Nightmare’s Call

685 Occupation 1

Inside the metallic silver Yin-Yang Hall.

A large number of silver-white blood vessel-like pipes continued to spread and climb to a point in the middle along the surrounding walls and ground.

There stood a huge silver ball with a diameter of more than one meter.

Countless runes flashed continuously on the surface of the sphere, some of which belonged to evil energy, some belonged to holy light, but more were all kinds of mysterious languages.

Ancient Ren language, chaotic language, goblin runes, giant runes, etc., the energy words of various worlds that Lin Sheng conquered were absorbed and studied by him, and used here.

This huge silver metal sphere is the core of the Shenghe project, which is the supercomputer Shenghe.

Lin Sheng sat cross-legged on the side, with his palms spread out, and five shrunken beads slowly floated in his palms, constantly turning.

These are the five true ancestors he just captured from the blood race world.

"Five kinds of divinity, no. Two of them actually gave birth to two kinds of divinity. What a bumper harvest!"

He is quite satisfied with this action.

It just so happens that if he wants to break through the demigod and shape the godhead, he must have enough divinity as the material.

Godhead is like a building, and divinity is like a variety of construction materials. The quality and quantity must keep up in order to successfully build a solid enough foundation for Godhead.

"It's just, how to shape the godhead... I don't have a specific way."

Under the premise that there is no way, if you want to find out the method of shaping the godhead, you can only experiment by yourself.

And the experiment is likely to cause the loss of the precious divinity that has been obtained with great difficulty.

So Lin Sheng hesitated at this time.

He carefully selected and observed.

The divinity possessed by the five great ancestors overlaps somewhat, but there are five categories in total.

Storm, Blood, Essence, Sharpness, Stab Armor.

Among them, there are two copies of Sharpness and Soul Essence.

"Storm is useless to me, that is, it can diversify attack methods. I also have similar methods to create storms. Skip this."

"Blood is very good. It should be able to make a difference in bloodline transformation, and it can be used to modify other races." Lin Sheng had some thoughts in his heart.

"I don't know what the essence is, so let's keep it for now. Sharpness is purely tasteless. I already have a lot of attack methods, so I don't need this."

"The Last Stab Armor" Lin Sheng recalled, this seems to be the divinity held by the true ancestor named Donghe.

When fighting against the Cyclops, Dong He radiated a thorn-red armor. When he was injured by the Cyclops, the giant's arm would also be wounded by the thorn armor.

"That's the anti-injury effect. It's a bit useful, and it can be used as a defense method during retreat and slumber. Keep it for now."

Even if he doesn't need the extra divinity, he can keep it for fusion and turn it into a reward for the clone leader.

"In this case, let's digest the three true ancestors first." Lin Sheng thought for a while, and then gently threw the three black balls in his hand forward.


The red yin turning evil wheel behind him suddenly released a red light, enveloping the three black balls.

ah! ! !

The black ball let out a scream, and quickly melted in the red light, evaporating a large amount of high-temperature heat.

Lin Sheng is using extremely high temperature to quickly evaporate and melt the True Ancestor.

The True Ancestor does have super immortality, as long as there is a cell, it can be resurrected. But that is when the soul level is not involved.

Because the soul of the vampire is attached to the blood cells, it has this terrifying immortality.

But Lin Sheng's yin-turning evil wheel is no longer a simple ordinary attack, but directly acts on the causal level of the soul.

The power of the fortune wheel is more acting on the opponent as an individual, distorting and destroying the entire existence of the opponent.

Originally, the power of the Yin-turning evil wheel was not enough to completely destroy the True Ancestor, but after Lin Sheng forged and strengthened it with divine fire, the entire Yin-turning evil wheel may no longer be called an evil wheel.

Instead, it should be called the Holy Wheel.

"Well, it's time to change his name."

Lin Sheng stared at the three True Ancestors who were quickly and completely dissolved.

Amidst the shrill screams, the three of Zhenzu Donghe, Sai Xin, and Tu Ke were digested by the powerful fortune wheel at the same time.

The three most powerful men in the entire blood race. Condensed the belief of the blood empire for thousands of years, and condensed three divine powerhouses.

It just so lightly died in front of Lin Sheng.

The so-called immortality is a joke in front of Lin Sheng.

"Well, let's see what's left of divinity."

Lin Sheng watched the location of the three burned black balls.

In the space there, on the level of the soul that ordinary people cannot see, there are three blood-red special light clusters floating.

He stretched out his hand to touch them lightly, and immediately sucked three balls of light into his fingers.

Each light group is like a large number of special energy polymers, which also contain a large amount of various information.

Lin Sheng closed his eyes and realized for a while, and soon sensed the change in his soul.

On his soul human form, there were originally only two kinds of divine light, white and blue, representing the white guardian and the blue speed respectively.

But at this time, there are countless light spots scattered and approaching, being sucked into the interior by the soul one after another.

The three divinities are all special blood red, it seems that they have this color because they were conceived by the true ancestor of the blood race.

Soon, three kinds of red light spots were absorbed into Lin Sheng's soul figure,

Then it flowed a few times in his body, followed the channel inside the soul, and flowed into the holy river computer in the Yinyang Hall.

Shenghe and Lin Sheng are one.

The core of the holy river is a part of Lin Sheng's soul. Following the natural high-dimensional channel of the soul, the two can be transmitted instantly beyond time and space.

The three divinities were quickly imported into the holy river.

The calculation speed of the holy river computer is very fast. Part of the reason is due to Lin Sheng's speed and divinity.

The blessing of super speed and divinity on the computer has at least increased the calculation speed of this super computer several times.

'After the input of divinity is completed, it will be automatically named according to the attributes: blood clan spirit divinity, blood clan storm divinity, blood clan sharp divinity. '

Shenghe fed back the information to Lin Sheng's mind.

He pondered for a while.

"Try to separate the blood family attributes."

'Try to establish a detached pattern. ’ Shenghe responded again.

'The separation was successful, the bloodline attachment was cleared, and the automatic naming restarted. Remove bloodline prefix. '

Lin Sheng listened to Shenghe's responses one after another, and looked at the large number of symbols flashing on the silver-white ball in front of him.

It seems that the treatment of bloodline divinity is quite simple. That being the case, then

"Try to carry out the deduction of the establishment of the godhead." He ordered again.

The success rate of the simulation of the godhead construction carried out by Shenghe last time was very low. This time he added materials, try again, maybe there will be changes.

The godhead is the key to the true achievement of a true god.

However, when he was on Earth, Lin Sheng had heard that there were many legends about gods in the West who believed in becoming gods.

These gods will continue to rise and fall because of the beliefs of believers.

Their power is completely attached to the believers. If the faith is strong, it will be strong, and if the faith is weak, it will perish.

Lin Sheng didn't want to be such a weak god.

Fortunately, his root lies in the countless Kuroshio monsters he guards. For the general faith and believers, the demand is not great.

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