Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1589: Exchange privilege

I have been to the desert, I have seen the sand city; I have passed through the magma, I have entered the fire city; I have entered the crystal clear ice city; I have visited the towering white mountain... In the past two years, Sun Hao has been flying fast in this kind of running. Spend.

In the past two years, Sun Hao has collected a lot of resources. One of the biggest changes is that after Sun Hao enters the special Xianshan of Chongtiancheng, the foreign bodies in the body are no longer amazed, and there is a thirst for seeing the resources that are cherished.

Sun Hao also specially visited the two comrades who fought side by side outside the Chongtian City. The Tauren Eight-level Warrior Warrior Song, the tree-man warrior Fujihe, also visited the city of both of them.

The Tauren City Pool is much shorter than the Chongtian City, and the scale is also much smaller. The entire city is full of a rough style, big bars, chaotic markets, arms everywhere, tauren with tattoos in the big Shouting, even fighting and fighting.

Sun Hao said that he came to visit the baby song, let the baby song, who was just enslaved to Sun Hao when he was stationed in the Chongtian City, and finally moved to the grandson who admired Sun Hao’s five-body cast. He was very excited and led Sun Hao to visit. Tauren City Pool.

As long as he sees a slightly higher Tauren, Warrior is always proud to introduce: "This is my comrade-in-arms, Lei Peng Tianjian, eight-star hero, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang..."

The straight Tauren, who was so enthusiastic and long-lasting.

Very unexpectedly, Sun Hao collected a kind of "blood wine" that can slowly improve his body's killing momentum in Niutou City. It is also an unexpected harvest.

Sun Haoling's children's songs are stunned, and the big hand has acquired the 30% blood wine of Niutou City! Wa'er song thinks that after the purchase of the Agaric brothers, it is estimated that they may not be able to drink these blood wines after being drunk for thousands of years.

When Sun Hao quits the children's song, he gave him a "bone bone Dan", excited a tearful tauren warrior, patted his chest and said loudly: "Your grandson Sun Shenxiang is my Valle song for a lifetime. Good brother..."

Sun Hao knows that there is a cow baby in the home of Warren's song who needs to start his enlightenment. He is given a much-needed bone, and it is a guide fee. However, he did not expect to receive a brother who is known to be a sentimental friend.

It’s just that the imaginary and the vastness are incomparable. It’s not a special case. Two warriors of different races will not have too many opportunities to communicate in the future. Sun Hao does not know whether he has seen this straight bullhead for the last time.

Say goodbye to the children's song, Sun Hao ran to the tree and visited the vine.

In the transmission array, Sun Hao waited for half an hour, and then a big tree slowly came to ask the situation, and spent half an hour, repeated many times, only a loud roar, the confused tree finally I figured out the meaning of Sun Hao.

After waiting for two days, I hoped to wear it, and Fujiwara finally came over.

At this time, the eight-star warrior Wuhehe was completely different from the two in the sky. At this time, he became a towering tree, leaving only one face, yawning, and Sun Hao’s The visit was full of surprises.

Fortunately, although it became a big tree, he did not have the old tree so confused, the spirit is a bit unhelpful, and made clear the meaning of Sun Hao, or expressed a warm welcome, with Sun Hao began to visit their giant city.

Compared to the hustle and bustle of Niutou City, Jusen City is simply a silent city.

The walking action of Fujiwara can only be described as slowly, to some so-called trading bazaars. It is also the practice of saying one sentence for a long time and taking one thing for half an hour!

Rao is the grandson of Sun Hao and then calm, but also can not stand such slow motion.

Responsiveness turned a few laps with friends, and Sun Hao swears that he will not come to the city of Jusen again after playing, and he wants to leave.

But Mudan in the body has a more active response at this time.

Ok, I can only resist the temper and continue to go shopping. It took three days to work. Sun Hao arrived in the area where Mudan had induction. It took another three days to work. Sun Hao completed a big deal in Jusen City and got The wooden spring that Sun Hao once auctioned.

What is Muquan?

When I arrived at the city of Jusen, Sun Hao had a very intuitive experience.

In fact, the so-called Muquan, but those who shouted loudly tree people, after falling asleep, the water flowing out of his mouth!

Sun Hao expressed his conviction. Fortunately, Mudan Refining Wood Spring does not need to swallow his mouth. Otherwise, Sun Hao will not stand it.

For Muhao, Muquan really treasures the different treasures. It is not only the need for Mudan, but also the need for a small flame.

It’s rare to come to the city of Jusen, and it coincides with a large number of giant trees in the city of Jusen. After the war of the wilderness, they began to sleep. Muquan was born a lot. Sun Hao can only resist the temper, almost driving the vines in the giant In the city of Sen, I got a lot of wood springs, but I spent a full six months, and then I left.

When he left, Sun Hao also threw a bone-bone to his friend. It was his reward for leading the way, but let Sun Hao laugh at it. Sun Hao stepped into the transmission array and found that Fujiwara had already Holding his own jade bottle, before he even had time to watch it, he had already slept, and Muquan flowed out...

The strange races and various habits have made Sun Hao an eye-opener. For more than a year, Sun Hao has harvested a lot of resources.

Moreover, a year later, Sun Hao handed over to the Chongtian City auction, and the Ling Dan was also auctioned out, in exchange for a large number of Lingmai and Sun Hao designated resources.

Sun Hao gave a total of 30 spiritual veins to the smuggling empty tower, and the degree of craving for the spiritual pulse was gradually becoming dispensable.

The huge resource consumption makes Sun Hao speechless. If it is not his own alchemy, how can he raise the condensate tower?

I don't know how many spirits have entered, and it has not helped the world in the condensate tower.

After returning, I rested for a month in Lei Peng Xianshan, digested some resources, met the main monks who saw the Yinpeng team, organized the Yinpeng team to practice for two days, and after a few days with the snowy Xiaoqing four women, Sun Hao finally remembered that the top of the Terran has been concerned, and has been waiting for his statement, a privilege exchange.

Because of his powerful alchemy, Sun Hao's use of privilege is much less.

This privilege may indeed help the upper class of the human race to a great help at the crucial moment. Therefore, Sun Hao recruited the leader of the Leiren Xianshan, who gave the people a clear answer, and used the two privileges of Chongtiancheng to exchange the treasures of the Terran camp. Four treasure picking opportunities.

This is a very suitable requirement. The resources within the camp of the Terran camp may be very precious. But how can the baby at the bottom of the box be comparable to the privilege of having a great practical effect?

The Terran battalion commander quickly came to Chongtiancheng, followed Sun Hao and met the upper level of Chongtiancheng, officially transferring the privilege.

The big commander smiled and gave Sun Hao a token, let Sun Hao go to the Terran camp to pick up the baby, but what makes Sun Hao more unexpected is that the meaning of this token actually seems to be what to take, The treasures in the treasure camp of the Terran are as long as Sun Hao can use it, even though they are going to take it.

When asked about the general commander, Sun Hao learned that this was the reward that Sun Hao made a great contribution to the virtual battlefield after the people's upper class negotiated.

Sun Hao is speechless, knowing this, he should change another exchange But with a heart, Sun Hao is dumbfounded. If he changes to other harsh conditions, he may not enter the middle camp. I chose it, otherwise the token in the hands of the general commander has already been sent to myself.

He readily accepted the good intentions of the upper class of the Terran. Sun Hao went to the Terran Camp for a few days in the first time. He took all the resources that could be sensed in the inside, and all the resources that were beneficial to his cultivation were all smoothed out. The woman has come to many resources.

However, when I came out from the Zhongying Treasury, I looked back at the huge treasure house. Sun Hao shook his head and smiled. The human race accumulated a lot of time in the virtual world. The treasure house is huge, and some of the resources are not very high, but the types are special. More, still really not afraid of Sun Hao pick.

Even if Sun Hao has an oversized storage bag, it is estimated that it will not take much.

Moreover, the upper class of the Terran may also really want to cultivate Sun Hao, so that Sun Hao can grow up quickly, so the treasure house is open and open to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao found that he couldn’t take much.

If you use it, you can take it. If you use it, you don’t have to lower your character. After Sun Hao installed the resources of several storage bags, he generously closed his hand. (To be continued.)

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