Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2418: Cut up the cake

Only Bai Jie, although it is very likely that Sun Hao heard her own voice, but her heart actually gave birth to a long-term expectation, I really want to see how Da Xianggong punishes himself, her face is reddish, she is eager to try.

A pair of beautiful eyes fell on the back of Sun Hao, the little tongue spit, and I waited for you to be lucky.

Carrying his hands and standing proudly, Gao Hao said slowly: "The Terran has many advantages. We are eager to learn. We are smart. We are the most potential race. No one, but at the same time, we must also watch. At the time, there are so many bad habits in our human race..."

Sun Hao’s voice paused.

Behind them, many monks have already squatted on the futon and quietly listened to Sun Hao’s teachings.

Sun Hao slowly turned his body, his face was dignified, covered with frost, and said coldly: "I think that one of the biggest bad habits is serious internal consumption. For the sake of personal self-interest, for the benefit of small groups, you hold a group. Heating, mutual support, and ultimately the mistake is the human race."

In the face of Sun Hao, Wu Chuanglang said first loudly: "The disciple is wrong."

Others reacted in unison and said: "I am waiting for the mistake, and I also ask the adults to understand."

Sun Hao snorted and sat down on his head. He said, "Some things have passed. Let him go, do it, don't regret it, don't have any heart, any regrets, or Any grievances will not help."

Sun Hao said it is very concealed. Different people listened and felt different in their hearts.

Everyone said again, "I am obeying the adult order."

Sitting in the first place, Sun Haohu’s eyes swept around, and his mouth said in a loud voice: “The three ancestors of the three generations, such as the flying man, the Morgan and the tree, are fighting against the ancestors of the nine great protoss in the dragon’s slopes. In recent days, the dust has settled. The ancestors of the nine great Protoss, in addition to the undead King Lich who did not participate in the war, the undead dragon ancestors, the zombies, the ancestors, etc. are all spared, and they are degraded..."

Inside the hall, the morale of the Terran monks was a good one, and the good guys, under the First World War, actually killed so many ancestors.

The fighting power of the ancestors of the ancestors has really reached a new height.

The two-sided Witch God shouted aloud: "Agarwood is powerful, ancestors, you are so fierce, and you will be a war."

Sun Hao’s face, with a regrettable expression on his face, said in his mouth: “Everyone should not be too happy. Although we won this battle, the casualties are not small. The flying people, Morgan and the tree people are the great monks. There is no escape, and it is only a tragic victory in the war."

Most of the monks present here do not know the specific situation. They really know what is going on in the Dragon Slayer Bureau, that is, a few core monks such as Wu Xianlang, Xuanyuan Xiaolong and Zhichi.

The news of Sun Hao has caused many monks to marry at the same time, and also deeply shocked the monks of these core layers.

By the way, the boss is really too fierce, and the undead protoss and the tribes of the tribes have all been squandered in one pot. Is it so powerful?

This is the tragic victory of the hammer, it is simply a big win.

The **** Wang Baichen did not know the specific situation, but the kid laughed and said: "Death is good, death is second, hey, they are not dead, we are not convenient, they die, boss, we can be justified..."

When the words are not finished, Sun Hao’s eyes are stunned and he screams: “What are you talking about?” These great monks fall down, but it’s the loss of my imaginary family. Don’t talk nonsense, give me the human race. The necessary trouble."

The blood-stained king shrugged and laughed.

This is a hob-like character, but also a Lai Pi, Sun Hao's words he listens, but the point of view, can be retained.

After Sun Hao yelled at Bai Chen, Lang said: "You are happy, you will inform the world of the results of the Battle of Tu Longpo as soon as possible. Right, this result must be the first time to tell the true demon and the true gods, as well as the male and female witches."

Wu Xianlang’s body was shocked, and his mouth said: “The disciple understands that the ancestors are relieved, and the disciples must do their best and do things well.”

Sun Hao nodded, and his face showed a sad expression. He said in his mouth: "The return of this seat, the expulsion of the undead protoss within the three tribes must be counted down. At that time, our Terran army must be the main force of the war."

Xuanyuan Xiaolong, the double-sided Wu Wang Qi Qi said that it is.

Sun Hao added: "Intelligence, you need to be prepared in advance, that is, the resettlement after the recovery of the three tribes, the three tribes encountered this great disaster, the high-level energy loss, the population has dropped by more than 80%, can It is said that the tri-family domain is now very fragile. If we can't plan ahead and make arrangements in advance, the result is likely to become our forefoot, and the undead monk will follow the chaos."

Zhizai nodded and said: "The adults are high, the situation is indeed the case. In fact, it is not just the situation that we just walked out. Even if it is the battle now, the undead monk always likes to resurrect, playing guerrilla warfare everywhere, so I The suggestion is to send troops to the Qiang National Army to jointly safeguard the safety of the three tribes."

Peacekeeping force?

Sun Hao’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and his mouth said: “My opinions are slightly different. Our presence is likely to add burden to the three tribes. The supply of troops will impose a huge burden on the three tribes. My It is suggested that it is a good idea to divide the three major areas into responsibility areas, and the Qiang people are responsible for each. In the future, the three tribes have the ability, and they can gradually recover them."

Zhichao stayed and stayed in the air.

The boss is really black, and it is a grandiose one. The real intention is actually to reward the merits and deeds. The trinity domain is divided into cakes and distributed to the Qiang allies.

Good guys, even if the tribes recover some strength in the future, it is estimated that the difficulty is not small.

The Qiangzu who occupied the territory can make him safe to recycle.

All the monks on the scene actually realized the meaning of Sun Hao in an instant, and at the same time felt that it should be so. Indeed, the Terran screamed and the thousands of people followed, rushing to support the three tribes and fighting against the undead domain.

Now, after the Allies have won the battle and expelled the army of the undead domain, they naturally have to give the Terran a saying. After all, people will come to fight with you, and there will be sweetness in the future.

Zhichao said with conviction: "The disciple understands, I know what to do."

Sun Hao nodded and said in his mouth: "In addition, I remember to give the true gods and the true demon to the past. The monks of the two ethnic groups also participated in the battle of Tu Longpo. The output is not small, but the intellectuals, remember Remind the two families that they promised to give some of their gadgets, and they need to cash in as soon as possible."

Zhichi understands that this is to tie the true devil and the true gods.

In this way, there are human races, true gods, true devils, skyrocketing, long ears, and the six strong men of the male and female witches, plus more than a thousand small ethnic groups involved in the tribal territory If the three tribes want to recover these custody of the land, it is estimated that it is more difficult. According to the rules of the imaginary, the jurisdiction over a region, as long as it exceeds the millennium, must be replaced.

At that time, I don't know how many foundations the tribe can retain.

Don't even say, Zhichi thinks carefully, no matter what purpose Sun Hao is from, in the current situation, Sun Hao's approach is the only feasible and operative approach.

If the garrison is stationed, it will have many problems, and it will not be conducive to the post-war reconstruction of the three major tri-domains. Only by cutting the three tribes into various races can the three tribes be truly developed.

As for the number of territories that the tribes can get back to, it depends on their own skills. This is the case in the world. If the tribes are strong, it is estimated that recycling some territories is not a big problem. On the contrary, if the strength is not enough, even if the families return to the territory, they themselves can not control.

Inside the Chamber of Deputies, the great monks of the Terran found that when Sun Hao came back, many undecided things were decided for the decision.

Everyone who came to discuss it went to Sun Hao here. There was not much discussion necessary. Sun Hao was quick and arrogant, and he made a decision in a relaxed manner.

Xuanyuan Xiaolong sighed directly underneath, deeply felt that his own Laozi was in the same position, and he could not be questioned. He also found that many things were handled according to Sun Hao’s method. It was both simple and fast, which is a big one. Can be a monk's level.

It’s like a family. When the head of the family is not at home, everyone is noisy, and many things are undecided. After the family owner returns, throw a sentence, “This is the job,” and then everything becomes simple and straightforward. It is.

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