Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2390: Powerful old devil

Appeared in the Red Moon Altar, with a powerful fighting power, a very different way of existence, except for the Red Moon, is definitely not someone else.

A loud bang in the air, the ancient star nucleus hit the stick, the huge impact force came, Sun Hao's body was far away.

After a few backflips, Sun Hao stabilized his body and screamed in his mouth: "Come back, eat me a stick..."

Similar to this situation, Sun Hao feels that the only way to take away the ancient star nucleus is to forcefully defeat the Red Moon, so that they can have the ancient star nuclear as their own.

The fighting sticks rushed out of the sky and smashed out.

The ancient star nucleus is like a long needle, bursting with nine colors of light, and also hitting Sun Hao without showing weakness.

On the top of the Red Moon, there were bursts of explosions and roars.

Fighting is not a winner, flying sand and stone.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly stunned, and the Red Moon Old Devil did not show up. Just relying on an ancient star nucleus, it was quite a fight with himself. It was really amazing.

The power of the ancient star nucleus is extremely incomparable, and each hit is shocked. Sun Hao is very uncomfortable. The ancient star nucleus structure is extremely tough, and it is in constant contact with the fighting stick.

You must know that the Stickman is a great presence in the vast caves of the sky. I don’t know how many years of strong existence. Now I have encountered the ancient star nucleus, but it is just a chess opponent.

The undead crown and the Yipin Zijin belt are also in a fierce battle.

Moreover, the result of the battle is still a piece of purple gold belt falling in the wind, And Devi's willpower, is being suppressed by a powerful unknown will, and lingering.

If it weren’t for a strong desire for survival, Andervi’s failure had already been extinguished. Unknown will, full of anger, but also full of incomprehensible.

Above the sky, a wave of wave thoughts has continued to flow to Andre, and Sun Hao can even feel it. With the help of his own Zijin belt, Andwei is still like a boat on the big waves, in the waves. Ups and downs can be subverted at any time.

There are two kinds of very strong resentment in this trend of thought. One is the strong dissatisfaction with Sun Hao, the good thing that Sun Hao has broken him, and the other is the strong indignation of Andrei’s ignorance.

In the process of confrontation with the ancient stars, Sun Hao can perceive it. This thought clearly expresses such a meaning. It seems to be screaming at Andreville: "I don't know how to be good, my integration with you is mutual It is a good thing for mutual benefit, you are still resisting..."

"The winners of the undead gods of all ages, the undead masters of all ages are all such fusions. We are a highly symbiotic relationship..."

"Don't resist, let's open the glory of the undead protoss together."

"How are you so stubborn? Why are you so ignorant, I am angry, I know that I will not let you refine."

"Choose me is your own will. If I don't see your qualifications, I will meet my requirements, and you will want to complete the final refining."

This should be the existence of the Red Moon Demon, bursting out of a burst of thoughts, and eating away from the will of Andervi, as if it is very reasonable, the ancient undead masters do so.

If this is not the case with Sun Hao’s accident, there may be no resistance, and it will become a fact. Andervi may be unknowingly merging with the Red Moon and becoming a new one. The undead master.

Sun Hao puts the stick and fights against the ancient star nuclear. The mouth whispers: "Xiao An, think about the moment you didn't recognize me, think again about the red moon old devil is still alive today and those who have never died Lord, where did the scenery go after a while?"

Anderwei was shocked in his heart, and the more he wanted to be afraid.

The tide of the Red Moon is coming from a wave of enthusiasm. "They have all gone through the air. When they come to the virtual, they have their own help. Any undead monk goes to the virtual."

Sun Hao said coldly: "The virtual world is imaginary, as long as the virtual is inductive, you can go in an instant. If you feel the imaginary, you may have already gone. Unfortunately, I just sensed the virtual monk, you Don't take these ghosts to fool people."

The red moon is full of anger, and the will of the thoughts is irritating: "If I didn't know why, I couldn't understand the other rules here, I wouldn't go to the virtual? Well, since you don't eat and drink fine wine, then Don't blame me for being rude, kid, no matter who you are, dare to break my good deeds, I have to bear my anger today, give me a point, think storm..."

The Red Moon, a kind of life form that is completely different from Sun Hao’s imagination, is also very different from the Zhongxu people. Most of the people in the virtual world have physical bodies, even those who are strange, such as grass poison people. , all have a certain form of existence.

The Red Moon Old Devil seems to be two dead objects, the combination of the undead crown and the ancient star nucleus, but the thought will be powerful, but it is quite powerful.

There are also two types of attacks: positive confrontation and thought will suppress.

After the violent red moon elders broke out a burst of thoughts, pressed against Andrei and Sun Hao, this time, the wave of thoughts also rushed to Sun Hao, want to take Sun Hao also.

Sun Hao’s reign, the thought channel that brought together a million Jin Liuwei and the monks around him, was instantly disrupted under this powerful impact.

Millions of Jin Liuwei Qi Qi was rushed by the Red Crescent, and gave birth to life.

Still closely connected with Sun Hao, inseparable, only less than ten people, Sun Hao feels a little, immediately understand.

The Red Crescent is also showing incredible emotions: "How is it possible? How can you get so many concentric rings?"

Sun Hao’s heart was moving, and his thoughts were faintly said: “With the same heart, the heart agrees with the same, the old devil, although your attack is terrible, I’m afraid I can’t help it.”

The Red Moon is not willing to scream, and the powerful thoughts will once again rush: "Andrew, you have already recognized the Lord, and it is equivalent to branding in my will. Rebellion is useless. Obediently, as long as our willpower is one, this little guy is not an opponent at all."

In Sun Hao’s heart, there was a strong taboo at this time.

The attack mode of the Red Moon is very different. The few monks who are connected with one's own heart are thinking about it at this time. It seems that they have thought of a lot of messy things, so that Sun Hao is a little bit bloated.

Andrei’s resistance is also getting weaker and weaker. One of his own minds, Zijin, has a great brilliance and is struggling with the Red Crescent.

The attack of the ancient star nuclear is still strong.

On the ground of the Red Moon Altar, from time to time, a strong stone thorn was rushed up, and the body of Sun Hao was rushed upwards. After being hit by a stone thorn, the enormous power made Sun Hao quite uncomfortable.

The Red Moon Old Devil is really powerful and incomparably wonderful.

Andervi insisted on his last line of defense. In his thoughts, there was a very weak and tenacious will: "If there is not a purple gold belt, I will not find that you are uneasy, and your refining is actually one. A kind of reverse slavery, so despicable, shameless, I can’t think of it..."

The picture of the Red Moon is not poor, and it does not hide its purpose. There is a feeling of madness in the will of the thoughts: "This is your willingness to confess, the Lord does not die, and he does not die, not every The wish of an undead monk? I help you to fulfill your wish. You don't always think about Guangzong Do you look at it? I will fulfill your wish, as long as you open your mind, everything will be fine."

Reverse slavery! what is this? Sun Hao was a little confused in his heart. Bianmu explained in Sun Hao’s thought-will channel: “In fact, it is a slavery of a fraudulent state. The undead monk refining the undead lotus, originally should be a monk, the lotus is the instrument, but the direction of this guy is anti Become a monk who is enslaved..."

Sun Hao’s thoughts and minds have always been firm and determined. Under the strong restraint of Sun Hao, several monks of the same heart gradually returned to normal and did not think about it.

Xiaoyu Feitian stood up and said, "Hey, you can contact us, and you are a dead dog, it seems to be completely unaffected?"

Andrei said tenaciously at this time: "Let you say that it is apocalypse, I am still me, this is my bottom line, I am not my, I have a fart to face, you don't want to occupy my mind, don't think about it. ......"

The thoughts of the Red Moon are full of pride: "Don't want to quit, it's only a matter of time to destroy you. You have refining and acknowledging the Lord, irreversible, hahaha, when you get your thoughts, and then come here. The kid is going to open the knife... If it wasn’t for the tape, you have long been, haha, can you fight with me? You think more...”

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