Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1253: Demon avatar

Before Sun Dou has not strengthened his knowledge, Sun Hao is hard to find the hidden Eight-legged Overlord Zhang in the sea.

However, when the Mozu warship arrived, Xiao Zhang had just inquired about a bit of intelligence, and it has already exposed the traces. The Mozu’s power is evident.

Flying away from the Fengyun sea boat battle, Sun Hao's big sleeves waved, Yu does not want to be filled with the sacred fox, and the intellectual idiot, also automatically returned to the tower.

Under Sun Hao’s footsteps, Shen Xiangjian appeared, and the wind and the power of the general, turned into a streamer, Sun Hao quickly flew in the direction of Xiaozhang.

In a short distance, Yuan Ying Zhen Jun is the fastest moving speed, but after a long distance, (Pig) (Pig) (Island) (Fiction) Sun Hao's Aquila Sword is the fastest way to hurry.

Today's Aquilaria Sword is almost as fast as ever, but what is slightly different from the past is that when Sun Hao Yu made it, he felt the lightness from the extreme.

This is a sign of weightlifting.

It is also the sword Jianyu will be trained, or is the sign of getting started.

Only at this moment, Sun Hao is on an emergency, but he did not use his heart to understand the mystery of the agarwood sword.

Like a rapid streamer, the distance between the storm boat and the whole day is rapidly approaching under the fast sword of Sun Hao.

Just over half an hour later, Sun Hao had already rushed out of the distance, and felt that Xiao Zhang was not far ahead, but also rushed in his direction, and his heart was relieved.

At least, the small chapter did not fall into the enemy, but also escaped, which means that the situation is not so bad that it is out of control.

However, the situation in the small chapter should not be very good, the distance is so close. Did not feel their arrival. It should also be in a highly nervous escape.

The foot is under the scent of the sword. Sun Hao crossed an arc and clung to the sea. It was difficult to see with the naked eye and quickly passed to the direction of Xiaozhang.

Although the chapter is nervous, but there is no panic, the direction of escape, it is precisely the direction of the departure of Fengyun, he also knows. When you have an accident, the boss will definitely be the first to come to the rescue. The farther he runs, the shorter the time he will meet the boss.

Therefore, under the advancement of both parties, the distance is rapidly shortening.

Half an hour later, Sun Hao’s gods perceive the distant sea. There is a floating magic repair, raising his hand from time to time, pointing out a finger in the sea below. The speed at which the body moves forward is not slow.

Just as Sun Hao discovered the magic repair, the magic repair also perceives Sun Hao. Looked up in the direction of Sun Hao.

Shen Xiangjian streamed on the surface of the sea, and then climbed up to the air, flying to the air, and the opposite of the magic repair.

The magic repaired the air, no longer attacked the small chapter in the sea, so I looked at Sun Hao in a sly manner.

The voice of Xiao Zhang was passed from the heart: "Boss, you are finally here, you can be exhausted, this guy is terrible, old and big."

Sun Hao’s knowledge has been swept away, and the general situation of Xiaozhang has fallen into the knowledge of God.

At this time, the small chapter is hidden in the depths of more than 500 feet of sea, and is close to the bottom of the sea, but even in the deep sea, his body is still being manipulated by the magic. The holes were pierced through a small hole, and among the small holes, scarlet blood was still coming out in tears.

With the magical chapters of Xiaozhang, you can't heal your wounds, and you can see how strong the damage will be.

Seeing the opposite side of the magic repair, the heart quickly said: "Small chapter, you go to the Fengyun number first, find the young man to take a few chapters to heal the wounds, then, follow the fleet to fight, here I handed it."

Xiao Zhang said quickly: "I understand, boss, you are careful, I am leaving."

After that, Xiaozhang has already rushed to the bottom of the sea and rushed to the direction of Fengyun.

And Sun Hao, has already looked at the opposite magic repair.

Who knows, the opposite of the magic repair, actually did not speak first laugh, haha ​​laughed: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, this seat is waiting for a long time."

Sun Hao was slightly shocked, and the other person actually knew himself.

And it seems that I am waiting for myself. The situation seems to be wrong.

Unexpectedly, Sun Hao floated on the incense sword and began to carefully look at the opposite magic repair.

To tell the truth, the most obvious feature of the magic repair to Sun Hao is that the purple hair is black and sturdy, the body is burly, and the body is six arms, and their faces, to be honest, give Sun Hao the same feeling.

In front of this magic repair, the head wrapped around the hero scarf, six arms or holding or pinching the law, ready to send.

After seeing the face of the magic repair, Sun Hao was shocked again, and he arched his hands from a distance: "The road is friendly and familiar, I don't know where I have seen it?"

The magic repaired a hero scarf on the head, haha ​​laughed: "Shen Xiang is really a noble person to forget things, even the destruction of the big incarnation of this seat, actually still can not recognize this seat, ha ha ha, this ancient magic black water Luo Devil, Luo Pengfei, this way, Aquilaria is really care for me..."

Luo Pengfei! Feng Yunfei on the Fengyun No.

Luo Fei, Luo Peng and other monks, afraid that it is really inextricably linked with the devil in front of him. In front of Luo Pengfei, it is similar to the previous incarnation of the demon king who was killed by Sun Hao. The only difference is that this Luo Pengfei has a huge nose with a flesh.

Big nose Luo Pengfei?

With a smile, Sun Hao said: "The Tao is different, and the devils in the ancient world have to be blamed. Luo Daoyou, what do you think?"

Luo Pengfei shook his head and laughed: "Wrong, it's just a different position. You are in a state of agarwood."

Sun Hao smiled indifferently: "It should be that Luo Dao's friends are wrong. The ancient devils invaded me." Is it a different position that can be mixed?"

Luo Pengfei shook his head again: "Agarwood you are still wrong, we are not called invasion, but return, don't you know, my demon is just a branch of the human race, and once lived in this rich and beautiful continent. On, it was only a civil war defeat, and was expelled to the barren ancient demon world."

Sun Hao shook his head: "If you talk about the sky, you can't escape the fact that the devils are coming, the mainland is a charcoal. Luo Daoyou, you see the innocent sea beasts in the demon domain, don't you think that you are against the heavens. ?"

Luo Peng flew a thick nose, swayed a few times, or shook his head: "Agarwood does not know, the magic of this ancient demon world is a great complement, can greatly stimulate the practice of monks, but it is a rare treasure, I think that my devils can gradually grow and develop in the ancient demon world. Thanks to this magical power, now, their state is just a period of pain. After a period of time, after adaptation, they will be strong. Great increase, the gods quickly recovered."

Sun Hao’s heart moved, his face looked the same, and his mouth said faintly: “Luo Dad, now you are so good to talk, it’s not going to drive the magic army, surround you?”

Luo Pengfei slowly shook his head: "No need for it, although the agarwood is very strong, but I don't want to be the enemy of this seat. The reason why this seat is not immediately taken down by you, in fact, just want to ask a few questions before. I don't know if Shenxiang can tell."

Sun Hao’s face still smirked: “You ask, can say, Aquilaria will naturally say.”

Luo Pengfei erected two fingers: "The first question, what is the current situation of my brother Luo Er? The second question, the last of the funeral market ~ can see my devil's power? Two questions should be It’s not a secret matter, and Aquilaria should have an experience. Please tell Aquilaria.”

Sun Hao’s heart could not help but be a move. I thought that when I entered the funeral market, Luo Peng, who was incarnation of Luo Er, really didn’t pay much attention to himself. Now, if you compare Luo Peng’s words, it’s not hard to see that Luo Er should really be There are others, so who is he?

Sun Hao’s heart is not flashed by the light.

Looking at Luo Pengfei's nose, Sun Hao said with a smile: "Your brother Luo Er is still very good today. However, he is very good at concealing. It is difficult for ordinary monks to find traces. If I guess well, your brother. Luo Er, has a pair of big ears of meat or a big nose of meat, and he often calls you a big nose, big, right?"

Luo Pengfei touched his nose and sighed in his mouth: "I was actually seen by people, and this is not reliable." Then he said aloud: "Thanks to Shen Xiang, then ask Shen Xiang, the funeral market." Did you see the power of my ancient devils, how is his current situation?"

Sun Hao’s heart was a slight move. He said loudly: “The funeral market is a monk’s desperate situation. Any monk can’t be safe after the closure of the ruins. The burial of the market is unfortunate. I have not seen the magic in the mouth of Luo’s brother. The great power of the family." (To be continued.)

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