Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2063: Shocked by blood

Three big threads, what is that concept? It is enough to support the development of several large sects.

The five- and six-eyed monks who once competed with the box of the No. 3 and Seven were completely convinced. They thought that there were already a lot of 120 small-scale spiritual veins, but who knows that there are three large-scale spiritual veins.

Not comparable, there is no comparability at all.

The three large-scale spiritual veins are almost the limit of Sun Hao. If the opponent has another big thread, Sun Hao will only blink.

The No. 4 box was vented.

Did not continue to increase the price.

However, when the second box was called the second time, the middle of the box was added.

Sun Hao did not hesitate to raise the price to three large five medium-sized.

The medium-sized spirit is not weak. The large-scale exchange for medium-sized ones is only ten to one. For ordinary monks, it is also a resource that cannot be imagined.

The monk in the second box is estimated to have a bit of pain.

Finally did not continue to increase the price.

Sun Hao had a shot to get a **** blue sky.

After completing the delivery, Sun Hao put away this delicate jade stone and said to Lu Shan around him: "I will find a way to guide out the blue sky juice, you are ready for other refining materials, and the remaining **** wood jade , I will give you a refining spirit."

The acne on Lushan’s face kept shaking, and he squatted on the side of the coffee table. He said with a voice: “Thank you for your respect.”

Wei Xinbing’s face showed an envious expression, and his mouth said: “Acne, his mother’s, a powerful master is happy, envious of the dead, Sun Boss, are you giving me a whole spiritual treasure? ?"

Sun Hao smiled faintly and said: "You give me the small mirror on the waist, don't say a spiritual treasure, ten pieces are all."

Wei Xinbing smiled: "Sun boss, you really are like a savvy eye, you can see the roots of the soldier's life." Hey, this is the heart of the soldier, hehe."

Sun Hao thought of one thing and smiled and asked: "Right, I have a mirror here, do you still need a small soldier?"

I remember that when Hao Anyi just came out, I hoped to get my own yin and yang 乾 Mirror. At that time, I misunderstood that he was a bad spirit, and that it was a big fight. Now it can be transferred to him.

Wei Xinbing stayed for a while, and his heart echoed Hao Anyi’s voice: "It’s all in the middle, and his broken mirror has no help, don’t hesitate."

Wei Xinbing smiled and said: "Some people say that when the time passes, your broken mirror can be eliminated."

Sun Hao was dumbfounded and could not help but nod.

The yin and yang 乾 Mirror is still the magic weapon that you got after defeating the white demon night in the Tianling mainland. At that time, it was only the Jindan period, but now, what are you doing? It's really not at all a grade, it can be used to blame.

Smiled, Sun Hao looked at the snow slave, and whispered in his mouth: "Wanxue Devil Island can collect some auction items, and this place has something to join the auction."

After taking pictures of the **** blue sky, Sun Hao has less than ten medium-sized veins on hand. Such a family will not have the right to speak when they see the real treasure.

The value of Bohai Populus may not be too weak. If you don’t take the time to prepare, it’s not good enough to be caught off guard.

The snow slave squatted and said to Sun Hao slightly: "If there are items to participate in the auction, there are two ways for the adults. One is that I will report it now, so that the island appraisers will come to the appraisal and join the auction sequence; the other After the auction, adults can participate in small barter auctions. I don’t know which adult cares?

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Since it is here, it will naturally participate in the barter. However, you still let your appraisal master come over. I will get something and participate in the auction first."

The auction at the auction site continued, and the small climax continued. Many boxes were shot one after another. The monks in the **** sea burst out from time to time.

Sun Hao’s No. 3 box drifted to the edge of a platform without a trace. A white-haired red-haired monk smiled and appeared in the box.

After coming in, I saw the way of sitting in the three monks in the box, and my eyes couldn’t help but smile. "It turned out to be the two adults who killed the demons and the King Kong, and the grown-up was born, and he was in the lower eye."

Wei Xinbing laughed.

Lu Shan said to the white-haired red-haired monk that he was slightly ill: "The blood is a big man, this is the home teacher Zhong Xiaohao. There are some things that I want to participate in the auction, and I also ask the adults to identify one or two."

Sun Hao nodded to the blood, and stretched out his hands. On the top of his coffee table, he placed two jade bottles and smiled and said: "Daoyou, please."

When did you kill a magical Lushan?

Blood and heart can not help but a little confused, but also a little surprised, Lushan's cultivation is already very strong, and has been able to open a palace in the Witch God Palace, then what is his identity and strength? What is the repair?

Thinking in my heart, the movement under the hand is not slow, the blood is moving forward two steps, looking at the medicine bottle on the Sun Hao coffee table.

I don't know what to expect.

I picked up the first jade bottle in one hand and put it in front of me. I watched it carefully. After a while, I said in my mouth: "Adult, it’s a big thing, I have to report it with you. I don’t know if these items are needed in the auction. Is the auction going out?"

Sun Hao nodded with a smile.

Inside the two medicine bottles, they are loaded with Sun Hao's advanced fit, and there is no used medicine.

In other words, they are all agents that increase the chances of success in the fit period.

Although the two bottles of medicinal granules are not visible, they feel that the quality is not high, but if they get outside, it is definitely a big storm-style auction.

How can **** calm down?

Moreover, he also has a very important and frightening speculation, this juvenile monk in front of him, fear is the true fit and power.

If not, how can these auctions that increase the success rate of the combination be auctioned out?

The power of fit means the status and deterrence of a race in the middle.

They are all strategic.

The pharmacy that can improve the success rate of the combined high-energy, each occurrence, as long as a little publicity, can make the auction site set off a storm.

After half a ring, the blood was deeply glanced at Sun Hao, and he said with respect and respect: "Adult, my island owner will arrive soon."

The voice just fell, and a **** figure appeared on the wall of the box, just like drilling out from the wall, standing gently in the box.

The blood shadow is as high as one foot, the whole body is bloody, and the body is red, standing in the box, like the same pile of blood donation, is still dripping down the blood.

Gently swaying the body, the blood of the body quickly flowed into the body, the monk revealed a bright red skin, bright red hair, bright red beard, eyes confined, and his mouth snorted: "Blood, what is important, Actually, I want to call the king?"

Bloody body said: "Blood King, this adult wants to auction the God of Medicine and Raytheon Pharmacy, two kinds of peerless medicines that can improve the chance of advanced fit. I am not sure, please ask the adults to come to the Lord."

Lu Shan and Wei Xinbing got up and gave a gift to the blood king: "I have seen the blood king."

A red-skinned blood king slammed his eyes, a pair of scarlet eyeballs, nodded slightly to Lushan and Wei Xinbing, and then looked straight at Sun Hao, who was still sitting on the edge of the coffee table.

The body swayed slightly, and the blood in the eyes flew away quickly, revealing a pair of clear black eyes. Both hands glared at Sun Hao and said: "It turned out that the adult was coming, and the blood king Bai Chen had seen the grown-up."

Sun Hao faint smile ~ ~ mouth said: "Blood stains Wang Baichen, the body of the blood devil, the Witch God Palace ranked second, a **** magical magic is unpredictable, really famous to meet, this seat borrows your blood auction There are two gadgets in the auction. You have no opinion?"

The blood-stained king laughed happily: "It is my honour for the grown-up to come. The adults are mighty, let the family girl and Liu Bo both eat and admire, but adults, these two bottles of pharmacy, I suggest only auctioning the pharmacy, another Bottle of Thunder Pharmacy, the island is willing to use the auction price of the gods twice to stay, adult how do you think?"

Sun Hao gently took a sip of tea, and this said lightly: "Stained blood is ruined by the heavens and the earth, and when it is robbed, it is a thunder."

The **** king smashed, and the **** red face showed a bitter smile: "The adults are very powerful, and they look at the bottom of the white morning at a glance, but the auction price of the adult, the anti-drug is estimated to be a high price, and the island’s bankruptcy is not necessarily able to take it. Thunder Pharmacy, adults, what do you think?"

Sun Hao said faintly: "Take it out."

The blood-stained king sighed: "If the white morning beats you, the overlord will be **** the bow. Well, adults, how powerful are you, three times?" (To be continued.) Enable the new URL

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