Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1159: Breaking out of the ice

The fundamental meaning of the yin and yang combination law is to regulate the balance of yin and yang. When the yin and cold gas is too strong, this method is driven to yin and yang, and to combine yin and cold.

The entire Dafa Hall of Emperor, unbiased, is indeed the right way.

In addition to the slightest insomnia in the words of yin and yang, there is no abnormality.

In today's monk world, the words of yin and yang are usually used for some magical repairs. Some unscrupulous demons often take some women's repairs for their own cultivation, and they do the same. , stealing the female repair red pill, taking the female repairing body as the stove, promoting self-cultivation for rapid progress.

Although I don't know how to explain the yin and yang in the ancient times, today, in the monk world, these four words are actually derogatory.

However, although the yin and yang combination method that Wei Bing passed over also used these four words, from the perspective of the practice itself, from the starting point and foothold of the yin and yang, to the final result, it is completely different from the current magic. different.

In the combination of the Dafa, there is a way to anoint the yang, and there are also the methods of yin and yin, yin and yang to the Thai, and there is no double repair, all of which are the mutual transformation of the two different natures of yin and yang. Blending avenues.

Even more peculiar is that this method has not been repaired as a realm.

What stage can be practiced, the effect is to adjust the balance of yin and yang in the monk.

The way of cultivation is also divided into three peculiar levels, the first layer, the yin and yang complement each other; the second layer, Yin and Yang Jiaotai; the third layer, the yin and yang combination; the fourth layer, the pure yang pure yin; the fifth layer, chaos No matter.

Each layer has its own characteristics. For beginners, when practicing the first layer, the yin and yang complement each other. The characteristics of this layer are yin and suffocating, and the yin and yang are yang, and the yang is strong.

For example, now. Sun Hao is in the silkworm body. The magical law is frozen by the frost, and the inside of the body, especially the right kidney, accumulates the extreme chilly atmosphere. Even affecting Sun Hao’s cultivation foundation, it is just good to cultivate this technique of yin and yang.

This yin and yang combination law is just right.

only. What Sun Hao did not understand is, what is the origin of Wei Bing? Why is there such a powerful avenue spell involving yin and yang? And why is it so generous? What is the method of imparting this cultivation to yourself?

The cultivation of the yin and yang combined with the Dafa can finally breed the pure and pure yin in the body. In the end, the yin and yang are combined, and the chaos is transformed into yin and yang.

Sun Hao feels. Good high-end exercises.

Of course, Sun Hao is not necessary now. I don't have time to think so much about why, now, it's crucial. Immediately cultivate the yin and yang combination law and release yourself from the ice.

The peach leaf in the hand is almost left, and it was wasted by Sun Hao to throw a piece at a time.

It takes time to cultivate yin and yang to merge Dafa. I hope that I can break the ice in time before Wanda waking up.

"The change of four o'clock, the victory of the cold summer, the heavy yin will be yang, the yang will be yin, so the yin is cold, the yang is hot, so the cold is even hot, the heat is even cold..."

"When you are afloat, and you move the shape, you can move its shape, it is into its essence - the virtual person can fill, the strong can make Jiu Rong, the old can make a long life..."

While understanding the yin and yang combination law, Sun Hao drives the five attributes of his body to begin to deal with his own ice.

"Boss, I think you will not be so kind, talk about this yin and yang will be wrong with the Dafa?" Wei Bing did not believe that Hao Anyi would help Sun Hao with one heart and one mind, but he wanted to ask.

“Hey, hey,” Hao Anyi laughed a few times and said, “Don’t say that, this time I really want to help him, report his life-saving grace, but hey, the yin is too strong. Invincible, then it will accumulate in him..."

"Boss, you are too sinister." Wei Bing’s heart was a cold war: "Will Aquilaria not do it, or become a man or a woman? If so, what should be done, what should I do?"

"That wouldn't be," Hao Anyi said in a resignation: "How can I do something that hurts others, but he needs to find the temperament of the yang, balance the body, and have to cultivate the second yin and yang. The yin and yang of the layer pays the Thai, this kid listens to the true woman's words, kills me as a evil soul, and does not listen to me. I really want to see what he would look like when he was in Yin and Yang. Attitude……"

Yin and Yang Jiaotai?

Wei Bing said in his heart: "Boss, isn't that the technique in the room? You are guiding him to practice the double repairs! It's so mean, boss, but I like, boss, fast, let me find a bright red, Yin and Yang pay Thai..."

Hao Anyi: "Roll, do you think everyone is like you, is there only a method of yin and yang in the room? I just want to see if this kid can suppress himself, hehe, hehe..."

Among the ice, the five attributes are true, and Sun Hao is like a spring rain. In accordance with the essence of the yin and yang, the gradual infiltration into the ice, and then gently start to go to the ice.

The combination of yin and yang is very magical. After driving, a layer of real liquid that seems to be warm water is formed on the surface of Sun Hao's body. It gradually penetrates outward, extends, and gradually expands in the ice.

In addition to the ice, the origin of the genus of the ancient silkworms instinctively began to compete with Sun Hao for the site, trying to freeze the constant temperature liquid outside the body of Sun Hao.

However, without the command of the Wan Gutian silkworm, this kind of competition is purely instinctive, although it has caused some interference to Sun Hao, but it can't stop Sun Hao.

Firmly, Sun Hao melted the ice outside his body a little bit and grabbed the site a little bit.

With this competition, more and more chills have been sucked into Sun Hao's body by the combination of yin and yang. A large amount of cold attribute energy is directly transformed into Sun Hao's five-element true element, but more is too late to digest the cold. The source was forcibly transformed into a layer of frost by the yin and yang combination method, and it condensed on the right kidney.

At the end of the day, the surface of Sun Hao's right kidney has even formed some extremely fine cold-sourced grains, firmly adsorbed on the right kidney, and constantly bursting out to form a cold.

The combination of yin and yang is driven to the extreme, and Sun Hao can only do so. It is only possible to get out of the trap. As for the frost and grain on the right kidney, there will be time to think about it later.

When the ice was melted away by 80%, Sun Hao felt that the body suddenly trembled. Then, the magical law, his "three-headed six-armed arm" in the body was really under his control, as if he had broken a heavenly shackle, Sun Hao had a very A clear feeling, his own magical law is finally generated in this world, and, but also can be made out of the body.

Strictly speaking, the initial condensing of the magical law at this time has not been completed, and there are still many shortcomings, and it is not possible to increase Sun Hao’s fighting power.

However, the magical powers that can enhance the strength of the three-in-one force have undoubtedly made Sun Hao’s overall strength once again greatly improved.

Moreover, this improvement will be superimposed as Sun Hao's ontological strength is improved.

After fully obtaining the control of the magical law, Sun Hao slammed his eyes and his arms slightly showed up. The three-headed and six-armed blood quickly rushed to Sun Hao’s body, and together with the ice that had not been completely finished, was Sun Hao. Forced into the body.

The internal view of Dantian, the three-headed six-armed magical system has been lowered by three heads, six arms or grips or exhibitions, each of which has a shape and a knee sitting on the spire of the Sumiyag tower.

The ice that is not completely digested forms a thin layer of frosty cold fog around the body of the law. body with a cyan flow in the golden light is gently shaken in the heavy water, striding Across, Sun Hao stepped out of the encirclement of heavy water and appeared beside the infinite speed.

Looking down at my body, I found my arms and a lot of flesh and blood collapsed in my legs. In many places, I saw the bones of the forest.

The body swelled, and a golden aperture was shining on it. The aperture was everywhere, and the wound on the body was cracked again. There was a trace of blood hidden in the blood. Several white light brushes on his body, and the new flesh and blood quickly began to follow the wound. Growing.

Less than the tea, the whole body up and down, has almost recovered, in addition to a slightly pale face, this time Sun Hao, before going out to fly infinite, no different.

With a slight smile on his face, Sun Hao shook his hand on the infinite speed: "You friends, Shen Xiang is not insulting."

Seeing that Sun Hao stood up in the air, he did not fear the pulling force of heavy water in the silkworms. In the speeding, the monks showed their admirable eyes.

Xia Qingyu said: "Little Hao, hard work." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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