It is possible to say that the ethics may deal with the race of this powerful army of the undead king, and may be the Terran.

If the powerful corpse army displayed by the Undead King is still hopeful.

Really let the Zhongxu and Wanzu think that it is invincible, there is no solution, in fact, it is still a few special arms of the undead sorrows, the invincible dragon cannons, the incomparable star officer, which has already made people fear, and the races encountered are all vital. Big injury.

The final ultimate unit is the "Jin Liu Wei", which is a group of arms that are far from horrible and powerful, and that are so powerful that they are almost invincible.

Legend has it that the elite arms of the Morgan Protoss, when the fanatics first encountered Jin Liuwei, was such a situation. At that time, a group army, as many as 300,000 elite fanatics suddenly found that their soldiers were forming into pieces. The film was shot.

I don't know where the enemy is, and the fanatics are quickly retreating, but unfortunately, the whole army can finally escape, that is, several masters of the 20-level command of the Morgan Protoss.

Inexplicably lost the whole army, the general commander is unwilling, leading the commanders to vacate, want to see what the enemy is doing.

The ending, tragic, can no longer be miserable.

They actually saw Jin Liuwei, and they also knew that Jin Liuwei was shooting his own troops. But then, Jin Liuwei did not show mercy. When they started the fire attack, they even had the opportunity to fight back. Shot in the air.

If it is not far from the distance, if it is not good, it will be completely annihilated. In the end, there are only three fast-moving monks who fly very fast and see the machine.

Other monks, including the unwilling commanders, were shot on the spot.

Later, Jin Liuwei participated in the battle several times in a row. Every battle was almost the same. Basically, the opponent had not been able to see Jin Liuwei, and it had already been wiped out.

That is a desperate way of fighting.

Jin Liuwei is a ghost, able to fly, and the geographical environment has little impact on them.

Jin Liuwei's range is super far, and the same is true for air. Basically, as long as it is the target that Jin Liuwei has found, there is basically no chance to escape.

The most terrifying thing is that Jin Liuwei's defense is also very good. The Qiang monks also had the idea of ​​rushing into the camp of Jin Liuwei, but immediately regretted that these strange ghosts have the same physical attacks as the silver ghosts. Exemption ability Basically, it is difficult to hurt them.

Jin Liuwei's thin willow arrows did not have an attack effect on Jin Liuwei himself. Therefore, the soldiers who rushed into the Jinliuwei camp were almost shot down on the spot.

The Angels of the Flying People fell under Jin Liuwei.

The fanatics of the Morgan Protoss fell under Jin Liuwei.

The ancient tree warrior army of the Shuren family also fell under Jin Liuwei.

This is the force that really makes the imaginary people desperate.

Fortunately, the number of the three powerful arms of the Ghosts is not particularly large, and each is just a million. Moreover, the attack mode of the Ghosts is also very random. Basically, it is played in the east, and the West is hit. There is no clear target. It does not occupy the site, so its harm is not so obvious.

When the army of the Qiang Alliance is facing the army of the undead domain, it is in itself superior. Whether it is quantity or quality, it can actually crush the undead army that has entered the tribe.

However, the emergence of such powerful units as Jin Liuwei has led to the fact that the wars within the three major domains have remained stuck.

Many races in the virtual world are afraid that this powerful unit will suddenly burst out and put themselves in a pot.

If it is not the ghost, this race has no rules. It seems that it does not listen to the temperance of the king of immortality. The number of participation in the battle is limited. If you can’t do it, Jinliuwei’s unit can also make the Zhongxu Qiang’s allies seriously injured.

Many people think that the combat strength of Jin Liuwei, whose combat strength has surpassed the limit of Zhongxu, fears that it is a vain and aristocratic family. They are invincible, and the human race is elite, and it is not a fear. Even if it is a ancestors, it should be no different. may not.

Once the Jin Liuwei set fire, the ancestors of Shen Xiang can resist, really two.

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