Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2389: Red moon old devil

The soul ancestors were entangled in blood fog, and the powerful moment of the undead dragon ancestors stood out. How could the other ancestors break the defensive circle of the four dragons and the big lich.

Time flies away, and the nine-petal lotus in the middle is covered with a yellow mist and can't see the specific situation, but it is estimated that the big lich Andrevi is rapidly refining the undead crown.

At this time, the other ancestors will be desperate, and they will not be able to pass the four dragons. According to the truth, Andervi should be able to get enough time to refine the nine-petal lotus.

However, just when it was close to the time of tea, the unrelenting dragon ancestors did not shine in the big eyes of the winter.

During the war, a little inspiration, a dragon body was biased, unable to block the sprint of the undead rider.

When I was not dead, I was overjoyed when I was riding the ancestors. The knight in the hand slammed out with a long gun, like a long dragon, and Andewi, who was sitting cross-legged, had passed.

Kneeling on the ground, the side of the eyeballs turned around in the thought channel of Sun Hao: "Rely, Longzu is the most not a thing, say a set, do a set, actually put water, this is a heart not wanting to recognize the Lord Death crown."

Wu Xianlang said faintly: "The position determines the action. For the undead dragon ancestors, there is no era of undead crowns. It is the era when they are kings. Once they die, the strong undead, sometimes let The undead dragons have to be obedient, so the undead dragon ancestors will not let anyone easily recognize the Lord and die."

Bianmu: "Oh, that's not necessarily..."

Seeing Anderville is about to be hit by a shot.

Suddenly, the air was like a meal, and the long gun thrown by the ancestors suddenly paused. The dragon's release of water could not be too obvious, so the tail was chased by a long gun.

Now that the pike is so full, the tail has caught up, and with a bang, the pistol is swept to the side by a tail.

Undead dragons roared in the sky, as if celebrating their own tail, and actually wondering, relying on, how could such a strange thing happen!

The ancestors had a single-handed move, and the rifle fell into the hand, and looked around. The mouth screamed: "Who is making a ghost?"

The scene is fighting, no one answered him.

In fact, several ancestors are wondering, what kind of ability can actually fix weapons?

Inside Sun Hao’s thought channel, Miha shouted: “Well, side animal husbandry, is it that you are doing ghosts?”

This time, Bianmu Yakou denied: "No, absolutely no, don't believe that you look seriously, you will find that the dog is really snoring on the ground now, his mouth is not open, his claws are not lifted, it is not me."

Miha: "I believe you are strange, such a powerful ability, only you can do it?"

Bianmu felt that this sentence was very reasonable, but it was still not easy to admit it. The main thing was that the fact that he had intentionally broken the good things of the ancestors was exposed.

The small fire shot, resolved the ancestors of the murder of a shot, a few ancestors a little glimpse, the next hand, Ande Wei got a small fire help, and finally got more than the time of refining tea.

The undead dragon ancestors are a little anxious. The longer the time, the more likely it is that the undead crown will be refining. If it is not the strength of Anderville, it will be completed at this time.

Finally, the unstoppable Longzu decided to tear the face and personally destroy the good things of Andrei.

The claws of a few toes were dropped from the sky and caught down with Anderville.

The Great Lich screamed: "Longzu, you are betrayed and turned away, it is really shameless, it is a real inferior dragon..."

The voice has not yet fallen, and the claws of the undead dragon ancestors have not completely fallen. On the top of the red moon altar, the undead lotus flower in the state of light, which is covered by yellow light, suddenly shines, and the nine-color **** light rushes out from inside.

The whole **** altar instantly became beautiful.

In the air, the crown of the undead is dripping, and the nine great pearls are released, and they are illuminated on the undead lotus.

Anderville, together with the undead lotus, flew high and hovered before coming to the crown of undead.

Finished refining so soon?

Undead dragon ancestors screamed badly, and the paws speeded up to the next shot.

But without waiting for his claws to shoot, Andvi has already landed on the ancient star nucleus, and the crown of the undead is on the head of Andrei.

Suddenly, a huge dark hole appeared in the sky above the Altar of the Red Moon, and the entire altar, along with the battleboard below, quickly spun up.

Several ancestors sighed with sighs, but did not expect that the end was actually the big lich Andrevi, the monk who did not think of before the war to complete the refining, became the new generation of undead.

The mind was a little embarrassed. When the ancestors decided to regain their mind, they found that they had returned to the door of the black day. Together with their own warriors, their own ethnic monks, they had been sent out of the Red Crescent.

In front of the black day of the sinister family, the soul shouted at this moment: "What happened? Why didn't he come out?"

Xiaoyu Feitian said: "What is the urgency? The side animal husbandry is not the same. If you don't, you don't want to eat the radish and take care of it. After a while, you will naturally know what is going on."

The battle for the undead crown has been settled. According to the routine of the undead domain, the nine protoss need to wait for a period of time at the gate of the black day, so that the contemporary undead master can complete the real recognition process, and then hold a real coronation ceremony.

Just as other ancestors, including the **** fog that wrapped Sun Hao, were excluded, the Red Moon altar was instantly cleared, and Sun Hao was actually expelled.

I was psychologically prepared, and I was waiting for Sun Hao at this moment. At this time, I suddenly acted, and my body flew to the side of Xiaohuo and Bianmu.

The small fire swallowed.

The space changes instantly and stops momentarily.

While other ancestors were excluded, Sun Hao’s body remained on the altar of the Red Moon.

Sure enough, as Sun Hao expected, the repulsive ability of the Red Moon Altar is the space power that erupted in an instant, and the space magical power of the small fire was broken.

At this time, Sun Hao felt a very strange, seemingly unbelievable strange will appeared on the red moon altar.

Bianmu said it well. Within the red moon altar, there is still a life, the ancient star nucleus and the undead crown, which is probably the carrier of this living body.

Now that he has broken the rules and stayed on the altar of the Red Moon, this living body is really curious and surprised.

With a faint smile on his face, Sun Hao strode a big step, chasing the stars and catching the moon, and rushing toward the ancient star nuclear. This is the real goal of Sun Hao’s coming to the Red Moon.

Planning for such a long time, the battle of the war, after hardships, is for the ancient star nuclear.

With this ancient star nucleus, Sun Hao's nine-in-one can really start the last step, nine-in-one, pointing to Mahayana.

On the top of Andre's head, the undead crown suddenly made a big splash, Andewei's eyes narrowed, and the staff in his hand made a powerful airflow rushing over to Sun Hao. At the same time, there was a voice that was not in the slightest expression, but very angry: "Roll, who are you, how can you stay here?"

Sun Hao’s face is very different. And Devi’s state is obviously wrong at this time, and he can’t recognize himself. This is not a fake.

Then, this is not a **** of death, it is a bit embarrassing.

In the golden light, the scorpion hovered in front of him and turned into a golden plate to block the airflow of the staff. Sun Hao said: "I want to ask who you are, to pretend to be a ghost, to destroy the great situation of my undead domain... What? Demon and ghost, give me a prototype soon..."

In the voice of the voice, Sun Hao’s knowledge inside was violently reminded, and a piece of purple gold with a radiant masterpiece spurred the brand of the hidden Andrew.

Purple gold brilliance emerged from Sun Hao's forehead illuminate to Anderville.

On the altar of the Red Moon, it immediately showed a magnificent scene. The purple-gold light and the nine-color crown were shining together, and the light shimmered.

The purple gold illuminates Andevi's body. In Sun Hao's heart, I remembered Andervi's help: "Boss, save me, have a powerful will to devour my soul, if it is not the boss's purple gold belt, I have been completely indulged in my failure."

Above the sky, suddenly there is a will that shows a very angry mood to Sun Hao: "A good ant, dare to break my good deeds, find death..."

The ancient star nucleus, which was inserted in the undead altar, suddenly flew up, and the speed was extremely fast. It was suddenly inserted and attacked by Sun Hao.

Andrei’s head is not dead, and the look on his face keeps changing. The staff in his hand lifts up and puts it down, puts it up, and enters the state of non-stop sawing.

With the help of Sun Hao, Andervi also fought back and launched a struggle with a strong will.

Sun Hao is a little bit of a stick, not showing weakness. He should go to the ancient star nucleus and say in his mouth: "Red Moon Old Devil, don't pretend to be a ghost, come out to fight..."

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