Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1158: Yin-yang combination

The stick of the sky sticks out and settles the right kidney that is ready to move.

Sun Hao is sure to stabilize the round of water.

However, the problem still exists.

That is, Sun Hao found that his own magical powers, and the magical powers that should not appear in this world are not appropriate.

Perhaps it is in the midst of it, it has its own will.

Beyond the existence of this world, when it is born, there will inevitably be rough.

Sun Hao’s magical powers, that is, the three **** in vitro, because the condensing is done in the heavy water of frost, there is no small problem.

There are two biggest features of frosty heavy water.

One is weight, which is extremely heavy.

Especially when it is close to the bottom of heavy water, although heavy water is still binary, it is already a strong binary heavy water that is very close to three yuan.

The drops are as heavy as a thousand.

The second is ice cold, and its cold is unparalleled.

Especially when it is close to the bottom, the frosty heavy water has already merged with the icy wind that has accumulated in the billions of years, and the strength of the ice and cold has already caused the surrounding space to have a sense of freezing.

The problem with Fascination is that it appears on the ice.

Sun Hao’s magical powers are made by chance.

The success of cultivation can benefit from the accumulation of Sun Haoqiang, and the peerless **** is one of them. If there is no accumulation of Sun Hao in the early stage, there is no doubt that Sun Hao’s cultivation is not a magical law.

However, it is undeniable that the enormous pressure of heavy water in the silkworms of the ancient times is also an external factor in Sun Hao’s cultivation of the magical law.

If there is no heavy pressure to be beaten by heavy pressure, it is too early to say that Sun Hao’s current cultivation is the realm, even if it is the practice of the magical system.

This is a good thing in itself, but the bad is bad. Sun Hao’s magical law is generated by heavy water, and is integrated with the external heavy water.

The heavy water itself, the frost is incomparable, unconsciously, a few months down. Sun Hao’s body is outside the body. That is, bloody, has become a huge ice scorpion.

A situation that Sun Hao did not expect was happening.

Now, what do Sun Hao need to do to get this ice dumpling into the body?

and. As heavy water gradually goes to the bottom, the freezing of ice pellets is becoming more and more serious. Sun Hao’s body is completely surrounded by blood, a huge ice scorpion. Like the ancient ice, Sun Hao was covered in it.

And heavy water. But still through this ice scorpion, without the command of Sun Hao, continue to infiltrate into Sun Hao Dantian.

try. Sun Hao took the Aquilaria Sword, who was still outside, and hit the ice ball, suddenly found out. This ice scorpion possesses the dual attributes of supernatural powers and heavy waters. If Shen Xiangjian does not do his best, it is difficult to break.

In other words. Sun Hao himself trapped himself.

Among the ice scorpions, Sun Hao still drives the round of water, while using his brain to think about his own way of getting out of trouble.

What if I beat the ice ball with a strong force? The magical law will not be destroyed?

Can the blood of his life frozen in the ice corps still be recovered?

If you can't take it back, it will be a huge source of damage.

Moreover, Sun Hao also quickly realized that his first blood of the gods was shattered in the ice, fearing that it would cause huge losses to his magical powers.

Then the problem is coming.

What does Sun Hao need to do to get rid of the blood without destroying the blood?

In a few months, the infinitely speeding car has completely emerged from the heavy water and floated in the air.

Of course, the monks still dare not come out. The heavy water is not only a huge pressure, but also the power of pulling is extremely incomparable. The amount of heavy water in the silkworms is still quite a lot, and the monks will be pulled in accidentally.

Still can only wait and see in the infinite speed.

Of course, for a short stay in the air, and then find ways to collect some heavy water, these monks have not let go, more or less, collected some, become a resource for their future cultivation.

Sun Hao took Shen Xiangjian to attack the ice scorpion outside the body, and everyone looked at it.

At the same time, everyone feels that Sun Hao may have encountered problems.

Soon, teamwork, everyone basically touched the status of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao should now be trapping himself.

The difficulty is probably not that you can't get out of trouble, but after breaking the ice dumplings, Sun Hao's loss may not be small.

Is there any way to help Sun Hao?

The easiest way is to melt the ice.

The first shot of the wind, the fire flashed in the hands, began to burn on the side of Sun Hao, if it can melt a little ice, it is all help to Sun Hao.

However, after the appearance of the fire in the hands of the wind, he was very surprised to find that the flame that should have been a raging fire became a sparking star here.

Mars has just shot, and immediately extinguished in the ultimate cold.

The gathering is stunned.

Xia Qingyu's brow wrinkles: "When the ancient silkworms are too cold, it is very difficult to ignite."

The Holy Ghost monks are always with ice and know a lot about ice, but now they find that they are very icy, and many spells can instantly launch the power of ice.

But there is not much way to melt ice.

The key reason is because the environment of the ancient silkworm has a special environment, the ultimate cold and cold atmosphere, the suppression of many spells is great, and the ice on the surface of Sun Hao's body has been greatly increased, and it is indestructible and even more incomparable.

Sun Hao is thinking of ways, and outside monks are also thinking of ways.

Sun Hao drives the small flames in the body, trying to melt the ice. However, the incomparable small flames, the small flames that blend with the sacred sacred flames, can only keep the flames that are not extinguished in the extreme cold, without any effort to melt the ice. .

Is it really only a way to forcibly break the ice and defeat it?

Sun Hao’s means are all out, but the effect is not good. It seems that this one choice is only in front of Sun Hao.

And this is very likely to be in the midst of the heavens, the heavens exerted, giving a great test beyond the limits of this world.

If Sun Hao really broke the ice and destroyed his first condensed magical powers, then there is no doubt that even if Sun Hao can display this mystery in this world, the effect will be greatly reduced in the future.

Above the speeding car, the unscrupulous eyes are bright and sparkling, and there are words in the mouth, but there is no effective way to say it. Many things, he is powerless, but he can't force his shot.

Perhaps, really regrettable, this world should not see the magical law.

However, Tiandao has its own number, and one drink is a set.

At this time, in Wei Bing's heart, Hao Anyi spoke: "Xiao Bing, the old Sun Hao put me out of the funeral market, but I owe him a big man. Today, I have to help him through your hand. It’s difficult to get through.”

Wei Bing: "What should I do?"

Hao Anyi: "Give you a chance to show, but also cheaper you, I pass to Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang Yin Yang Long Hu and He Dafa, you can learn the full version together."

Wei Bing wowed in the heart: "No, boss, I am asking for my grandmother, you are not giving me a pass, now I have to pass it to Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang..."

Hao Anyi: "You can't pass it? Don't pass me to the girl."

Wei Bing immediately said: "Biography, horse upload, not pass is the bastard, but the boss, you practice Dafa is not the yin and yang double repair Dafa? Pass to Shenxiang suitable?"

Hao Anyi said loudly: "Rolling, Laozi's Dafa double repair effect is good, but it will be so simple, this Dafa yin and yang, the dragon and tiger meet, and the integration of one, is the real avenue, but you remind When I passed it to Aquilaria, I said that this is a combination of yin and yang, and don’t mention anything about dragons and tigers..."

Wei Bing asked curiously: "Boss has cultivated your Dafa. Is there any sequelae in the future?"

Hao Anyi: "There is nothing! It is that the demand is stronger, lasting, and then the desire is higher. It is a small problem that can be overcome. Mother, these things are on you, and that is an advantage. Otherwise, I will not be like you."

Outside, Wei Bing coughed heavily, and then said with a voice: "Agarwood, I have a big law here, the name is yin and yang, and there are some peculiar cultivation effects. Maybe it can help you to guide the gas, agarwood, you can't learn. learn?"

Sun Hao’s voice was a bit dull and sounded in the air: “Speak and listen.”

Wei Bingfeng’s left and right look, then, the lips began to move silently, but through the ice, to teach Sun Hao the "Yin and Yang combined with Dafa", that is, the yin and yang dragon and the big law went.

"The change of four o'clock, the victory of the cold summer, the heavy yin will be yang, the yang will be yin, so the yin main cold, the yang main heat, so the cold is even hot, the heat is even cold."

Sun Hao’s first feeling is useful. This Dafa should be useful for his current state. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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