Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1588: Walk through the 0 family

Sun Hao’s account of the matter, Bubwini’s heart was extremely strong. In the afternoon, when Sun Hao had not completely digested the auction proceeds, Bubwini had sent 20 pairs of Leiyuandan refining materials and sent Wuye .

Sun Hao and Fang Fang took up Lei Yuandan's refining materials and said, "How much more?"

Bubwinihaha laughed: "Why don't you say it to me?"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Vini, I don't know if I can freely enter the special Xianshan. I want to visit the trading area of ​​the Xianshan Mountain. After figuring out the rareness of some resources, I will go to the Tiancheng Treasures to pick up treasures."

Bubwini said: "It should not be very difficult to use Agarwood to hedge against Tiancheng. Moreover, if Shenxiang would like to disclose that he can refine Leiyuandan, I would like to wait for Xianshan to bark and trade."

Sun Hao said with a sigh of relief: "The real high-level executives of Chongtiancheng should know that Leiyuan Dan is out of his own hands, but I don't want to make it known to the world. I have to worry about Pooh, you can take a trip and give me a special entry. Xianshan, it is best to transfer the identity token to other large cities. I want to run a few big cities and see the situation."

Bubwini said cheerfully: "Okay, let me try, you wait for me."

As Sun Hao guessed, the real high-level executives of Chongtiancheng already knew that Sun Hao could refine Lei Yuandan. When Bubwini went to the token, he went very smoothly and got the guest token of Chongtiancheng to offer a token of identity. With this token, Sun Hao can freely enter and exit any other area except Chongtiancheng, and can also be transferred to other big cities and receive corresponding courtesy.

When Bubwini handed the token to Sun Hao, he sighed and said: "Agarwood, I really need to ask you to dedicate an adult in the future. You have a token, but your status is pressing me!"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Vini brother, you and my brother, don't see it, everyone is natural, it is best to treat each other sincerely."

Bubwini said with a smile: "Well, I think so too, but Agarwood, you don't know. We have always sent orders to the top ten ethnic monks. I didn't expect that they will be sent to you today." One, it really made me a hundred unexpected!"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "That is the love of your predecessors. The agarwood is a bit unbearable. Right, if Pooh is free, I might as well take me to the special fairy mountain, which will not be too conspicuous."

Step by step, Pooh laughed: "Our patriarchs have specifically explained me. I must be sure to accompany the alchemy master who can refine Lei Yuandan. Let me pay the master of alchemy at all costs and say that I am in the sky. The most important first-class event in the city, you said that I have time, hahaha..."

Sun Hao was dumbfounded and said: "In this way, let your patriarch prepare five refining materials of Lei Yuandan. I strolled through the special Xianshan and shot it for your family."

Bubvini suddenly burst into joy: "That is good, I guess, the old man will be crazy, hahaha..."

While saying, Bubwini took out the notes and yelled at the notes: "The old man, the master promised, and you will shoot once, refining five pairs of Leiyuandan herbs, but the condition is to visit our family. Treasures, pick the same amount of treasure, if you can, please reply..."

After that, he blinked at Sun Hao and played the notes. In less than a quarter of an hour, the notes flew back. The two words: "The deal."

With Bubwini leading the way, Sun Hao took Xiaoqing and Ruxue to enter and exit the various trading fairs of the Xianshan Mountain. After about a month or so, he and his mind listed a long list.

With more than one thousand kinds of various resource needs, Sun Hao couldn't help but feel a little numb in the scalp.

These are all the resources that Sun Hao visited after the special Xianshan, the high Xianshan, listed in his body, the five foreign bodies and the condensate tower.

Sun Hao thinks that it is very likely that he will need to spend dozens or even hundreds of years to acquire these resources.

The price of some of these resources is not particularly expensive, but Sun Hao still has not easily taken it.

After visiting the trading market of the special Xianshan, Sun Hao fulfilled his promise. On the special mountain of the Bubwini family, he refines Lei Yuandan, Wuling Lingdan, and only refines it into two furnaces and gets three. Lei Yuandan, intercepted a top grade, took two Chinese products to the Bubwini family, and really entered the treasure house of their family, and selected two relatively rare, high-priced resources in the trading market.

What Sun Hao did not expect was that Bubwini was actually awarded a family award, and he was also authorized to enter the treasure house to pick up a treasure. He happily picked up a long-awaited lightning striker.

From the Chongtian City special Xianshan, Sun Hao let Ru Xue and Xiao Qing practice in Lei Peng Xianshan, but they use the identity of Chongtiancheng to start to rotate to other large cities.

The long ear family is also one of the top ten races, and it is the first choice of Sun Hao. It is the first choice of Sun Hao. Entering the city of Changer, the first feeling of Sun Hao is elegance, and the whole city is elegant and green. Like a wooden house that appears in the fairy tale world, it is built on top of tall tree branches.

The monks who walked through were all long-haired people who were long and graceful, and who talked and talked very elegantly.

The name of the city is "Silver Moon", which is said to be a city. In fact, it is a huge tree that is called the mother tree by the Changer people.

The long-eared family relied on the establishment of trees to build an elegant and majestic high-rise city. The different heights of the tree-building, the monks of different races, the land where the monks of the long-eared family lived, naturally the tree branches above the tree-building array.

A human race monk suddenly appeared in the city of the long-eared family, causing the attention of many monks of the long-eared family. The long-eared warrior guarding the transmission line was politely and carefully examined Sun Hao’s identity token, and his face was exposed. The strange expression, the last face with a smile said: "Welcome to you, the celestial people worship the adults, but I am very curious, a Terran warrior, how can get the recognition of the proud rushing people."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The grandson of Sun Hao, Sun Yat-sen, especially came to meet with Muge Day, and asked the brothers to help me."

"Lei Peng Tianjian! Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang", guarding the soldiers suddenly spirited, in the demeanor, a little more respect, said in the mouth: "It turned out to be an eight-star hero face, no wonder no wonder, Shen Xiang adults please wait, I will report to the Phantom."

The long ear family is the most admired hero.

Lei Peng Tian Jian Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang ability gram phantom, become the first hero to guard the Chongtian City, naturally must be respected.

Soon after, no smirk, an awe-inspiring phantom, Muge, floated, and looked at Sun Hao, naturally and casually said: "Agarwood, how did you come here? Why don't you say it before you come? ?"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "I just want to go around, this does not want to go to the phantom brother's silver moon, want to come and see, come here, it really has a kind of peace of mind, like the magical feeling of forest soothing, It’s really worthwhile.”

Muge’s face showed a smile: “The goddess of the forest always cares for the pure warrior of the soul. At the same time, the mother likes us. The agarwood can feel the existence of the goddess of the forest. That is my best friend of Mugeri. Agarwood, welcome to the guest of Silvermoon."

The phantom **** shot Muge Day is in a state of solitude in the silver moon.

Sun Hao found him as a guide, naturally nowhere to go, and can go anywhere.

Moreover, after Sun Hao entered the the body Mudan was very active, as if he was always beating in accordance with a certain rhythm, Sun Hao carefully observed that the rhythm of Mudan’s beating is as if Silver Moon's unparalleled fit.

This sense of conformity has actually made Sun Hao recognized by many long-eared warriors. They all say that Sun Hao is a warrior who has been taken care of by the forest goddess. This kind of recognition makes Sun Hao easily replace many of the silver moon's strange Cultivation resources.

Among them, a secret silver moon wine is not expensive, but it can nourish Mudan for a long time. Sun Hao is a beverage and has purchased a lot.

When bidding farewell to Phantom Muge Day, Sun Hao gave him a golden rain, Lin Dan, as a thank you.

Muge Day took this sect, and stayed for a while. When he came back, Sun Hao had already sent it away.

Collapse the Ling Dan, Mu Geer’s face showed a smile on his face, and his mouth said: “The goddess cares, the Da Ge Lu language phantom will meet the nobles to give the chance, I did not expect this noble person to actually be agarwood, may the goddess care for the incense...”

Returning from Mirage City, Sun Hao continued to travel through other ethnic cities, discovering and collecting resources, and sometimes supplementing his own resource list. (To be continued.)

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