Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2407: Jianmu first appeared

The second four zero seven chapter Jianmu first appeared

The black cloud pressed the city to destroy, and the golden body opened to the sky. (&¥)

More than 20 ancestors set up the Dragon Slayer Bureau, and the momentum was smashing, rolling like a black cloud, trying to destroy the city wall.

They want to be able to expel the grandson from time to time, or to be more ideal, to let Sun Hao fall directly on the spot.

Sun Hao is strict and strict, the sun shines on the golden body, a golden light flashes, holding a stick of the day, so that more than 20 ancestors can help.

The fire was useless, the lightning strike was fruitless, and the mountain fell.

A variety of spells descend from the sky, and battles continue.

The ancestors of the aliens understand that the ancestors of the ancestors are imaginary and powerful, surpassing the existence of the level of competence of all.

For the sake of the present, the best possible method is to fight with the gangs, encircle the rims, use the water to grind the martial arts, gradually eliminate the true elements of the ancestors, and gradually eliminate the ancestral body of the ancestors, with endless storms. Use the constant fighting to achieve the ultimate goal.

Theory, this way of fighting is absolutely feasible.

The true ancestors of the ancestors themselves are like Taotao, and they can continue to play for hundreds of years. Everyone is now out of the battle, and they can fight all the time.

Moreover, everyone still has a big blessing in the stars, and it can enhance everyone's fighting power and create tremendous pressure on the ancestors.

I believe that such a battle will continue. It is considered that the strength of the ancestors is stronger, and one day, it will not be able to withstand it.

In the fierce battle, all kinds of spells make Sun Hao stunned.

There are big water dragons falling from the sky, the rain of the sky is falling, the speed of each raindrop is extremely fast, like a small hidden weapon, the lethality is huge; there are countless arrows falling from the sky, like being shot by thousands of horses The goal is directed at Sun Hao, and it is necessary to shoot Sun Hao into a hedgehog.

Under the glare of the gods, I want to melt away Sun Hao’s life; and the vines are compiled into a cover that falls over to Sun Hao; there are giant trees falling from the sky, and the ground thorns pierce from the ground...

Various attacks, physical strikes, spell attacks, magic weapon attacks, various effects, Qi Qi fell in the grandson of Sun Hao.

These ancestors have powerful spells and amazing combat power.

Every one has the best skills, even if it is Sun Hao, you can't be small.

In the fierce battle, Sun Hao found that even if he had the veins and limbs to supplement his consumption, he still showed a state of being unable to make ends meet.

Calculate the rough and rough, if you continue this kind of war, you can persist for a hundred years at most, and you are likely to face the possibility of depletion of the real yuan.

Of course, by that time, it is estimated that these ancestors were also consumed by themselves. Sun Hao felt that if they continued to fight for a hundred years, these ancestors would have a chance to rotate, and it is estimated that they will have a lot of energy.

If Sun Hao takes a restorative spirit or a pharmacy, it is estimated that this duration may multiply, and everyone's battle will be completely endless.

In the ongoing battle, Sun Hao also found that such a battle has a certain help for his practice.

The fierce battle can make Sun Hao better polish his true yuan.

A variety of attacks can also better temper your own body, and have some good pre-work effects on the "Body Dan" that you are about to begin practicing.

That being the case, at this moment, Sun Hao can completely compete with these ancestors.

God knows, Sun Hao roughly gave Wu Xianlang some things, explained his own situation, then he sinked his heart and entangled with these ancestors.

I learned that Sun Hao was caught in the Dragon Slayer Bureau and suffered from the siege of no less than twenty ancestors. Wu Xianlang gave a big jump, and thoughts and will begin to blame himself: "The disciple is damned, countless, never thought. It’s a crucial point to forget, but fortunately, Master’s supernatural powers, or else, the disciples are hard to blame.”

Sun Hao comforted: "Nothing, these ancestors are vast, there are many ways to circumvent your layout, and I did not expect that the ancestors launched such a dragon slaughter bureau, and the layout is more than one year, can be said With so many people participating, it means that the existence of the teacher is indeed destroying the virtual balance. This is called anger and cannot blame you."

Wu Xianlang’s thoughts about the will: “Master, now, how should I act? Do you want the brothers and sisters to help you? Simply, we will not do it all, and we will all fall into the battlefield. It’s not a once and for all.”

Sun Haoxin said: "They are now ready to help the teacher to complete part of the physical practice. Their powerful spells can just become the sharpening stone for the teacher. Therefore, your brothers and sisters should not participate in this battle. You still follow the original plan. To complete your ultimate strategic goal, I believe that without these ancestors, our plan will be much smoother."

Wu Xianlang: "Understood, Master, disciples should live up to their expectations, and lay a solid foundation for my people, and beat those who dare to set up a game against Master."

Sun Hao said: "Go, this matter, don't tell anyone, someone asked, saying that the teacher has already used the gods to entangle the nine ancestors of the undead domain, and now they are fighting."

Wu Xianlang said with respect and respect: "The disciple understands, the disciples wish the master a great power, kill the four parties, and kill the ancestors who do not know the dead and the dead."

Sun Hao did not answer him. Actually, Sun Hao could not destroy all these ancestors. It is really necessary to do so. The real thing is collapsed. This cause and effect, Sun Hao can not afford to think about it.

Of course, some people can't be light, and the ancestors who participated in this game, whether they are on the battlefield or not, must give Sun Hao an account.

Arrange the virtual battlefield matters, let Wu Xianlang go according to the plan, Sun Hao simply sinks his heart, sees the move, and fights with these ancestors for a long time.

The stars of Zhu Xianzhen, the violent confrontation moments.

The heavens and the earth are discolored, and the space is trembling.

The more the ancestors of the aliens are more and more shocked, the more they are sighing.

Fortunately, everyone is working together to set up a bureau to deal with the people's ancestors. If they are alone, they will never be opponents of their ancestors.

However, now I can't attack for a long time, and my ancestors have a heart to fear, a kind of idea that is not particularly good, and the idea that I didn't think before I started the war.

That is, once everyone has no siege and can't keep the ancestors, how can it end?

Once the agarwood breaks out, when everyone can't form a siege, who can stop his attack when they fight each other?

However, at this time, this thought is just to think about it. The big stars are not so good, and since the people's ancestor Shen Xiang did not break the first time, it means that he may not be able to do anything.

With the enthusiasm, the hearts of the alien ancestors also know that if you can't leave Sun Hao or expel Sun Hao into the virtual, then you are suffering from yourself, so every monk does not dare to keep his hands and fight hard.

In the sky, flying sand and stone, the battle is continuous.

The battle lasted for more than eighty years.

Sun Hao is still a dragon and fierce, but the ancestors were pleasantly surprised to find that Sun Hao’s golden body began to appear flickering.

Although everyone feels very tired after killing it, but finally saw the effect, all the ancestors suddenly felt the spirit, and instantly increased the attack intensity, to make Sun Hao fall as soon as possible.

In a special way, they already know that over the years, the virtual situation has rapidly deteriorated, and the situation of the Terran family is rapidly forming. Without the restraint of others, the top ten priests around the ancestors have formed. An irresistible force makes the virtual family fearful.

End the battle here as soon as possible, maybe you can catch a little tail and save some Hao has basically completed the purpose of this battle. It is no longer necessary to continue to temper itself. It’s time to win the game.

In the ancestors of Qi Qiqi, the sky, once again appeared more than a dozen supernatural powers, ready to launch a storm on Sun Hao, the fierce battle broke out instantly.

Sun Hao made a whistling in his mouth, and his body was slightly shocked, turning into a giant tree, which spread from the stars of the sky.

At the same time, the huge canopy, the two monks, one left and one right, stood up.

The two monks, a black-haired sable, six-armed and double-headed; a green shirt fluttering, refined and elegant.

The alien ancestors look at the big tree that is still flying wildly, and the heart is shocked. What is this tree? How can it be so tall?

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