Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1378: Spirit of the fairy

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The condensate tower top.

Sitting cross-legged for a whole millennium, the silk does not move, like Zhu Ling, who has been completely petrified, above the forehead, the shape of the fire column is suddenly shocked.

With a cry, the wings rushed out behind.

With a bang, the raging fire rose from Zhu Ling’s body.

Less than a bit of effort, a huge Suzaku, burning with a raging fire, hovering over the pagoda.

The heat wave came to the surface, and the temperature of the entire Xianshan Mountain increased a lot.

A huge pillar of fire was placed on the forehead of Suzaku, as if the heart was beating.

Every time I jumped, Suzaku screamed at the squeak, and the crisp sound went straight to the ninth.

Under Suzaku, the two hind legs of the side of the animal husbandry stood up, and the two front paws kept facing Zhu Ling, swaying hard: "Master, master, side animal husbandry here, side animal husbandry here..."

For thousands of years, incarnation of Suzaku, guarding the Antarctic Tianzhu, Zhu Ling seems to have forgotten a lot.

Suzaku looked puzzledly at the side of the pasture and failed to recognize who the screaming puppy was.

Sun Hao leisurely sighed, and the Suzaku in the air sighed slightly: "Long legs Ling, have labor, please return to the Antarctic Tianzhu."

Suzaku's body was slightly shocked, and looked at Sun Hao in confusion. Finally, it seems that he remembered something in general, and his eyes appeared clear.

Above the sky, the huge flame head slightly pointed to Sun Hao.

Inscribed in the memory of the last life, she immediately understood her mission, and her wings spread and slammed into the sky, quickly plunging into the high clouds.

After the double wings, I looked back at Sun Hao and looked down at the Yanshan Mountain. It fell like a bomb.

Sun Hao’s eyes are still as calm as ever, one knee and one sigh, and Lang said: “Suzaku, all the way.”

All the monks, sitting cross-legged on the ground, floating in the air on one knee and squatting, followed Sun Hao Qi Qi loudly said: "Suzaku, all the way to go."

With a bang, the Yanyanshan volcano erupted, rushing into the sky, huge clouds of smoke, and rapidly expanding to the Quartet.

Antarctic fire pillar, after the millennium, repaired in place.

Sun Hao’s eyes turned to the smuggling empty tower, and a mouthful of crisp drink: “One promised town for thousands of years, today’s pressure on the demon, you must condense the empty tower and give it to my town.”

The huge town word emerged from the condensate tower.

Sun Hao’s right palm was pressed against the town’s character, and he screamed and squatted on the dome of the field.

The aisle of the road, passing down the dojo quickly.

The aperture passed, and the last black light on the dome of the field was completely brushed off. After the millennium, it returned to the field to restore the body whiteness again.

There is no silk, the white dojo is in the sun, like a huge mirror, reflecting the dazzling light.

On the top of the fairy mountain, it also shines at the same time. Many buildings that have lost their color, many structures that have lost their function, are all reborn.

The milky white brilliance shines brightly.

The fourth layer of the ice in the monks can not see.

Sun Hao appeared in the palm of his hand, and a palm pressed against the frozen ancient demon to go to the top of the bullhead.

Gently screamed in his mouth: "Give me down."

The body of the ancient demon to the tyrant, together with the ice, was pressed into the cold source.

The huge pressure of the pressure, pushing the body of the ice to go to the tyrants quickly flew to the magic, behind him, the ground of the original crack, under the effect of the town, like two walls running in opposite directions Heal quickly.

Less than half an hour.

Among the four layers of the ice, there was a muffled sound.

The whole reunion of the fairy mountain shook.

Sun Hao reached out and made a move. In the sky, huge, the pagoda ghost that suppressed the one thousand years of the reign of Xianshan quickly flew over to Sun Hao. The closer it was, the smaller it became. It finally turned into a small pagoda and fell into Sun Hao. In the mouth.

After being punished by the pagoda for a full millennium, it finally rose again and again.

It was like a hunchback strong man who was crushed down a lot, and finally stood up slowly.

In the end, when the dome of the field was on top of the "Joan Tears" left by Sun Hao, the rising momentum came to an abrupt end.

In the sound of the boom, Xianshan returned to the position and the dojo restarted.

On the top of the Xianshan, in the light of the glory, the monks cheered up in the sky.

Huge cheers, rushing.

After a freshman, the demon is taken to the town, and the ancestors are out of trouble.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang completed the feat of a thousand years of the town of Novo, completely ruining the continent's last and most difficult and most dangerous disaster, the mainland will usher in a rare period of peaceful development.

When the dojo returned to the position, the moment the pagoda entered Dantian, Sun Hao’s whole body shook.

The five attributes of the real source are constantly coming from the inside of the Sui Ning empty tower, and poured into the Dan Tian, ​​who has been doing Sun Hao for a long time, and poured into the limbs of Sun Hao.

It’s turbulent.

In the millennium, Sun Haoxiu liàn has never been interrupted.

In the millennium, Sun Haoxiu's enlightenment has never been interrupted.

At this moment, the accumulation of the millennium has turned into a steady stream of true elements and has poured into Sun Hao’s body.

One after another, the acupuncture points can't stop the impact of the real yuan, easily and broken, and the meridians are full of saturated energy.

After the vicissitudes of the millennium, at this time, Sun Hao has a feeling of regaining a new life.

But in the end, Sun Hao smiled lightly and gently calmed down.

Looking up, looking at the high sky, murmured: "You can't hold me anymore? But I still need some time."

It seems that there is an unknown existence in the sky.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and he stepped on it step by step, naturally, standing on the top of the field.

Joan’s tears were naturally incorporated into his body and became part of his body without any hindrance.

Sitting cross-legged on the dome of the Dojo, Sun Hao said softly: "Jiujiu is one, nine refinements are returned to the immortals, today, the millennial sermon, Aloes thinks, continuing the story of the Southern China Jindan Tanxian, once again Let the Daoists talk about this last word, Xian."

Sun Hao’s fingers pointed into the air, and there was no “Xian” word that had been scattered.

With Sun Hao's fingers, the clouds in the sky are rolling, and other words are automatically hidden. Only one fairy word shines.

Sun Hao continued to say: "On that day, on the same side of the reign of the Xianshan, this seat, proud world, one-way, one hundred forging and Luo Peng five rankings Jindan, once discussed the immortal, although after thousands of years, but still It’s vivid.”

The Manchurian monk also had some events that had been passed through that year.

However, I saw Sun Hao, who is now sitting on the top of the dome, and then think back to it, and he couldn’t help himself.

At that time, the five major ranks of Jin Dan on the immortal, now only Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang alone.

The fairy road is rugged, and the fairy road is long, but nothing is true.

Sun Hao also sighed a little, and said leisurely: "On that day, the celestial beings of the world, the celestial celestial beings, although the angles are different, but the temperament of the celestial beings, the pride is good, the free and easy, the temperament of the fairy one……"

Looking back, Sun Hao was talking about it.

Immortal, the goal pursued by the monk, the monk is also the immortal in the eyes of the mortal, but how many can really understand the immortal?

Fairy temperament.

Proud, free and easy.

The taste of the fairy.

A touch of sadness.

Fairy personality.

The rate is really one.

Sun Hao said, "You don't need to understand, you don't need to accept it, you just have to listen, but hòu think about it."

Finally, Sun Hao said: "Today, I still add two words to the immortal, spirit."

What is the spirit of immortality?

The understanding of Agarwood is that two words, responsibility, or, say, take responsibility.

The spirit of the fairy.

It is the responsibility of the immortal.

"There is tolerance, but no desire is just; all is inclusive, responsible."

The monk can not only do what he wants, but also dare to bear what others can't bear. This is the responsibility.

The greater the ability, the stronger the strength, the more “big burden”.

On top of the Xianshan, all the monks, especially the agarwood nine-pulse monks, looked at the air calm and natural, like a mortal, the grandson of Sun Dao, think about the feat of Sun Hao, a town of thousands of years, suddenly understand Take the meaning of the word "."

What do you need?

Need ability, no ability you can't afford it.

What do you need?

You need confidence, no confidence, you can't take it.

What will happen to you? Will it be smooth sailing? What will you get after you take it?

All the monks fell into meditation.

Xiu Xian ~ ~ is everyone's persistent pursuit.

When the ability is greater, many of the monks have been confused, and it is easy to get lost in the illusory dream of great ability and go astray.

However, Sun Hao calmly and naturally, the discussion about the role of the fairy, let them find the goal.

When a monk is alive, in different periods, he should have different responsibilities, do his own business, dare to bear the responsibility that others cannot bear, and open his own mind, that is, open his own vision.

The setting sun sets and the day ends.

Sun Hao finally said softly: "When I was determined to take responsibility for the whole continent, I kept a thousand years of returning to Xianshan. When I finished my own duties, I found that this place has been difficult to accommodate me. The reason is that I took up the world and have already surpassed the limits of heaven and earth. It is time to leave..."

The million monks briefly calmed down and were shocked, but they were trying to figure out the meaning of Sun Hao. (To be continued.)

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