Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2283: Spooky ghost

As a trial place for the Zombies, the mass grave has some special settings. For example, it cannot be too high. It means that the mage that is too high can not be displayed. The energy level of the explosion will be limited to a certain level. Within the degree.

The principle is equivalent to those trials of the Terran.

The performance of each trial object is in the observation of the Zombie. The undead mass grave will give a certain score according to its performance, and finally take the opportunity to see Miha.

The No. 7 mass grave was now within the surveillance of the Zhuang.

The focus of the big zombies responsible for the 7th mass grave is 30 seeds. These are the time when you sign up. The potential is big, and the monks who are not the ones are quite satisfied. After passing the mass grave, Even if it is not possible to get the favor of Princess Miha, it can also be recruited as a candidate for other female monks.

Among them, the strangest feeling of the big zombie is the combination of the ghost and the ghost.

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Because of this, the combination of the big zombie and the sorrow and the scorpion has a few more eyes.

With these few eyes going down, the big zombie is completely confused!

This pair of combinations seems to be too strange.

The soul-collecting technique of the 骷髅 shelf is super powerful, and it can recruit mutations, not only that, but also the remote 骷髅!

This is quite a horrible undead warrior's ability. The rank of this unit is low, but its source is the most. It is the most cannon-grained unit of the undead domain. Moreover, the speciality of the arsenal is displayed.

You are just a skeleton, there is no pain. Once you start a war and don't completely dispose of him, you will continue to climb up and fight.

and the ability to defend against magic, the ability to resist power is often enhanced.

Once the army formed, attacking a place, the overwhelming scene, the mountains and the wild, is definitely a disaster.

If this is still strengthened, you can run faster, have more power, have stronger defenses, and can shoot long distances...

Well, this is simply a terrible army.

Among the undead gods, only a handful of rumors can do this, especially the summoning of the remote shackles, such a shackles, a slap in the hand.

The shelf that is called Nawei must be extraordinary. If it is not good, it is really a ancestor.

If Navy is shocked by the big stagnation, the feeling that the sinister gives a big stiff is incredible.

Amazing ghost!

In the mass grave, too strong spells can't be displayed.

But this ghost actually threw a death god!

What is death? That is a powerful spell that can kill the undead warrior.

How can this spell level be low?

If the spell level is divided into nine levels, the level of spells that can be cast in the 10,000-hole can't exceed the third-level spell, and the spell level of the death-killing spell reaches a level of six or more.

You said, how is a spell with so many levels higher than that used in mass graves? How can it produce results?

This effect is quite scary.

The big zombie saw with his own eyes that after a fierce battle, the prince of the little prince lost 30% and was killed by a hundred.

The sorrowful hand waved, and a white **** in the air turned a few times. The good guy, all the lost scorpions were all resurrected.

This is too ridiculous!

For a long time, I felt a little bit confused in the big zombie. It is very likely that this ghost called Yin Xiaohao has a special way to reduce the energy consumption of the death-killing technique, such as the sacred magical power; and when performing the death-killing technique, The mass grave should give the energy level calculation of a single cockroach.

That is to say, a cockroach is killed, energy consumption may not be large, within the acceptance of the mass grave, so this ghost's spells are surprisingly effective.

One stroke killed a hundred troops, which is like cheating in the mass grave.

The combination of scorpion and sorrow is attacking everywhere. In less than three days, the two guys have already pulled up a large army of thousands.

At the same time, other undead monks were carefully walking in the mass graves, and it was difficult for the warriors around them to reach more than one hundred.

After the army of thousands of troops, two unscrupulous guys ran into a huge group of half-dead wolves that reached more than 10,000, and were surrounded by the wilderness of no danger.

In the midst of a catastrophe, I feel that these two boys will be eliminated and ready to accept them.

The things that made him dumbfounded again.

The sorrowful body, with a strange and unspeakable breath, shrouded the half-dead wolf.

The effect produced is actually all-round weakening, and the tens of thousands of fierce wild wolves instantly become sheep.

The individual combat ability of the semi-dead wolf was originally slightly better than the prince's warrior. If you really fight hard, at the speed of the wolf, the two will be fierce.

However, after the ghost displayed a strange ability, the good guy, the tens of thousands of dead wolves were cut and meloned by a thousand troops, and within a time, they were cleaned up.

It can be seen that even the little prince on the court was surprised to see that his mouth was swaying, and the chin was shaking, and he was afraid that he would fall.

There are more dead wolves that have been eliminated this time!

The little prince drove his own soul-souling, and after a long time, summoning three thousand warriors, he sat exhausted on the ground and gasped, indicating that the remaining half-dead wolf allowed Yin Xiaohao to gather souls.

Usually, a cultivating undead monk will gather souls.

In the big zombie concern, Yin Xiaohao pointed at his nose and looked like a surprised expression, meaning "Let me gather souls?"

Nawei nodded. "I can't do it. It costs too much. It takes a day or two to recover. Come on."

More than 10,000 dead half-dead wolves were used by Navy for a few souls.

There are about 5,000 and a half dead wolves!

Big zombie wants to see if the ghost will gather souls and how much it will gather.

Then he saw an unforgettable scene of his life.

The ghost floats in the air, lifting up his right hand, a sign-like soul-sucking action.

However, to make the big doubts, the soul-splitting technique went down, and the wolves on the ground did not move at all.

Fouling failed?

It is time to be funny when it is big.

There was a burst of blue smoke on the wasteland.

Then, with a bang, a cloud of clouds suddenly appeared above the sky, and a ghost only appeared out of thin air, swaying gently, floating on the top of Yin Xiaohao.


Shouldn't it be embarrassing? Big stiff is a bit dumbfounded!

Also, the scope of this gathering of souls is a bit bigger, a move, it seems that more than 5,000 dead wolves are all gathered together Also, the proportion of this gathering soul is also higher, looks like a After recruiting, the number of ghosts is roughly the same as that of the half-dead wolf. How many wolves can gather souls?

Is this unreasonable?

Soul Ghosting is a spell that has energy level loss. The law of the energy level of the undead domain is stipulated. The biological energy level of the soul can not exceed the biological energy level of the soul.

For example, the wolf can gather souls with lower levels of biological energy than themselves. As long as you are strong enough, one for another, no problem.

However, the biological energy level of the wolf is lower than that of the ghost. In theory, in any case, it is very difficult to make one change, and gather the soul out of the ghost.

But the strange Yin Xiaohao did it.

Looking at the big cloud over the top of Yin Xiaohao, the big zombie is completely konjac!

How did this guy do it! ?


In the mass grave, the little prince Nawei once again opened up his own big mouth, and the chin showed a quick fall. After half a ring, this said: "Xiaohao brother, you are a bit fierce. How could it be possible to go out of the yin?"

In any case, the once glorious ghosts themselves are not weak, and in terms of biological grades, they are higher than cockroaches and zombies.

It is really rare to summon the ghost directly.

Sun Hao said with a smile in the air: "Normally, you are awkward, so after gathering the soul, you get the army, and I am the ghost, naturally it is to attract the ghost..."

When I heard Sun Hao’s words, the little prince opened his own bones and mouth, and he did not say anything. This reason is powerful enough.

The Great Stiffness heard the conversation between the two people and picked it up outside: "Is it strange, I really want you to say this, come out a black warrior who gathers souls or a monk who is a **** of death, isn't it invincible?"

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