Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1499: Condensed golden tire

The law of the swordsman of the virtual world is undoubtedly the highest.

Compared to the lower bound of the sword repair is not the same.

The developed sword pill, developed by the method of raising the sword, let Sun Hao open his eyes, but also perfectly repair the agarwood sword for Sun Hao, and for the agarwood sword cast is not behind, can find the way to the evolutionary foundation.

As a result of his enthusiasm, Sun Hao refines three silver fetal pills and one golden fetal pill, completing more than half of his plan.

The three silver-feet pills are the three properties of water, soil and wood, while the golden fetal pills are the metallic nature of the last steel blind frog.

Four attributes are enough for Sun Hao to start implementing the next step.

The four women have completely admired the magical performance of Sun Hao, and they are the five-body cast.

However, it is also very curious. Sun Hao refines the use of Jintai Pills.

But then, Sun Hao's faint words made them four people could not help but eclipse.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "You help me protect the law, always support the big array, I need to refine this golden fetal pill."

Xiaoqing’s eyes were round and round, and the mouth said naturally: “The husband, you can’t! It’s going to die!”

Ji Ruxue also forgot to confuse Xiaoqing's nonsense, and his cold face also showed his concern: "Is it a hill, is it sure? The energy of Jintai Pills is not trivial. If it is not, you can lower the requirements and condense. The risk of silver-plated fetal pills is much smaller."

In the eyes of Sun Hao, he said with great conviction: "No problem, I have a number in my heart, don't say it, protect the law for me."

Ji Yun is ready to speak. Ji Ruxue, a silvery tooth bite, has said first: "In this case, you are careful when you are a hill. If we die, we will guarantee that nothing can harass you."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Not so serious, well, you are careful."

A step, jumped on a boulder, Sun Hao sat down with his knees, calmed down, preparing for his own condensed sword.

Ji Ruxue whispered: "One person, one direction, go."

The four women soared up, close to the huge stone where Sun Hao was, and one person held one direction and began to protect the law for Sun Hao.

Sun Hao seriously thought about the steps of condensing swords and pills. He did not panic, and placed a row of Ling Dan in front of him. This was the only way to get the golden tires in his hands.

The golden fetal pill, which is curled together, is like a golden dragon pill of the size of a thumb. It shines under the sunlight.

There was a faint smile on his face, and Sun Hao raised his hand. In the eyes of women worried about Ji Ruxue, he swallowed the golden fetal pill.

Quickly push the mouth, Jintai Pills are introduced into Dantian.

The thumb-sized golden pill calmly sinks into Sun Hao's Dantian, without any movement.

Sun Hao knows the movement, urges the secret technique, Dantian, metal sex, and drills into the golden pill.

Boom, bang, bang...

Sun Hao’s ear seemed to have heard a huge explosion, and Dan Tian also instantly picked up the waves.

The little golden pill, like a bomb, soared.

In the Danhai, there was a loud explosion.

Sun Hao’s body could not be shaken on the boulder.

The four women looked heavy and looked at Sun Hao very nervously.

The energy of the Golden Pills is so awesome that the hills will not be directly blasted.

Sun Hao’s face is still calm, his hair is sweating on his forehead, his spirit is highly concentrated, and his whole spirit is taking action to start refining the golden fetal pills.

Within Dan Tian, ​​Jintai Pills absorbs the metal nature of Sun Hao and keeps expanding. It is less than a few moments of effort, and the metal element is absorbed.

Sun Hao mobilized the five elements of the wheel, and constantly transformed the other four attributes into metal. At the same time, the sleeves were waved, and the jade bottle was shaken in front of him. Ling Dan was thrown into the mouth like a train, and quickly rushed into Dantian. The consumption of real yuan.

The first step of the refining of the golden fetal pill is the real yuan into the pill.

Sun Hao is now refining a metal sword, so you need to send your own metal element into the golden pill.

The more real yuan that Sun Hao sent to Jintai Pill, the more complete the assimilation of the metallic true element in Jintai Pill with the real element of Sun Hao.

In theory, the refining monk is impossible to complete the refining of the golden pill, the biggest difficulty is here.

Imagine the huge strength gap between a refining monk and the golden hunger. The ant is like an elephant. The swordsman in the refining period simply does not move the crystallization of the gold condensate. Often, the true element of the swordsman during the refining period. It may be assimilated that one percent of the golden pill will be exhausted, and the seduce of the golden element that has not been assimilated will smash.

At that time, the most likely ending is a bang, directly blowing the swordsman into a fly ash.

However, this is only for ordinary swordsmen. When Sun Hao is here, the situation is slightly different.

Sun Hao’s Dan Hai is vast and vast, and many times larger than the ordinary **** monk.

Sun Hao's five attributes are very condensed and the quality is very high. Moreover, Sun Hao has five attributes and foreign objects, which can continuously supplement Sun Hao's real consumption.

Moreover, after Sun Hao cultivated to the climax of the refining period, he no longer paid Danhai attention to the real element. The foreign body spontaneously accumulated a lot of real yuan spares.

Nowadays, all these favorable factors are all called up by Sun Hao.

A steady stream of aura poured into Dantian, and a steady stream of five attributes really poured into the golden pill.

After Danhai Zhenyuan's true liquid dropped to a certain extent, Sun Hao resolutely swayed his body and sank into the swords of the four seas and the sea sword. Danhai picked up the waves and formed a suppression of the golden pill that sinks in it. .

The rate at which the golden pill absorbs metallic true elements is slightly slower.

Among the light blue brilliance, Sun Haobao is solemn, and a constant stream of aura flows into his body.

Danhai finally stabilized slowly. Before the bottom line was thoroughly seen, the speed of the influx and the speed of the gold-pilled pills reached a balance.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly loose, and finally succeeded in stabilizing the first step.

It is very important to absorb the metal element of the golden fetal pill. The more it is absorbed, the more it will be assimilated. The more it is absorbed, the more time the golden fetal pill is condensed, and the more the real element is returned. More, this is a complementary process.

It is also the key to Sun Hao's ability to completely digest the energy of the golden tire.

Quietly sitting cross-legged, surrounded by aura of aura, Sun Hao's body, with a layer of faint water blue, water blue, and gradually faded golden light.

Looking at Sun Hao did not immediately explode and died, the four women looked at each other, long breath out a breath, the hill is so magical, actually stabilized the position.

Xiaoqing said: "Cang Tian bless the hill, complete the golden tire industry, I thank you Xiaoqing."

Finished, on the boulder, hey, three heads.

Ji Yun and Ji Yuliu looked at each other and made a wish.

In the end, Ji Ruxue whispered: "Chen heaven bless, my Ji Ruxue is willing to live and die with the hill, coexist..."

After that, it is also a surplus.

At this time, above the lake, there were waves rising, as if something had appeared, and gradually came over to the huge stone where Sun Hao was.

The nearest Ji Yuliu whispered: "Sisters are careful, something in the lake is attracted by the breath of the hill to help defend..."

The four women suddenly became nervous.

Sun Hao has completely sunk into the intense condensing process at this As long as the surrounding attacks are not around, Sun Hao will not care.

Once you understand it, it will inevitably interfere with the refining of the golden pill.

The golden fetal pill itself is beyond the existence of the grandson of Sun Hao, and the crystal formed in the body, although the energy of crystallization is not as powerful as the body of Jinnu, but it does not allow Sun Hao to be sloppy and distracted. Sun Hao has to do his best. Going forward and mobilizing the whole body to stabilize the position and gradually embark on the normal road of condensing.

After the golden tire pill absorbed a large amount of metallic real elements, it gradually spread out in the Danhai of Sun Hao, turned into a golden dragon, and swam in Danhai.

This is another crucial step.

If the monk of the monk is not big enough, the golden dragon that the golden tire pill expands does not move, then it is not fun. It doesn't take long for the monk's Dantian to be hit by a golden dragon.

But for Sun Hao, there is nothing wrong with this step.

Sun Hao’s Danhai is big, and the huge Jinlong swims around, there is no problem at all.

The swimming of Jinlong is actually a process of integration and fusion of a metallic true element. The smoother the swimming, the more pure metal energy contained in the golden tire pill will be more in line with the monk, in the movement, into a monk energy of.

Sun Hao sat cross-legged and his body was golden.

On the lake in front of him, the four women nervously joined each other, constantly killing some of the transparent, finger-like otters flying from the lake to the sun.

Fortunately, although the number of leeches is large, the strength is not very strong, otherwise the four women simply cannot stop.

In a month, I was swaying through the tense nerves of the four women. Sun Hao on the boulder still sat cross-legged, and the golden light on her body was getting stronger and stronger, and the transparent otter in the lake seemed to be eating. The stimulants are generally more and more aggressive. (To be continued.)

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