Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2062: Insufficient financial resources

After a few shakes, Lushan breathed a sigh of relief and took a sigh of relief and sat on the side of his coffee table.

One hundred spirits have exceeded his ability to withstand.

His training is also very fast, and it is also a type of accumulation that is not enough.

On the other side, Wei Xinbing asked with concern: "Acne, is this wood jade important to you?"

At their level, there are a lot of precious cultivation resources, and the key is to see if it is useful to them.

Lushan said in a low voice: "This piece of **** jade is precious, and it is the immortal blood. If I can use this wood jade to refine the spirit, then my own strength and speed of practice can be huge. Improvement."

At this time, outside, the **** of blood has already called out loudly: "One hundred spirits for the second time... well, the second and third boxes are quoted, one hundred and ten spirits, well, it seems that this seat also underestimated this drop The value of **** jade, one hundred and one... good, the second box is quoted again, one hundred and fifty spirits, powerful, really is amazing..."

When I spoke, the atmosphere in the entire auction house was already in a state of heat. The monks were excited and interested in watching the box bidding. In the **** sea, some of the guys even shouted loudly.

Anyway, it’s not your own money, fight it, the more you fight, the better.

Wei Xinbing was also discouraged, and he sighed in his mouth: "Rely on, a piece of **** wood jade, is it worth so much?", acne, old Wei, I can't help you, can't help you, it is estimated that the old Wei sold It is not enough to have so many threads."

Sun Hao took a sip of tea and gently said to the snow slave: "Two hundred."

Snow slave stayed for a while.

Wei Xinbing’s eyes lit up and he said loudly in his mouth: "Two hundred spiritual veins, dead hoes, no hearing, two hundred spirits..."

Snow slaves reacted and quoted outside: "Two hundred spirits."

Wei Xinbing turned around and looked charming. He leaned over to Sun Hao: "Boss, you are too powerful, the idol of the soldier, the acne, the boss, and the **** jade will be fixed."

Sun Hao shook his head without a word, and gently shocked Wei Xinbing from his side.

Outside, the goddess of blood has already cheered loudly: "Two hundred spirits, the box of the third and seventh is once again strong shot, dripping blood and jade, two hundred spirits, hahaha, there is no higher price than this, two hundred spirits once……"

Inside the Hall of Blood, many monks are louder.

This is fun, watching two fires, this is fun.

Sun Hao shot, did not live in the front of the fourth box, Wanshen God voice just fell, the fourth box of snow slaves again quote: "four hundred Lingmai."

Good guy, doubled directly on the basis of Sun Hao’s offer.

The audience was boiling again. The monks in those halls couldn’t help but admire them. It’s not the fourth box. Maybe it’s the kind of distracting power. The accumulation is really strong. It’s ranked among the top monks, and the shot is four. Millions of spirits, can't imagine.

Lushan stayed.

The acne on his face shook a few times, squatting in front of the coffee table, whispered: "Master, forget it, the price has gone far beyond its own value, disciples don't want it."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Drip blood wood jade is indeed worth the price, you understand that the No. 4 box monk is more understandable, but if it is ancient blood, it is not a few hundred spirits can buy. ”

Bloody blue sky?

Lushan stayed.

Wei Xinbing's knowledge inside, Hao Anyi's voice came out: "Rely, I said that this **** jade jade feels so familiar? It turned out to be bloody, and the acne is estimated to be unbearable."

The formation of wood jade is very difficult.

The formation of dripping blood jade jade has to add a difficulty.

The formation of the blue sky itself is very difficult.

What's more, if it is formed in the wood jade, it will be even more difficult, not to mention the blue sky formed by the blood of the city.

This requires a variety of natural conditions to be completely formed, and its value is immeasurable. Among the male and female witches' classics, blood and blue sky is a rare treasure, but it is the main refining material that can refine the Mahayana.

The Mahayana Void Spirit Liquid has the same effect as the Mahayana Dan. It is also a rare kind of magic that can improve the chances of a fit-in monk to advance to the Mahayana. Its value is enough to make the complex period look red.

The No. 4 box should be the real source of the **** blue sky, otherwise the offer will not be so fierce.

When others get this kind of elixir, they may have to consider how to use it in the future. After Sun Hao gets it, he has a great chance to turn it into a spiritual liquid that will help him in the future. In this case, Sun Hao will not Keep your hands.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao took a sip of tea and whispered to Xuenu: "A large one."

The snow slave stayed again.

But this time, she responded quickly, and she said: "A large vein."

In the auction hall, it was quiet in an instant.

All the monks looked at the box of the No. 7 and the slow moving in the air.

Large-scale spirituality, actually directly came up with a large spiritual vein.

Although the value of large-scale spiritual veins for small-scale spiritual veins is only one thousand to one, the real situation is that large-scale spiritual veins are difficult to live in the world. For Zhongxu, a large-scale spiritual vein can often support a powerful one. The rich aura of Zongmen’s endless life.

More importantly, the large-scale spirituality is quite rare. It is not a powerful monk who is not so powerful. It is not a powerful monk who is deeply blessed. He is afraid that he will not reach the height of a large-scale spirituality.

A basic cognition is that, in general, it is possible to hold a large vein if it is necessary to achieve a high level of distraction.

If this is the case, then the monk's origins in the box of the 37th may have to be considered three points.

Wan Xueshen's eyes sparkled with radiance, and her mouth screamed: "Well, the box of the No. 3-7 is really big, a large vein, a big thread, there is no higher price than this, a large vein. the first time……"

According to the rules of the Wanxue Devil Island, the ranking of the monks of the Monk is a potential rule. Usually, the repair of the first row of monks is the highest. In the legend, there is also a power of the fit level occasionally in the box. Appeared in.

The probability of a distracted monk is quite high.

Today, there is no thought, the Sanqi box has a large spirit that is unique to the perfection of the disciples. Undoubtedly, this has the strength to be different from the first row of boxes.

After the death of the goddess of blood, the entire auction house suddenly heard awkward comments.

Everyone knows a little.

This so-called dripping blood jade jade may be wrong.

Otherwise, the price will not be so high as it is so outrageous.

The No. 4 box paused a little, and when the Wanxue **** shouted a large vein for the second time, it added a medium-sized one.

A large medium-sized one.

Good guy, the fourth box does not show weakness, but also directly opened the sky.

Sun Hao whispered: "One large, three medium."

Really, the auction that the auction house did not expect, has already appeared in the twentieth auction item, and such auction prices may even surpass the final finale.

After Sun Hao reported a large three medium-sized auction price, the Wanxue goddess faced the Quartet in the field, and then he said with a smile: "You friends, after the auction house identified the re-confirmation of the master, now the auction The real identity of this auction item is a **** blue sky. In the legend, it is possible to refine the rare treasures of the Mahayana period..."

Sun Hao’s brow inadvertently wrinkled, and the auction house introduced the real **** blue sky, fearing that things are not that simple.

Sure enough, it is an identification error.

On the blood sea auction seat, a slight snoring sounded, interesting.

The box of the No. 37 and the box of the fourth should all recognize this kind of medicinal medicine, which is a big shot and a high price.

The No. 37 box opened a large, three medium-sized high price See the fourth box and did not follow.

After the Wanxue goddess reintroduced the auction items, the auctions started to waver again. The first row of boxes were shot together, and the auction house burst into amazement.

On the fifth box, quote a large six medium-sized; on the seventh box, quote a large seven medium-sized; on the fourth, add one...

Finally, the top three, the second box shot: "two large spiritual veins."

The monks who were sitting around the auction house were screaming and screaming.

It’s not the turn of the Bohai Huyang to start shooting, and he may have been exhausted. Sun Hao’s heart sighed and said in a faint voice: “Three big veins.”

Add one more directly and fight hard.

This kind of price is close to the limit of Sun Hao's tolerance, that is, I don't know if others will follow.

In the box, the snow slave has been completely dumbfounded, looking at the teenager in the main seat, the heart kept speculating about the true cultivation and status of the boy. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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