Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1910: Big flower

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One kill is another ten years. Sun Hao doesn't know how far he has gone. He only knows that his opponents have gradually exceeded his strength range, and it is hard to grind.

At this time, in front of Sun Hao, there was a huge, top-notch large flower, tall plants, standing in the sky, each leaf is like a huge cloud, spread in the air, the top, is a Blooming flowers.

The flowers are white and innocent. The seven petals are like seven white clouds. They spread out in the air and look from a distance. They are elegant and beautiful. Under the flowers, there seems to be a mist of color flowing slowly.

In the middle of the seven white clouds, there is a huge yellowish seed, and the seeds stick out to the sky, like a small hill.

Seeing this big flower, Sun Hao’s heart could not help but feel a little worried.

At the end of the animal road, there was a huge plant blocking road. This is what Sun Hao did not think of. Is this a big flower, is it a big demon? Is it a beast?

Sun Hao’s heart is thinking so, a huge bison, strong, Sun Hao fighting for a long time failed to win, the wild buffalo screamed, rushed to the big excellent flower.

Silently, it rushed into the vast expanse of leaves.

Then, under the gaze of Sun Hao, it was wrapped in the leaves of Dayouhuahua, and the road was flashed and sent into the petals of Dayouhuahua.

The petals are closed and wrapped.

After half an hour, the petals open, the huge, not much weaker than the big buffalo, disappeared, and the scene did not seem to happen.

Only the white, big and beautiful flowers are still blooming, and they look so beautiful.

Sun Hao was shocked and hid in the distance and observed carefully.

After half a month, Sun Hao came to the conclusion that he was afraid that he would not be the opponent of this big flower, even if he turned himself into a body, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to hurt the big flower, and it would be bad. It will really fall into the Halloween Palace.

Sun Hao also saw the conveyor below the flower plant of Dayouhuahua, and there is a conveyor similar to the bottom channel of Ashura Road. I understand that this big flower is probably the guardian of the animal road, and I want to go into the hungry ghost road. It’s a big pass.

Fortunately, Sun Hao does not need to, just need to enter the next level, but there is no need to really fight with the big 昙 昙 flower, the big guy's ability is very different, Sun Hao did not intend to provoke, after a long time of observation, found a certain law, Start acting.

The sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred squid I sneaked into the transfer area under the big flower.

Sun Hao’s judgment has been very accurate, and this time is no exception.

The little buffalo is too small to attract any response from the big squid, and no attack skills are erupted. Sun Hao’s heart is overjoyed and quietly embarked on the conveyor, rushing out from the animal road and entering the penultimate evil, Hungry Ghost Road.

What surprised Sun Hao was that the area where he appeared was actually within the scope of a castle. After it appeared, it appeared in a huge room. The room was simple and filled with a decaying and decaying atmosphere. It is a tall wall.

The body of the little buffalo slowly faded. After a while, Sun Hao became a ghost, appeared in the room, and quietly touched it out.

Hungry ghosts, as the name suggests, many ghosts, or incarnations, may be more appropriate.

Sun Hao’s room is quiet, as if it has been a long time. No one has ever been there. Sun Hao’s knowledge has been explored and blocked, and he has not been able to find any information outside the house.

Sun Hao can only carefully push open the closed door of the house, feel it, no doubt, and gently, Sun Hao stepped out.

Come out, it is a bigger room.

There are quite a few hungry ghosts floating in the air, and when Sun Hao comes in, the hungry ghosts look at the door, and Sun Hao suddenly discovers that in one direction, there is a transmission in the direction of his side. Light, a flash of light, several tall and mighty nightshades appear on the transmission array.

In the middle of the Yaksha, up to a few feet, the hair is a green flame, burning like a candle, the eyes are born on the top door, one on the chin, are half-moon-shaped eyes, his nose, a hole in the sky, a hole Earth, his ears, one on the front and one on the back...

Sun Hao’s body just stood in the room, and the opposite night of the ghost king also appeared in the big house.

Sun Hao stayed for a while and has not yet responded effectively.

Inside the big house, a hungry ghost on the side of Sun Hao’s fangs slammed into it. He slammed into Sun Hao and slammed Sun Hao to the wall. At the same time, he opened his mouth and opened his mouth. I bite up to Sun Hao.

The strange thing is that this hungry ghost can hit Sun Hao, but his mouth bites down, but he wears it over Sun Hao’s body and bites it.

Sun Hao’s heart moved, raising his hand was a punch, a bang, hit the face of a hungry ghost, a huge force, the head of the hungry ghost fluttered a few turns, twisted together.

The hungry ghost did not show weakness, but also slammed a fist and squatted on Sun Hao’s head.

Sun Hao’s ghost body is also a meal, and his head is beaten. At the same time, Sun Hao’s heart is actually filled with pain. No matter three or twenty-one, Sun Hao is a punch and hits a hungry ghost. On the head.

The hungry ghost's neck is turning, twisting like a twist and twist.

The night fork ghost king, roaring in his mouth, Chong Sunhao and the hungry ghost shouted: "Idiot, stop!"

Sun Hao received the boxing, and the hungry ghosts also drifted away.

Yaksha Ghost Wang screamed a few words about the big Yaksha that was sent around him. Da Ya Ye shouted loudly: "The ghost king has a life, you, all go together, pay attention, after the past, immediately go away and take attention to the ghost king."

After that, Da Ye Fork refers to Sun Hao: "You lead the way."

The simplest and most direct way to distinguish ghosts from hungry ghosts is to be able to eat them. As long as they are not ghost spirits, they will be eaten by the hungry ghosts after entering the hungry ghosts.

After Sun Hao’s incarnation, he is indeed a ghost, able to fight with hungry ghosts, but he can’t eat it. The hungry ghosts with low wisdom naturally regard Sun Hao as the same kind, but the wisdom of the weak Yaksha is not so good. The night fork ghost king left Sun Hao, but also wants to let Sun Hao help to explore the road.

Sun Hao’s heart could not help but smile. He did not expect that he had just entered the hungry ghost road and was forced to go back to the animal road.

In front of the night, the ghost king is obviously trying to enter the animal path. Sun Hao hopes that this guy just wants to enter the animal path to find the road, and will not provoke a big flower, or else the city gate will catch fire and the fish. Not too good.

The big Yaksha around the night king Ghost King has a strong sense of strength, giving Sun Hao a great sense of pressure. The closed room, it is difficult for him to move away. Sun Hao can only bite the scalp and return to the first room. Under the surveillance of the Night Ghost King, lead a large group of hungry ghosts who are not weak, and send them to the livestock road.

The head is slightly dizzy, and once again, the goddess Hao and a hungry ghost have appeared in the root transfer area of ​​Dayouhuahua.

Just out, Sun Hao immediately shrank and became a little bit, a wind smashing technique, and flew out, almost at the same time, the hungry ghosts around Sun Hao also rushed to the ground, with various means, Fly around.

Dayouhuahua reacted in an instant, and the huge green leaves swayed, and the whole flower plant kept swaying, as if it was very exciting, and began to smash the hungry ghosts.

Sun Hao is unparalleled, and his head is small. However, he did not pay attention to the big flowers. At a very fast speed, Sun Hao escaped the attack range of Dayouhuahua, quietly squatting under a huge plant and watching from far away. .

Almost as Sun Hao had just left, he felt a breeze drifting around him, paying attention to it, and Sun Hao’s heart was not shocked by a slight shock, a powerful night fork ghost king.

Not far from the side of Sun Hao, the night fork ghost king turned into a normal hungry ghost size, rushed out, but its distinctive head, let Sun Hao see his actual identity at a glance.

However, what surprised Sun Hao was that after escaping from the roots of Dayouhuahua, the night fork ghost king did not advance into the animal path, but instead secretly observed the big flower, a conspiracy.

Sun Hao’s heart can’t help but smile. It’s inevitable that a big war is inevitable. I hope that these two guys don’t want to involve themselves. (To be continued.)

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