Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1254: War veteran

"This is impossible", Luo Pengfei must be flying, loudly said: "Luo two obviously sent intelligence, said that it was found clues, the ancestors entered the funeral market, and sensed the ancestors' breath, but also sent it out. How can there be no clue when an avatar enters?"

Sun Hao thought of the enchantment in the condensate tower, but I knew a little bit about what was going free novel reading]

It is estimated that the magical power has really entered the burial of the market, but it is regrettable to fall into it. However, the powerful means, the blood and the rebirth, but because of the strange environment in the burial of the sky, created the charm of this Freaks, but the magic road is powerful, but it really vanishes.

Of course, such a thing, Sun Hao will not tell Luo Pengfei, shrugging, Sun Hao said with a smile: "Then I don't know what is going on, right, you said that Luo Er also sent an avatar into the funeral. Tian Hui? That is very embarrassing. The incarnation of your family Luo Er was accidentally seen by me and killed in the middle of the halfway of the funeral market, but it was not able to reach the core of the funeral market."

Luo Pengfei had to fly and suddenly had no smile on his face. He pointed to Sun Hao: "Is this true?"

Sun Hao does not show weakness: "If it is a fake."

The so-called words do not speculate more than half a sentence, after a brief exchange, Luo Pengfei was finally annoyed by Sun Hao, the momentum of his body gradually became stunned, six big hands, also began to prepare a variety of different gestures, mouth Said faintly: "Agarwood, you now choose the camp to have time, with your cultivation, not for the magic, you can logically change the magic..."

Sun Hao’s body, the boundless fighting spirit was also raised, and Luo Pengfei was far away from each other. He said without hesitation: “The long-term magic repair method is different and changeable. I always wanted to ask for advice. Luo Daoyou, let the horse come over. ""

Luo Pengfei shook his head: "It’s really ignorant and fearless. If that’s the case, then pick it up, and click on it.” The thick palms are lifted and pointed to Sun Hao.

A dark black light followed, pointing out silently, rushing to Sun Hao's body.

I can't hear any sound. It seems that the sight is just a black dot, and Luo pointed to a hit.

On Sun Hao's body, the Aegis of Fire is like an egg shell, which is topped up layer by layer. The dark red body guard also tops out the surface of the body. The golden and green brilliance began to flow around.

The black spots are silent and extremely restrained, but Sun Hao is also full of self-confidence. He wants to try his own defense ability, so he did not dodge.

Uh... a series of clear sounds, Sun Hao’s Aegis of Fire is still there, but the black point has quickly broken the Aegis of Fire, breaking the body of the body, and then unstoppable, like the tofu general. I wore the golden battle of Sun Hao, and I was so savory. Sun Hao’s body had a blue smoke like metal friction.

In the past, Sun Hao was blacked out of the left shoulder and had a black hole with a big finger.

The black hole is expanding, and tears and blood are still emerging.

Sun Hao’s heart suddenly stunned, and the dark road made a very strange and screaming force. His whole body defense was used up, and he still couldn’t resist it. He thought about the defensive ability that he thought he was strong. Then look at the trauma of the left shoulder, Sun Hao instantly understands that this war, his own battle is afraid it will be quite unfavorable.

Luo Peng flew up and lifted the second finger. The mouth whispered: "Forgot to tell Aquilaria, the devil, the status of the ancient devil, is equivalent to the power of the human race in this world, I Luo Pengfei is not the body, but now this is also the real demon avatar Aquilaria, you can't stop my attack, Luo pointed to a blow, come again..."

The power of the gods, the devil is separated!

Sun Hao’s heart is stunned, but it is instantly understood that he may not be the opponent of Luo Pengfei.

The kind of heart that advances to the mid-term of the Yuan Ying, can fight the pride and complacency of most of the great monks, and quickly disappears from Sun Hao’s heart.

Someone outside the world, the feeling of heaven outside is born.

The white light flashed and the wound on the left shoulder began to recover.

The right hand pointed down, and the stick of the day appeared in the hand. Behind him, the virtual shadow of the three heads and six arms shook, and the overall strength of Sun Hao instantly increased a lot.

Fighting the stick, the magical law.

The two great stunts broke out at the same time, and Sun Hao’s combat power was instantly raised. This is also the first time that Sun Hao has advanced to the mid-Yang Ying period.

In front of Luo Pengfei's eyes, there is a prestige of the **** of war.

Fighting against the sky, the momentum is high, brushing two sticks, two golden beams of light rushed to Luo Peng.

Floating in the air, the head shook a little, Luo Pengfei calmly said: "Agarwood, do not use your realm of Yuan Ying, to understand a demon god, this is useless, hey, give me a break..."

With a bang, two blood-colored light blades waved out and slammed into the skylight column.

In the sound of the boom, the light blade smashed the light column, the sea above, the huge earthquake, the huge waves rising from the sky, the mountains and the tsunami rushed in all directions.

Sun Hao’s anticipation of the ruin has not been able to appear. Although the current Tiantianguangzhu is a lot of power, it has been broken down by Luo Laomo.

Luo Pengfei's face is extremely calm, but his heart is not easy. A small Yuan Ying mid-term monk, the two golden lights that he attacked with his hand, actually beat the magic of his own 70% strength, if not for personal experience. Who told Luo Pengfei that a mid-infant monk can stop himself, it must be a big joke.

It is no wonder that the deity in the devil world will rank the ranks of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang so high, only under the five minor monks. Previously, his own understanding was because Sun Haosun Shen Xiang broke the deity of the deity. But now, Luo Pengfei finally knows that it is because Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang’s own progress and power have already let the deity know in advance that something is wrong, so today, it is necessary to kill the killer.

On the body of Luo Pengfei, Sun Hao felt the murderous murder.

On the sea, the wave that had just rushed up was pressed down by the momentum of Luo Pengfei. A huge circular concave surface, with the battlefield of the two as the core, quickly formed on the sea.

"嗨", Luo Pengfei hands up, two magic yuan blade rushed out, smashed to Sun Hao, the body shook a little, a huge virtual shadow sky, followed by the magic Yuan blade, waving a huge Fist, a fist smashed over.

Brushing two sticks, Sun Hao's two gold pillars rushed to the magic yuan blade.

The explosion of the explosion, once again blasted in the middle of the sea between Sun Hao and Luo Pengfei, a huge explosion, shaking the sea, but the sea was suppressed by the momentum of the two, unable to rush, a huge impact , constantly echoing under the sea.

The explosion did not stop the boxing attack that Luo Pengfei attacked. The boxing shadow rushed out from the core of the explosion and attacked Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s hands are a vertical one.

When it was heard, the fist shadow hit the stick.

Sun Hao’s body tumbling in the air, like a ball, was far away from the distance, a huge impact force, enough to rush Sun Hao out of more than 30 feet, this is a vibrating stick, steady body, condensed In the air.

However, the body just stood firm, and Sun Hao’s eyes could not be shrunk.

Silently, Luo Laomo has once again stood in front of himself, and the two magic yuan blades are spinning fast and attacking themselves.

After the magic Yuan blade, Luo Laomo flew again and kicked it.

Sun Hao’s spirit was tight, his body swayed, and he moved backwards sideways quickly. It was discovered that the two magic yuan blades had been traced, and that foot was also copied from another direction. Obviously, unless his dodge reached A certain speed, or escape from the battlefield, otherwise the two attacks can not easily avoid.

Fighting sticks waving Two gold pillars should be directed to the magic yuan blade, the body swayed, a lion vain rushed out, should be the foot of Luo Laomo.

In the sound of the boom, Jin Zhu and the magic Yuan blade once again collided together, it is difficult to distinguish.

However, the lion's illusion is not the opponent of the flying foot. The flying foot is everywhere, the lion is turned into nothingness, and the footboard is still non-stop, kicking to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao had to once again fight a stick.

A bang, and a huge non-personal force hit the stick.

Sun Hao’s body, involuntarily, was once again thrown high.

In the knowledge of God, the body of Luo Lao Mo quickly chased, six arms swarmed, and broke out in an all-out way. He launched various attacks on himself. The huge murder was almost consolidating into the essence, locking himself, Sun Hao’s heart. Can not help but secretly cold.

Strong and strong old devil.

Sun Hao’s heart is very incomparable. For the first time, he has a relatively intuitive understanding of Luo Laomo’s phrase “The Realm of the Realm of the Gods cannot be understood”. (To be continued.)

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