Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2282: Little prince

The qualification of Jiuxing should be the true top qualification in the undead domain, and its own twelve-star qualification may be metamorphosis, as the twelve Zhujidan broke the routine and surpassed the limit to appear.

A few in the test room, you should not know that you have such a strong qualification, otherwise you may not be so calm.

Sun Hao Xiaolu has one hand and calmly passed.

I believe that such qualifications are definitely at the forefront of all applicants.

At this time, Sun Hao also has a little meaning for the game.

The sacred ancestors, the undead king who had seen the last time in the devil's devil, had to give Miha a female sorcerer. Sun Hao was really slightly dissatisfied.

The avatar came forward, but I really wanted the ancestors to know that his daughter had already had a Taoist, and it was still a kind of Taoist who was highly educated and promising.

Of course, because of Miha's relationship, Sun Hao did not want to be too stiff with the Undead King. At that time, everyone would not look good.

The best way is to behave in a first-class manner, to stun all the applicants and to bring back their own Taoist monks.

Anyway, Miha is still firmly cultivated, and he is not in a hurry. At this time, he just uses the body of the ghost to familiarize with some strange lifestyles of the undead domain.

After passing the potential test of the third level, Sun Hao is fully qualified for the application. The zombie face arranged for Sun Hao to live in the VIP building. After a week, he would officially start the selection and send Sun Hao to wait for the news.

Sun Hao and Nawei accompanied him and strolled around the undead city, feeling the hugeness and majesty of the undead city.

From the ground up, a huge mountain bag is not weaker than a fairy mountain.

Into the mountain bag, there is a huge space in the ground, each mountain bag has a huge underground world, a variety of trading markets inside, a collection of various monks, everything.

Sun Hao strolled for a few days and saw many strange resources.

To be honest, because of regional differences, because of environmental differences, many resources in the undead city, to get the Terran, are very scarce resources.

Here, the value is not very high.

Sun Hao bought some of them at random and threw them into the scented empty tower. They were stored in these chilly properties. They came to the big domain of Zhongxu Wanzu, absolutely worth the money. Now, here are all chaos. Cheap.

Well, if Sun Hao is willing, he can make a little money.

A week later, Sun Hao and Nawei received a notice from a small zombie saying that the official selection began. Only after passing the corresponding selection can they have the opportunity to meet Princess Miha.

The method of selection is very simple. It enters the mass grave, finds the exit and safely exits the exit, even if it enters the next level.

Mass grave!

The special place of the Undead City is equivalent to an alternative arena.

The meaning of the Zombies is to make everyone fight and get a higher level.

Nawei gave the little zombie guide some phantom stones, and got very incompetent information from his mouth.

The selection has opened a total of ten mass graves.

Every 10,000 people have put in a lot of different semi-dead creatures as a barrier to everyone's breakout. At the same time, they can also serve as a source of undead soldiers.

After the undead monks enter, they can team up and move together.

In the end, each mass grave will take the top 100 according to the performance of the monks, and become the initial winner.

Within each 10,000-person pit, there are no fewer than a thousand monks.

That is to say, after preliminary screening, more than 10,000 monks meet the conditions and come to participate in the selection.

According to the advice of the Zombie Wizard, it is best to go along with the crowds, find the trustworthy monks, and join the group to kill the past. If possible, try to expel other candidates.

Because according to the rules, only one hundred monks are selected for each mass grave, it is very likely that there will be a situation where the end of the arrival is also eliminated.

Of course, the biggest key to team formation is still trustworthy. If the group can't believe it, and behind the cold gun, it will be worth the loss.

Sun Hao and Nawei team did not continue to pull other people into the gang. Under the leadership of the Zombie Wizard, they entered the No. 7 mass grave and began to participate in the selection.

Mass graves, buried graves of many people are also.

When a large group of people die and want to bury the body as soon as possible, they will use thousands of people.

This stuff became a competitive place in the city of immortality.

Entering the mass grave, it is actually entering an ancient battlefield. There are mountains and rivers inside, and there are murderous murders.

The origin of this place is the battlefield, and the desert is desert and wild. Constantly raining and weeping, as in the ancient temple of Yingling.

Soon after Sun Hao and Nawei entered, they encountered the semi-dead creatures that the first team of Zombies put into, and more than 20 semi-dead wolves with extremely fast speeds and bright eyes, rushed to the two quickly.

Sun Hao floated up.

Nawei took out a long sword in her hand and screamed at the sky and rushed out.

The strength of the semi-dead wolf is not weak, especially the attack speed, especially fast.

However, Nawei's combat power is even stronger. Twenty wolves are quickly put down on the ground by Navitae.

After destroying all the half-dead wolves, Nawei shook his own head and said loudly: "Xiaohao brothers, these half-dead wolves let me come to the soul, I have some special abilities, maybe we can maximize our combat effectiveness. ”

Sun Hao nodded: "Well, it's up to you."

The Zombie is open to mass graves, and the purpose of throwing them into these half-dead wolves is to test the comprehensive strength of the monks.

Many powerful immortal monks have the ability to gather souls. Whether they can use the semi-dead wolves to gather undead warriors is also the most important ability of undead monks.

Sun Hao's Soul Ghost can seduce the ghosts to fight for themselves, but from the reaction of the soul, this ability may be quite different.

At this time, Nawei is going to behave, and Sun Hao will not have to pay for it.

Nawei had a word, and began to gather the half-dead wolf that was killed by the soul. Soon, a few cockroaches stood up and swayed.

Seeing the shape of these cockroaches, Sun Hao was really surprised.

Nawei's soul-souling level should not be low. After twenty-and-a-half dead wolves, Navis got 16 scorpions, which means that Nawei's soul-splitting technique reached a success rate of 80%.

Not only that, but what makes Sun Hao speechless is that after the exhibition of the soul of Nawei, no matter what the fallen creatures are, the ones that Nawei summoned are human figures.

The strangest thing about Sun Hao is that the shackles that Navy summoned are obviously different from the normal cockroaches. The skeleton of the cockroach is high, and the speed of running is much greater.

It is no wonder that Nawei said that he has special abilities, it should be this, and the ability to comprehensively strengthen.

This should be very powerful.

Seeing 骷髅, Sun Hao wisely shook his thumb with a thumbs up and said: "Great, the Nawei brothers are very strong."

Nawei’s head swayed: “They are not ordinary 骷髅 I call them 骷髅 warriors, all are powerful fighters, a warrior playing two common crickets are no problem, Xiaohao brother, we move on By killing a few deadly troops, you can form a powerful squadron. When you get there, you can hang through the crowd..."

Moving on, soon after, the two men encountered a second team of semi-dead troops, a group of corpse semi-elf shooters.

These are some of the half-elves that have been smeared by the spirit of the dead, with a long black bow in their hands. There are a lot of them, and there are more than forty.

These half-elves shooters hid in the woods, moved flexibly, and burst into arrows. The Navy’s Warriors did not have time to get close, and they were shot mostly.

Waiting for Nawei and Sun Hao to rush into the forest, after destroying these half-elf shooters, they suddenly discovered that the warriors that Nawei had just recruited had all sighed.

Nawei was extremely depressed and began to use the technique of gathering souls.

The half-elves swayed and gathered together, turning into a strong scorpion shooter, about thirty, standing behind Nawei.

Nawei laughed again: "It's okay to hang some warriors and get more snipers who can strike long distances. It's worth it."

Sun Hao smiled and raised his hand. A lethal magic was used.

A white **** appeared in the air, rubbing and squeaking, and the warriors who had just died in Nawei stood up again.

The little prince Zhang Zhang opened his mouth and looked astonished, as if the chin had to fall. After half a ring, this laughed: "The death god, Xiaohao brother will actually die, oh, this Back, the cooperation between the two of us can be really seamless, invincible, non-destructive snowballing, our team will grow up quickly, rush, brothers..."

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