Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 351 Competing acting skills and artifacts!

"It's exactly as I imagined. It's boring!"

In a dense jungle, Lu En casually knocked away a strange creature that rushed towards him. Although he looked panting and even embarrassed on the outside, in his heart, he started to yawn out of boredom.

After leaving the town, Lu En was taken away by a flying creature at the edge of the home tree. After flying for probably hundreds of kilometers, Lu En was placed in the jungle, and then the little goblin told him As long as he goes deep into the central area of ​​the jungle, he will have completed this trial.

Then the mystery disappeared mysteriously, as if to give Lu En a feeling of loneliness and helplessness, maximizing his potential.

In fact, Lu En noticed that there were more than just one or two glances peeking at him secretly.

This jungle is very rich in creatures, from animals to plants. Although they are all types that Lu En has never seen before, they have obviously been cleaned up, because the strongest creatures Lu En encountered along the way were only large ones. The dean level was just within the range that he could barely cope with.

However, some caves along the way that exuded powerful auras of creatures were all empty. Lu En even tried to get into a cave like death, but found that there were no traces of fighting inside. It seemed that all these creatures were... He left voluntarily.

There seems to be some subtle but close connection between the creator and the creatures here, and it is effortless to drive these creatures.

But Lu En did not find any group or individual of these creators anywhere.

Even the gaze that observed Lu En was based on the original creatures of the jungle, like ghosts hiding in the dark. As for the specific process along the way, there is no need to elaborate further.

Just like the routines in many myths and legends, Lu En encountered countless hidden dangers and attacks along the way, such as countless traps on the plant terrain. In general, Lu En always showed dangers and dangers, and finally approached the jungle. At the center, he is no different from a savage.

However, Lu En can also confirm that the creator must have some important purpose in spending so much effort on himself, and it is definitely not to compete with him for the Oscar statuette and to show off each other's acting skills.

Of course, according to the routine, at this time, the final monster should also appear. To Lu En's surprise, as he approached, a relatively powerful aura suddenly pressed down on him.


With a roar, a ferocious monster with a size like a large bus and three heads crushed a bunch of trees and appeared in front of him.

As if to enhance the momentum of the appearance, countless birds and beasts nearby began to rush outside in a swarm, creating a huge momentum, and Lu En's eyes were slightly stunned.

This is not playing according to the routine!

He originally thought that the boss guarding the final stage would be the most powerful, and he could barely handle it, even setting the price for a tragic victory for himself. Unexpectedly, the monster that appeared turned out to be a bishop level!

How can this be fixed?

The gap between the bishop level and those below is no longer a problem that can be solved by desperate efforts. Unless Lu En is willing to reveal his true strength, it is impossible to win with his current body.

Could it be that something has been exposed and the creator wants to kill me?

Lu En pretended to be scared and took several steps back quickly. He would definitely not win, but if he had to run, there might still be some possibility. At the same time, his mind was thinking rapidly.

But there is no reason. If the creator really wanted to kill him, why would he go to such trouble? He could just press him to death with just a finger.

Lu En's thought was not wrong. Seeing him retreat, the three-headed monster did not pursue him, but stopped in place. One of the heads looked at Lu En and uttered human words.

"Who are you and why have you broken into the paradise of the gods!"

"The paradise of the gods?"

For a moment, Lu En didn't know how to answer the other party's words. It was obvious that this was designed by the creator, but it was too much to just find a jungle and call it the paradise of the gods.

Why don't you exaggerate a little and just say that this is the legendary pantheon of gods?

Perhaps he guessed what Lu En was thinking, and suddenly an alluring fragrance came into his nose. Then the surrounding environment suddenly changed. The sky turned into blue with gold, the warm sunshine was shining down, and there were countless things. Beautiful butterflies were flying, and tiny fairies were playing by.

The jungle around him also instantly turned into grass that was so tender that it could squeeze out water. Large groups of unknown and gorgeous flowers bloomed all around. And behind him, there were countless people with human faces, guarding him like guards. Got the oak tree.

A clear stream surrounded it, with butterflies and goblins hiding in it. The three-headed monster in front of Lu En suddenly turned into three beautiful girls in palace clothes.

"Oops, the illusion failed, and this mortal really broke in!"

"Hurry and find the guardian!"

"Don't let this mortal take anything away from you!"

The three girls were all shocked, chattering for a while, and then ran away.

Lu En no longer knew what expression to use in his heart. If he had to describe it, it would probably be like this.



Not to mention that they had already told Lu En what to do before they ran away. Just talking about the surrounding scenery was just some kind of illusion that existed in his mind!

Yes, the jungle is still the same jungle, and the scenery is still the same. Although the creator is interested in Lu En, he does not really create such a scene. Instead, he secretly makes him fall into some kind of hallucination.

This is no longer a show of acting skills, but real cheating!

As for the three girls who suddenly appeared, in the real world, they were clearly little fairies who appeared out of nowhere. One person played the three roles, and the acting was incredible.

"That's all, just follow their lead!"

Lu En looked embarrassed, but he couldn't show it at all. He followed the three girls all the way through the jungle, and then dodged the sleeping giant. In fact, it was just a big rock. Anyway, all kinds of thrills were not worth it. After the mentioned scene, we finally arrived at our destination.

In the center of a crystal clear water pool, a large blue jade-like stone was exposed, and on top of it was placed a set of golden and gorgeous armor, and a large sword that looked domineering at first glance.

In the hallucination, these things were all emitting rainbow-like light, and they looked like ordinary objects at first glance, and the three girls ran away to nowhere.

"Although I don't read much, I seem to have heard this story."

Lu En was unable to complain, and there was still a look of excitement on his face. Then he looked around like a thief, and then jumped into the water. He first held the big sword in one hand, and his expression suddenly changed.

He clearly felt that this sword contained a powerful energy, even beyond the level of the archbishop!

In a sense, this is indeed a real artifact!

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