Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1500: Non-condensable

Jinlong has been swimming for a long time, and the metal nature has gradually merged with the real elements of Sun Hao. After all, after all, finally, the tiredness of the general, Jinlong sank in the Danhai of Sun Hao, motionless, 趴At the bottom of Danhai.

Sun Hao’s heart was moved, and the five elements of the wheel became a huge bubble covering the Danhai.

The mind is moving again, and the last step of condensing the sword tire begins to spur.

In Danhai, Jinlong’s body began to curl up and rolled into a huge golden round scorpion, leaving only the faucet at the apex of the round group.

At the moment when the round group was completely formed, Jinlong opened his mouth and the torrent of water flowed from the mouth of Jinlong.

The final step of the refining of the golden pill begins.

The huge and pure metallic real element spurted out of Jinlong's mouth and rushed into Sun Hao's Danhai.

Sun Hao’s Dan Hai is like a rising tide in the sea, flying up quickly and violently.

The water level line is rising rapidly, and in an instant, Sun Hao's Danhai, a large number of pure metal **** elements began to flood, quickly surpassing the Danish sea level during the refining period.

At this time, the five elements of the wheel covering the Danhai quickly run, and the large foreign bodies in Sun Hao are also quickly mobilized, and the metal elements are rotated for the other real elements, and quickly Absorbed into the spirits, reducing the pressure on Danhai.

Jinlong spit the real yuan very fast.

After a while, the water level in Danhai during the base period was flattened.

Sun Hao recovered to the level of refining at the base period.

Less than an hour, the Dan water level in the Jindan period was flattened. At this time, the major attributes of Sun Hao’s body have basically reached saturation, and the regenerated true elements are only stored in Danhai.

The golden dragon's spit speed is still fast.

In fact, at this time, Jinlong has the true element of Sun Hao’s crazy infusion these days, as well as the high-purity metallic energy concentrated in the golden crystals. The accumulation is extraordinary.

After a while, the sea level in Dan Ying Dan was flat.

Although the five elements of the wheel are magical, but can not keep up with the spraying speed of the metal real element, the metality in Danhai has occupied the vast majority, reaching more than 70%.

After two more hours, Sun Hao’s Danhai reached the highest water level!

That is to say, Sun Hao's refining is repaired, and it has completely recovered at this time. The difference from the previous one is that the attribute is relatively simple.

The golden dragon in Danhai, at this time, has also shrunk many and many, curled into a huge golden circle with a diameter of one foot, sinking at the bottom of Dantian, but in the dragon's mouth, it is still spewing gold.

Sun Hao couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

Jintai Pills are not so easy to condense. With their own cultivation, with their own vast sea of ​​Danhai, they will face the danger of being filled up and blasted. They don’t know the whole world, and there are no other swordsmen. Can directly condense golden fetal pills.

The waves of the waves slammed into the wall of Sun Hao's Dantian, as if to break through the bottleneck of Sun Hao's repair and expand Danhai.

The film of the five elements of the wheel is tightly attached to the Danhai, bearing a burst of impact.

At this moment, Sun Hao can indeed choose to break through this barrier and directly upgrade to his own refining.

However, after thinking about it, Sun Hao still gave up this tempting idea. As soon as the gods moved, the Shouyun condensate tower in Danhai was driven, which produced a huge attraction. On Danhai, formed a The huge vortex, the metal nature of the real source has been continuously absorbed.

Although there are a lot of functions that can not be used temporarily, but as the hero of Sun Hao, the basic imperialism, the basic cultivation is completely without problems.

The excess real element ejected by Jinlong was swallowed up by the condensed air tower.

After swallowing these real elements, the luster of the condensed tower had been restored a lot, and it was no longer deadly sinking at the bottom of the Dan Sea, but slowly floating over Danhai.

In the end, after the last bit of metallic real element, Jinlong jumped and flew lightly, turning into a big fist, embroidered with a golden dragon's golden ball, like a bead, hanging in the condensate At the top of the tower, gently turn.

The golden tire pill is finished.

After Sun Hao’s long experience, the refining and repairing of the gas was completely restored. Of course, it was subject to conditions. At present, Sun Hao’s real yuan is mainly metallic, and the other four elements are still in the refinement. The extent of this, within the huge Danhai, depends on the magic of the five elements of the wheel, hiding it.

As soon as Shen’s knowledge disappeared, Sun Hao suddenly found himself in front of him, and there was a strange otter that piled up like a mountain. For example, Xue Xiaoqing’s four women were living in the dead, and they kept dancing the sword array and forming a sword net. Provide protection for yourself.

Sun Hao’s heart was warm, Danhai was shocked, and the golden light quickly recovered from the body. His eyes opened and his face showed a bright smile. He looked at the woman in front of him and said softly: “Like snow, Xiaoqing, Liuliu, 嬅蔻You have worked hard, and let go, if you don’t condense, you should disperse yourself."

The four women heard the sound of Sun Hao, and their faces were full of surprises and inexplicable looks.

Xiaoqing shouted: "Small hill, do you really condense the golden pill?"

On the surface of the lake, the lake is surging, and the transparent otter does not continue to move forward, slowly sinking into the lake.

The spirit of the four women was loose, and Qi Qi came to Sun Hao’s face and looked at Sun Hao with concern and curiousness.

They witnessed Sun Hao swallowing the golden pill.

Now, after a month has passed, Sun Hao wakes up without incident. There is no doubt that he has successfully completed the condensing. However, how is this possible?

Sun Hao smiled and whispered Xiaoqing a joke: "I don't want to see the lady, I did complete the refining of the golden pill, and step by step to the sky, the foundation of the world, the lady to see..."

With a mouth open, a golden fist-sized sword pill appeared in front of a few women.

Ji Wei screamed: "Wow, it's really a golden sword tire! A big sword tire, faint, my sword is only the size of the thumb, there is no comparability!"

Among the eyes of Ji Yuliu, he is also full of envy.

Ji Ruxue’s cold face showed a smile, and his mouth said: “Hill, this sword tire should be the first golden pill in the history of my Ling Tianjian school. I really want to know what kind of sword it will eventually produce. soul."

Xiaoqing has already hugged Sun Hao: "You are very good at the husband, Xiaoqing admire the five bodies."

Sun Hao’s sensation shocked, Shen Xiangjian appeared in his hand, smiled and nodded to Xiaoqing and Ji Ruxue, then said: “If there is no accident, I will use Jintai Pill to conserve my agarwood sword soul, and finally Complete the restoration of the agarwood sword and fill the soul."

In the eyes of Ji Ruxue, the sparkling light shines out, and the hand touches the agarwood sword carefully. The mouth says: "This sword has been with me for more than ten years. I feel familiar with it, hill, if we are not far away, Let me continue to help you with your sword."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Okay, then it is like snow."

Ji Ruxue gently picked up the agarwood sword, took out the empty sword from the back, put the agarwood into it, and once again on the back, smiled and said to Sun Hao: "I can feel it, Shen Xiangjian is in me. On the back is good for me, but also good for agarwood, if the hill does not need agarwood, it is best to let me back."

Sun Hao said with a voice: "If there is a sword in the snow, there is no scale sword heart. When practicing, it can really form two good connotations for the sword, especially for my remnant sword soul. The effect of strong souls and health, I was able to recover quickly, but also because of the snow."

Ji Ruxue remembered the scene when Sun Hao was discovered, and his heart could not help but faintly warm, and smiled at Sun Hao.

At this time, Ji Yuliu suddenly said: "The hills, quickly pick up the golden tires, it is like the water ripples come again."

Sun Hao nodded, and the gods touched it. They swallowed the golden fetal sword pill and looked at the lake. They smiled and said: "Girls, in the next time, we may need to deal with these non-condensables for a long time."

Tightly hugging Sun Hao, Xiao Qing, who relied on Sun Hao, whispered, "Small hills, are you talking about the condensed water that helps us in our cultivation?"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "The word "not condensed" means that the otter **** blood without coagulation. They have a very magical digestive juice in their body, which can make the blood of the monk not coagulate. For the swordsman, if you can find enough If you don't condense water, and use it properly, you can make some magical changes in your blood. Of course, this takes a short time. This is one of the purposes that I bring you to Lange Island."

Four women glimpsed.

Sun Hao continued: "I still think, what do I need to do, I can think of ways to attract these leeches, but I don't think about it. They actually appear like this. It is an unexpected surprise. But, girls, you guys. It is best to build two swimming pools by the lake. Let's use them separately. Of course, if you don't mind if you can honestly meet each other, I have no opinion, hahahaha..." (To be continued.)

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