Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2406: Old ancestor

The second four and six chapters of the ancestor

I have never experienced it personally, and it is very difficult to realize the true meaning of it by myself. (@¥)

Before the opening of Sun Hao, almost all the great ancestors felt that it would be easy to pack the people with the strong lineup of the Dragon Slayer.

Everyone is out of the blow, it is estimated that they can't use a few tricks, they can completely defeat them or expel them.

However, after the real war, the mighty ancestors suddenly discovered that the power of the people is a bit beyond imagination.

When the husband is off, the momentum is unparalleled.

One person can be an attack that everyone thinks is powerful.

The meteor flying with the power of the big force was broken by Sun Hao, and if it was not all the stars, there would be a space attribute of God. If the stick is not good, it can directly break the sky.

Nowadays, the ancestors vomited their lives and smoldered fire. They wanted to use the help of everyone to burn the Terran in a big battle.

The yin fire is invisible and inferior, the yin and cold, the power of the flame, all make people feel guilty.

The biggest feature may still be pervasive, and the ancestors have no escape.

But the result is that the people do not escape at all, haha ​​laughter, the ancestors stand up to the yin fire, let the fire burn, if you are idle, do not care.

The mouth of the skull, spit out the Milky Way.

The voice of the ancestors came from the air: "I didn't expect your body to be strong enough. I thought you would take the three fires to fight against my cathode fire."

Sun Hao laughed: "Old bones, are you very disappointed, a good cathode fire, it seems to be a solid bone fire, but in fact it is invisible. Once I show three real fires, will it be burned by Sancha real fire? What about yourself? Haha, old bones, you really seem to be as loyal as ever, but in reality you are a tyrannical tycoon."

Sun Hao’s remarks directly broke the mystery of the bones of the ancestors. In the future, if the on-site monks had the opportunity to be the ancestors, they could deal with this move.

The ancestors sighed: "Agarwood you really is a wise eye, you can't hold anything."

Sun Hao laughed happily: "In fact, I also want to see, take my own three fires to burn myself, what kind of taste is it, old bones, I am generous, as you wish..."

When the body was shaken, Sun Hao’s body emerged with a yellow flame, which was very conspicuous in the white Milky Way.

The bones of the ancestors stayed, the sky, the huge mouth is open, and the chin seems to fall down.

After half a ring, the ancestors looked at the flames and remained safe and sound. Sun Hao, who was alive and kicking, sighed in his mouth: "I don’t think that the ancestors of your ancestors have reached such a height, the system of the human heart, really It’s the ancestors who made up for you. It’s the greatest sorrow of the other generations of the contemporary family.

Sun Hao feels the power of the flaming flame of his body, feels the change after he is calcined, and his heart sighs, even if it is such a smoldering fire and Sancha real fire, you have to have a long time to have a true nine-in-one. The years are coming.

After practicing to such a height, every step further is really difficult.

It’s a while to be able to refine it for a while. Sun Hao laughed and stood up, not afraid, and did not remind the ancestors that such calcination had no harm to themselves.

The ancestors spit for a while and felt that it was wrong, but they hoped to burn Sun Hao, a little hard to ride.

The voice of the true gods and monks passed away: "Old bones, forget it. If I didn't read it wrong, the ancestors are using your flames, practicing a magical practice, you are exhausted, and the more you spit, he not only There is no damage at all, but my heart is dark..."

The ancestors sighed leisurely: "Agarwood is really powerful. I am a little skillful, and I really can’t hurt you. It’s gone, everyone, see your means."

At high altitude, the big girl’s mouth was closed, and the huge hole was blinking unwillingly, shaking a few times and disappearing.

The yin fire returned without success.

Sun Hao is floating, and his heart is slightly regrettable. These old guys are all guys who are savage and savage. They have no eyesight. They have no intention of letting themselves take up too much money. So they don’t spit.

The star of the sky, a little silent, after a while, the rough voice sounded, the ancient demon ancestors grumpy, the second jumped out: "Fire attack is invalid, then this seat is dying you..."

The sound of the sky has been rumbled, and the thunderous sound of the rumble, which represents the magical law of the ancient demon family, has emerged from more than a dozen laws, exhaled and began to brew powerful spells.

Looking up at the sky, Sun Hao’s face showed a thoughtful expression.

This **** of the gods is opposite to the father's body, the face is like a green scorpion, it looks like cinnabar, the eyes are violent, the teeth are sturdy, out of the lips... The appearance of this magical law is very ugly and mighty.

The evil spirits are on the scene, and they are fierce.

A pair of wings, a wind and thunder.

The Tianxingxing array was moved by him, pulling countless silver snakes, and the violent thunder fell from the sky, and the road fell to Sun Hao.

The destructive power of the Leifa attack is all the magic, the strongest, the nine-day **** thunder, with the wild ambition of the ancient demon ancestors, madly attacked Sun Hao.

The thunder's lethality surpassed the flame of the ancestors.

According to the truth, Lei Fa is terrible. Ordinary monks, even if they are peerless, are very afraid of being thundered, for fear that they will be violently annihilated under the thunder.

Sun Hao is an exception.

The Taikoo Thunder beast was bathed by thunder and was born to control the Thunder. Sun Hao’s Thunder opened up a huge mine pool.

The Thunder of the ancient ancestors descended from the sky and fell on Sun Hao’s Zhang Jinjin. The silver snake circling and dancing in Sun Hao’s body seemed to be ruthlessly destroying Sun Hao’s body. However, after a few laps, the Thunder was introduced into the Thunder Pool by the Thunder. The physical body of Sun Hao cannot form an effective kill.

After a violent bang, the ancient demon sorrowfully found that the opponent was still under his own violent thunder, unscathed.

The golden body shines brightly, and there is no faint feeling of light.

The ancient magic ancestor feels that he is a bit uncomfortable. Is such a huge spell, how much do you react well? Even if it means meaning, how can it be done without it? Too bad.

The ancestors said with a sigh: "Devil ancestors, forget it. It is said that the ancestors have powerful Thunder avatars, not afraid of the Thunder. Now it seems that this is indeed true. It is an immunity and manipulative power. It is estimated that the strength of eating milk is also the same."

The two most powerful spells, the thunder and the fire all ended in failure. The ancestors of the sky were silent and silent, and the powerful ancestors Shen Xiang.

I waited for someone to take a big battle to trap him, and to drop such an aggressive attack, but how much damage he could not form, how can this be good?

Morgan's ancestors screamed: "Dear friends, no matter what the spell, everyone will take it out and throw it down. No matter what the three seven twenty-one, let me say it again, I don't believe, how long he can hold on, we have to grind him. ""

The voice of the voice, the high altitude, a magical law is highlighted.

This magical law has four arms, three eyes, and four hands at high altitude. The mouth screams and presses down.

With his record of the downward movement, the sky suddenly appeared a great mountain, roaring and smashing to Sun Hao.

The downhill technique of Morgan's ancestors.

This is an upgraded version of the spell-falling stone. The mountains are like ghosts, but after the opponents, they have more fallen power than the mountains.

This powerful spell of Morgan's ancestors was displayed, and once a glory was smashed.

The three-headed six-armed golden body is in a vibrating body, and Sun Hao’s mouth is clear and clear: “It’s One-armed one-up, the golden flashing sticks stand straight on the ground, going up the wind, Rushing away, should not show weakness to the downhill.

The fire was shining and roaring. The mountain fell on the stick, and the stick was like a nail. It was knocked into the ground, but the mountains were also broken by the sticks.

The splashing mountain is splashed in layers of light and shadow.

The powerful downhill method, the Dou Tian stick down more than 20 feet, but the fighting stick is still proud, but still has a long rush to the air, Sun Hao around the stick, unscathed.

The ancestors of the sky have thoroughly understood that Morgan’s ancestors are right, the strength of the ancestors is strong, and the strength of the ancestors is terrible. I am afraid that it is not easy for everyone to get it. For the present, everyone can only attack and use it. A powerful rotation attack, killing it in life.

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