Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1377: 1 Novo 0 years

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The pagoda shines on the fairy mountain.

One countless town.

Things are not human or not, and the sea is changed into mulberry fields.

Among Sun Hao’s eyes, the introverted vicissitudes of life are completely calm, and the mood has been waveless.

When the morning bell rings.

Sun Hao ushered in a thousand years of sitting in the town and suppressing the magic.

It is also the day of Sun Hao’s tenth sermon.

Agarwood sermons, a hundred years of holy scriptures.

Under the white, the magnificent ones are on the top of the Xianshan, and the floating monks are no less than hundreds of thousands.

These are the mainland monks with status and status, and there are many other guests from far away from the mainland.

Beyond the Xianshan Mountain, there are still too many monks in the third and third floors. In the distance, listen to Sun Hao.

Chaoyang through the pagoda phantom, according to yào on the return of a fairy mountain.

Sun Hao slowly opened his eyes.

A pair of calm and clear eyes, can not see any vicissitudes or any tender eyes, is ordinary, as if it is the eyes of mortals.

But just in the moment when these ordinary eyes open.

The Xiangyun of the Yixian Mountain is in the shape of a white bird, some are set under the body of Sun Hao, some are flying up and down around Sun Hao, and more, turned into colorful birds, flying in the top of Sun Hao.

All the monks sat cross-legged and watched the scene quietly.

The entire Jinyi Mountain is very quiet except for the melodious bells.

In the past nine sermons, Sun Hao went deep and simple, and each focused on his own nine major repairs. Many monks were greatly inspired by them. On the mainland, many monks claimed to be Sun Hao’s descendants, Shen Xiangyi. pulse.

Of course, the true disciples of Sun Hao, after thousands of years of evolution, spontaneously formed nine contexts.

Now it is divided into nine squares, sitting on the top of the mountain.

Refining the pulse, respecting the great demon king as a big disciple, but she has already soared away, and now the second disciple Xuanyuan Xiaolong sat in the first place.

Refining the body, respecting the wind and flying the sky.

Refining the gods, respecting Huang Wenmao.

Refining the line, respecting Daewoo.

Refining the soul, respecting Xiachuan.

Refining the heart, killing acne Lushan shamelessly confiscated a big disciple, given his strong strength, no one is fighting with him.

The alchemy is a vein, and the honor is arrogant.

Refining a vein, respect Zhu Dezheng.

The refinement of the pulse, the easy road lights jumped out, sitting in the big disciple, people are unbelievable, to know that he is a descendant of the sinister sect, and now actually condescending under the agarwood seat, it is really weird.

However, the easy road lights are not explained, and the courtesy of Sun Hao is generous and natural.

One countless town of the millennium, nine pulse days xià pass.

The nine-pulse disciples are now the power of Yuan Ying. Each of them has outstanding strength and has gathered into a very powerful force on the mainland.

A powerful force that allowed the monks of Xianban to sneak up and let the monks of Xianban dare not despise.

Today, the nine veins gather together, and they are on the top of a fairy mountain.

Sun Hao double eyes, swept through his own nine-pulse disciples.

Lushan also expressed his approval for sitting in the heart of a big disciple.

Lushan received Sun Hao’s instructions several times before and after. From the second sermon, he did not come to the scene to listen to it, and he repaired liàn to kill the heart, and repaired liàn with his own killing secret.

It is also a disciple who is a self-cultivating heart.

However, I saw Lushan, who was full of acne. When I thought about it, Sun Hao couldn’t beat her. Who would have thought that the old life and death family had become one of his own nine disciples and sat on his knees. Before, listen carefully?

The ones that arrived are all here.

It is time to begin the sermon.

In the morning sun, Sun Hao slowly opened his mouth: "You friends, Aquila today, a thousand years of sermons."

The sound is very calm, not big, but not only the whole one is clearly audible, even the outside of Xianshan, those monks who listen to the third floor and the third floor, it seems that the sound of Sun Hao is light in his ear. Lightly sounded.

Like his own teacher, he is teaching himself.

"This mountain, the name is one," the millennial sermon, Sun Hao first said from the reunion of Xianshan: "In the same year, when Shen Xiang first arrived in Xianshan, he knew the name of Xianshan, but he did not know why. Returning to the ancestors, the return of the law is just a statement, just a symbol."

The calm voice of Sun Hao, the characters that spit out, seems to be in the air for a flying butterfly, flying high and flying in all directions, becoming a butterfly-like ocean.

Every word seems to be turned into a butterfly, which is integrated into the mind of the monk.

"However, sitting in the same place, suppressing the magical distance, a promise of a thousand years, after the evangelization of the nine refining, Shen Xiang suddenly understands," Sun Hao calm voice, so that every monk feels full of persuasive power: "Shen Xiang Wu came out eight characters Today, I will give it to your friends."

The seven-color clouds in the sky automatically form eight characters, and the monks look up and see that these eight words are:

Jiujiu is one, and nine refinements are returned to Xian.

"There is no way in the world, the monks are on the road, the ninety-nine will go home, the nine refinements become true immortals." The big characters are solidified in the air, and Sun Hao continues to say long: "Where I am a fragrant, please remember, nine veins. Can be fellow initiates, but complement each other, but if you want to truly climb the Supreme Avenue, even if you can't reach the peak of the nine veins, the other contexts must not be completely hunted."

In front of Sun Hao, the nine-pulse disciple took the lead and said in a high voice: "I will follow the Master's (Ancestral) Act."

Sun Hao nodded slightly.

The eyes swept away from below, and the eyes were fixed on Daewoo’s body, saying: “Dayu.”

Going forward to Daewoo, he said: "The disciple is here."

Sun Hao Lang said: "You can be a master of the glory, and rank first in the nine veins. It is a real name."

Within the millennium, Daewoo not only passed on Sun Hao's line well, but also made a thing that makes Sun Hao look at it. After Sun Hao’s definition of 224 degrees, After studying hard for hundreds of years, he gave Dahao a huge surprise to Sun Hao, and made Sun Hao’s frontier a big step forward.

There are many shortcomings in the definition of the two hundred and forty degrees, and it is a bit unsuitable for Sun Hao.

I didn't expect to make a great heart for Daewoo, and I got Sun Hao to get a definition of 360 degrees, so that Sun Hao suddenly became more open, and many problems were solved.

Sun Hao praised him at the time of his sermon, but he did what he wanted.

Sun Hao thinks that the method of defining the three hundred and sixty degrees to Daewoo, in a sense, its contribution to the monasticism is not much weaker than the mobile phone invented by the second disciple Zhu Dezheng.

However, the strong practicality of the mobile phone has already made the second disciple Zhu Dezheng famous for his millennium, becoming the father of the world, the father of the mobile phone admired by the monks.

Even in the eyes of those mortals, Zhu Dezheng’s influence is more than the character Sun Hao of the millennium.

Of course, in the eyes of Sun Hao and other great monks, the role of mobile phones is greatly reduced.

I got Sun Hao’s verbal praise and appeared on Daewoo’s face, and said: “The disciple is afraid, and he is afraid of falling into the name of Master.”

Sun Hao said: "Dayu does not have to be self-important. Today, I am speaking here. The nine-pulse disciples can lead each army. However, I am a fragrant nine-pulse. The first disciple is not the big devil Zhou Yuxi, but my agarwood. The first disciple accepted, Daewoo, have you remembered?"

Sun Hao, the next nine veins, together with the monks who returned to the nine-pulse squares, said: "The disciples understand."

Sun Hao’s meaning, they really understand.

That is to say, if there is disagreement between the disciples of Shenxiang Jiuyan, Daewoo will have the power to make a final decision.

This is a clear definition of the basic order of the nine pulse disciples.

Of course, Lushan and Yi Lu lights will not buy the accounts of Daewoo, it is really difficult to say.

After clarifying the status of Daewoo, Sun Hao’s topic turned around and looked at the field. He looked at the sacred mountain and looked at the monks of Xianzong. He smiled and said: “The eight characters in the sky, you may I feel that it is only effective for my but that is wrong."

Without waiting for the monk to answer, Sun Hao has already said: "The reason why I am a great master, the reason why the magician monk left a line of life, the root cause, but it is because, the devil is good, the person is good, the heart of the road is One, nine refining can be returned, nine kinds of methods to repair liàn, just a concept, just an induction, I once said that refining has yin and yang points, the devil is different, today is still the case, then the demon monk As long as the nine refinements can be combined, nature can also achieve immortality..."

The Manchurian monk Qi Qi said, "Thank you for the great teachings, I will understand."

Sun Hao’s gaze looked at the smudged empty tower, and said in his mouth: “The pagoda shines on the fairy mountain, and the town of Yinuo is a thousand years old. I have been here for a whole thousand years.”

To Daewoo’s rare words, I said a few words: "The teacher respects the heavens and xià, and benefits the people, suppresses the magic, and has a thousand years of merit."

Sun Hao smiled and his voice improved a lot: "Today, the day of the millennium is finally at the time when the magical Yuan is completely restored. You, friends, please repair the Antarctic Tianzhu with Shenxiang, thoroughly suppress the magical... ..." (to be continued.)

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