Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1909: Ancient true soul

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All kinds of big demon, never seen.

And these big demons have a very typical characteristic, that is, there are many common animals, most of them are not special blood, but they are really old and cultivated into fine.

Among them, there is a **** dog, fierce and abnormal. Bianmu thinks that this dog has formed a huge challenge to the world of his dog world. He went to the heads-up and was abused.

In the end, Bianmu had to come up with his own housekeeping trick, and smashed it, and shot a small cockroach into the body of the **** dog. This gave birth to the **** dog poisoned on the spot and defended his dog. The glory of the second.

The fire fighting skills of the small fire on the side of the animal husbandry are quite speechless, and they are ashamed to be with them. The animal husbandry is proud and arrogant, but Sun Hao stabbed it: "Dead dog, are you magical? If it is not a coincidence, a small fire gives Passing the worm magic, you have been killed by the big black."

Bianmu was a little dejected, but after a while, he re-emerged, and he has become one of the powerful dogs anyway.

In the body of the **** dog, Sun Hao found a huge dog treasure.

Dog Bao contains abundant energy. It is an extremely rare elixir. It is very popular with royal jelly and has great help for refining Ling Dan. Sun Hao carefully put away it.

With a small fire and a side animal husbandry, Sun Hao kept going forward in the animal road.

This is more than three years. In the past three years, Sun Hao has fought a battle every three and five times. The scale of the battle is getting bigger and bigger, and the strength of the big demon is getting stronger and stronger.

In the third year, Sun Hao felt that if he did not use other means and only relied on the fighting skills of the big buffalo body, it would be more difficult to win.

The strength of the big demon, comprehensive progress, a little beyond the big buffalo.

I don't know how I can pass, and Sun Hao can only continue to push down the scalp.

Of course, three years later, while Sun Hao has harvested a lot of resources, the cultivation of combat power is also making rapid progress.

Among them, the most advanced one is Sun Hao’s ancient jade battle.

Originally, Sun Hao’s ancient jade warfare has gone far beyond the cultivation of Sun Hao’s ontology, and it has been difficult to make progress.

However, after Sun Hao advanced to Bai Yu, he gained a series of opportunities to exercise his body.

It has been swayed by the indefinite winds, and it has been calcined by yin and yang; it has smashed the poisonous dead zone, and it has obtained the refinement of dark purple grapes, and absorbed the zombie brain gel, and the gods and devils have absorbed the blood jade cream of the corpse.

After a series of opportunities, Sun Hao Gu Yu warfare has begun to gradually improve.

When I arrived at the six reincarnations of the Halloween Palace, I got the temperament of Ashura’s fighting. Now, I am advancing into the animal life, and I have got all kinds of big demon resources. The various opportunities have accumulated, Sun Hao’s white jade. The warfare began to produce a faint radiance at the surface, and Sun Hao judged that this is the performance of the refining of the body and the success of the white jade.

The white jade battle body Dacheng, means that Sun Hao's refining body cultivation has been forced to the late stage of the fit, which is almost a higher level than Sun Hao's refining.

Because of the special nature of the fit period, it is only the refining of the body, the strength is impossible to draw the same level of monks, or else, Sun Hao is enough to confront the late stage.

Of course, it can't be said that Sun Hao's refining practice has no effect on progress. After the refining of the body is deep, Sun Hao's overall combat ability has been improved, and it has laid a good foundation for the upcoming fit period.

In the period of integration, the emphasis is on qi and body, God and body, soul and body, heart and body and so on.

There are two major criteria for determining whether a monk is strong or not. One is to look at the number of fits. This is the basic criterion for judging the fit period. A monk must at least one or more if he wants to enter the beginning of the fit. That is, the spirit of the spirit must have a fit with the flesh. Under normal circumstances, the strength of the monk is far higher than that of the monk.

The second major criterion for judging the strength of a fit monk is the strength of the body of the monk, the fit of the fit, and the body of the monk, which directly determines the level of the monk's combat power.

Usually, after the monks have passed the promotion and the catastrophe, they will try their best to condense their flesh and constantly improve their physical strength until their flesh is strong enough to drive the fit, based on the flesh. Enter the beginning of the fit.

The body of an ancient jade warfare is a far cry from the fighting ability of a bronze or ancient body.

Because the cultivation of the body is indeed difficult to practice, in general, the fit of the monk will be the second-level fit, that is, the body of the monk is usually a bronze warfare that is quite distracting, and can be advanced. The number of the same level of warriors in the ancient jade recombination is quite rare.

The monks who can surpass the ancient jade in the early stage of the fit are even rarer and almost miraculous.

Sun Hao has not yet begun to practice the practice of combining, and his own refining is already in the late stage of the ancient jade. If there is a chance to advance to the ancient jade, the consummation begins, in the legend, there are other titles, of course. Sun Hao’s current repairs have not arrived, and there is less contact with the materials during the fit period. I haven’t thought so much.

At this stage, Sun Hao can only try to lay a solid foundation for his cultivation and prepare for the future fit.

Walking the animal path, Sun Hao’s second big harvest is a variety of cultivation resources. It is completely different from Ashura Road. The big demons like to guard various elixir. After cultivation, they will also be in the body. The formation of various crystals is easy to absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth. Sun Hao killed this road, burned and looted, and the harvest was not small. Others did not say that in this process of turbulence, Sun Hao once again harvested several elixires of the ultimate **** of liquid.

Sun Hao’s two deputy souls are still not settled, and the matter of fit is still far away. If the devil’s trip can successfully find the two deputy souls, Sun Hao will take the opportunity to return to the human domain and complete it according to the human race. Your own method of fit.

Three years later, after the pressure increased, Sun Hao had an unexpected harvest after killing the big demon.

After the powerful big demon that was enough to suppress the big buffalo was killed, there was actually a soul overflow. Sun Hao showed his soul-absorbing technique and extracted the soul source. Actually, he could form a black soul bead.

After Sun Hao killed a very alert and wild cat, he extracted the first black soul bead and used the fine needle to derive the soul. Sun Hao saw a broken ancient demon soul.

The discovery of the soul beads suddenly made the spirit of Sun Hao a vibrate.

According to the theory of the Holy Palace and the theory of six reincarnations, these big demons in the animal path should have been true magic or the reincarnation of the true **** after death.

The real demon or the true **** can't resist the time of encroaching, completely disappearing the body memory in the reincarnation, and the soul is not left behind, but the powerful demon has great possibility to awaken or It is the remnant of the true devil or the true God.

That is to say, Sun Hao only spends some time, grinding a few powerful big demon, maybe you can get a powerful true demon or a true **** remnant.

The spirit buffalo buffalo carefully wandered continued to sneak into, and it was a full five years, killing no less than ten strong demons, and it took a long time to get rid of the big demon, Sun Hao got Eight dark soul beads.

One of the most powerful soul beads, in the dark, with a touch of purple gold aura.

Sun Hao exported the soul force, experimented and found that this is actually an ancient soul, with a golden aperture on the top of the head, and the soul itself is also shining with white silver, which looks very sacred.

However, because of the long passage into the reincarnation, there is not much spirituality in this soul, and the fit of the soul itself and Sun Hao is quite low.

Sun Hao checked the strength of the soul force and was pleasantly surprised to discover that the strength of this ancient **** is not under the ruins of the golden silkworm.

In other words, as long as Sun Hao is willing, this ancient **** of truth, in fact, has barely been able to use his own deputy soul to carry out the soul.

The discovery of the soul of the ancient gods makes Sun Hao understand that his own judgment is correct. In the reincarnation, it is the reincarnation place of the ancient gods and the ancient true devils. As long as they have enough strength, they can completely find powerful and powerful remnants. Refining the soul beads, find the source of the soul for their two deputy souls.

Since he can find the soul beads, Sun Hao has let go of his heart, and he is not in a hurry to immediately transform the soul. Instead, he will take up the soul beads and continue to kill them. Within the animal path, there are countless big devils, and the stronger the strength, the soul source may also be The stronger, Sun Hao can have a better choice. (To be continued.)

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