Nightmare’s Call

684 Corrosion 3

There are eight Cyclops in total, and these are all the subordinates that Lin Sheng brought over.

These gods have no sanity, and once they are released, there is no distinction between enemy and friend, so he chose to airdrop directly to the strongest point of the blood clan, above the blood palace.

The Immortal God of Immortality is used to test opponents, and it couldn't be more useful.

Sitting in the high projection of the Holy Spirit Palace.

Lin Sheng calmly watched the battle in the snow-capped mountains below.

The rampage of the Cyclops quickly smashed the entire Blood Palace into ruins, and even the snow-capped mountains were smashed down one by one.

The avalanche erupted continuously.

Those True Ancestors frantically used all kinds of means to kill the Cyclops again and again.

At the same time, it also showed their true strength.

"Even if it is immortality, it still needs to consume energy! I don't believe that you can recover forever!!"

Sai Xin, the Fifth Primogenitor Stormer, raised his hands high, surrounded by a large whirlwind of white air.

The violent whirlwind rapidly surged and became stronger, and turned into a pale storm tornado in a blink of an eye, ruthlessly engulfing the two Cyclops in it.

The tyrannical force higher than the legend, driven by the divinity, cut and smashed most of the Cyclops' body in a blink of an eye. Only two huge skeletons are left standing.

"Come on! Let's recover again!!" Sai Xin roared angrily.

Then, under his desperate gaze, the two Cyclops completely recovered from all their injuries within two breaths.

Keep reaching for him.

"Their recovery should be limited in number of times. We keep killing and consuming, and sooner or later we can completely consume these monsters!"

The first true ancestor dragon roared, he manipulated the huge river of blood, and swallowed the three-headed Cyclops once again, not even a drop of dregs remained.

He had already devoured the opponent more than ten times, but soon these giants would be able to recover from the black mist and pounce on them again.

"No power comes out of thin air. Even if our immortality seems to be immortal, it actually has a limit. As long as the power stored in the body is exhausted, then the so-called immortality is just a joke!

So, everyone, calm down! "

The dragon is the first true ancestor, and its divine ability is to manipulate the refinement of blood.

It can be said that he is the founder of most of the clans of the blood clan, because his divine ability is actually bloodline transformation, with very fine manipulation precision.

Hearing his words, the five great ancestors did not dare to neglect, and worked together to kill the Cyclops again and again.

Ten minutes passed.

Cyclops has been beheaded hundreds of times by them.

But to no avail, the eight-headed Cyclops continued to roar, and charged at the True Ancestors again in high spirits.

And the number one true ancestor dragon that devoured the God of Oblivion many times already felt very bad.

At some point in his body, a large amount of black mist began to appear.

This black mist seriously affected the accuracy and power of his manipulation of the blood river.

Not only that, even his body at this time seemed to be affected. Like a rusty machine, it is becoming more and more dull.

"Could it be...!!?" He suddenly thought of the monsters he had come into contact with before, after being polluted by the Kuroshio.

But those monsters are obviously low-level, and the Kuroshio obviously can't pollute high-level creatures, right? ?

what happened! ?

Accidentally, the dragon was caught off guard, Xuehe failed to return to the defense in time, and was bitten by the waist by a black dragon on the spot.


With a crisp sound, the whole dragon was swallowed into the mouth of the black dragon.

The black dragon quickly retracted behind the Cyclops.

The remaining true progenitor cells quickly recovered in mid-air, regenerating the dragon's body.

What frightened him was that the black tide mist in his body actually increased in pollution after he died once!

"What's going on!!? What the hell is this!!?"

They are the strongest in the blood empire, the strongest on this planet!

Where did these sudden things come from? ! How could even they have no way to resist! ?

This must be a dream!

He may have had some kind of hallucination to see such absurd scene.

"Sai Xin!! Don't be impulsive!!"

Not far away, the fifth primogenitor Sai Xin rushed towards the two Cyclops frantically, with a violent white storm wrapped around him.

The continuous burst of full power has made his divinity weak at this time.

But he didn't care about it at all, and he was a little crazy to fight the Cyclops hard.

It was obvious that his strength had dropped to a certain limit, but he didn't care at all. Continue to fight crazily.

Even if the voice of Second True Ancestor Donghe sounded behind him, he ignored it.

It's a pity that Sai Xin's power is the most violent, but also weakens the fastest.

At this moment, he no longer has the strength to fight against the two Cyclops at the same time.

He rushed up, and just persisted for less than two seconds before the white storm on his body was crushed. His whole body was grabbed by the big hand, forced into the mouth of the Cyclops, and chewed and swallowed.

"Don't be hurt by them again! You will be polluted!!" Tucker also found out that something was wrong. He was killed twice, and the power in his body immediately became sluggish and his strength declined.

And most importantly, he felt that his divine soul was gradually being eroded by pollution.

That weird black mist can even erode divinity into it! This is simply unbelievable!

Among the five true ancestors, Sai Xin was swallowed abruptly.

The rest of the people are waiting for him to recover and be reborn again. Just one minute passed, two minutes passed.

Stormer Saixin has never recovered.

The four True Ancestors suddenly felt a little bad.

"Dragon! Leave us alone! Let's go!!" Tucker suddenly snapped. "Didn't you notice that we are being polluted!! Corroded by the power of the Kuroshio!!"

"Let's go together!!" Long looked determined, and manipulated the blood river to turn into a giant hand, blocking the impact of the three-headed Cyclops' black dragon.

The huge force knocked him back hundreds of meters, and he managed to stabilize his body in mid-air.

"If you don't leave, no one will be able to leave!! Hurry up!!" The Second True Ancestor Donghe had already seen the situation clearly. Their other True Ancestors had blood left in the hands of the First True Ancestor.

As long as he can escape, they still have hope of surviving!

"Everyone! Once you die here, you will be completely eroded! At that time, even if you are resurrected, it will be useless!!" Long roared sharply.

"That's better than dying here!" Tucker charged from behind, and the countless red lights on his body turned into a substantial impact, knocking the dragon flying a thousand meters away.

"Run away!! Don't look back!!"

Although he knocked the dragon away, he was caught off guard and was submerged in countless black dragons by the combined force of the four-headed Cyclops.

Soon there was no sound.

"No!!!" Long Yang roared wildly. Although he and the other True Ancestors had occasional intrigues, after thousands of years of getting along, the Five Great Ancestors had already become like family members.

Seeing this scene at this moment, the grief in his heart almost trembled his whole body.

But for the hope of recovery, he resisted the urge to go back, and looked up at the huge figure in the white palace with hatred.

"Just wait, sooner or later! I will come back and tear you apart!!"

He took one last look at Xia En and the Second True Ancestor Donghe, and suddenly turned into a red light and flew into the distance.

"Oh? The whole planet is under my surveillance. Where is this little guy going to escape?"

Lin Shengrao watched Long fleeing quickly with interest. Then he slammed into the big mouth of the sub-pocket flower who had been lying in wait for a long time.

Yes, he had already released a demigod sub-spike on the edge of the battlefield.

It's just because the five true ancestors fought too fiercely, so they didn't have time to care about other things.

In addition, the second zero flower is a weird demigod at the soul level, extremely tyrannical. Naturally it will not be discovered.

The two true ancestors disappeared, and Long also fled away, leaving only Dong He and Xia En.

Without any suspense, the two True Ancestors were once again swallowed by the Cyclops, and more than 80% of their bodies were eroded by the black tide. They fell to the ground without any resistance, unable to move.

Lin Sheng thought for a while, and with a thought, all the Cyclops spit out the True Ancestors that they had eaten before, turned them into guardian beads again, flew back to the sky quickly, turned them into gems inlaid on his armor again, and regained their calmness.

Zi Linghua also spit out the dying dragon again, flew back to the armor, and turned into the original gem form.

There are five True Ancestors in total, and Lin Sheng just planned to use them for an experiment.

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