Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 350 The Shadow of the Town

"In their minds, these idiots only know about fighting and killing, but they don't know that the chance for us to survive lies in your uncle!"

"Don't worry, we will help you rescue him!"

Walking in the dark corridor, in order to avoid being discovered, only two dim flashlights illuminated the surroundings. Behind the Sheriff's nephew, there were several burly men, one of whom patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

This world has never lacked smart people. The scene that happened to the Sheriff was also seen by others at the time, and then collected and sorted by caring people. The connections between them are almost obvious.

Suddenly coming to this strange world, and the surroundings seem so dangerous and terrifying, so what can give people the greatest sense of security? Is it the strength of numbers or the power of a high position?

The answer is none. Only your own strong strength can bring you and others a sense of security.

Whoever can provide this sense of security will be the future ruler of this town!

What does becoming a monster mean in comparison?

There was no danger in the school, or in other words, all living creatures that could move had been expelled by the creators. Therefore, when these people arrived at the place where the Sheriff was held with caution and vigilance, nothing unexpected happened.


After using the tools he brought to pry open the lock, the Sheriff's nephew who couldn't contain his excitement rushed in first.

"Uncle, we are here to save you!"

Unexpectedly, after entering, they found that there was no one in the fully enclosed room, and a deep hole appeared in front of everyone on the wooden floor.

"You actually dug a hole and escaped?"

The big men following behind were also stunned. They felt that the Sheriff was not following common sense. He had promised to stay here and wait for others to rescue him. Why did we manage to get in without even seeing a single figure?

"Not necessarily, he may not be able to escape in such a short period of time!"

Among these people, there were many former miners in the town, who were also experienced. They walked to the hole and touched the wood chips on the ground, showing a smile as expected: "He didn't dig very far at all, maybe he just started." That’s all.”

As he spoke, he looked towards the entrance of the cave.

A pair of pure black eyes, even in the same dark environment, still showed indescribable depth, matching him exactly.

The miner's guess was correct. At this time, the Sheriff had just dug to a depth of about one meter. Hearing human voices, his half-crouched body suddenly raised his head.

If the previous Sheriff still maintained his human form and his sanity still existed, then now his fingers and arms have been replaced by a substance similar to tree roots. The ends are extremely sharp, and his face is severely deformed, with countless thin beards. From the lower jaw, half of the face has been separated, revealing a circle of fangs.

The degree of human will, including emotional fluctuations, has a huge impact on extraordinary power. However, it is obvious that due to his imprisonment and his own mutations, this peace officer is on the verge of losing control.

He even had little sense left, otherwise he would not have chosen to dig into the ground instead of destroying the fragile door.

"Ah! Monster!!!"

Caught off guard, the miner who was looking at him rolled back and crawled backwards with a horrified expression, and even screamed, which suddenly broke the last chord in the Sheriff's heart.


Almost instinctively, countless tentacles flew from the Sheriff's raised arm, carrying a sharp blade, and landed directly on the miner, and effortlessly stabbed him into a bloody gourd covered with blood. .


Just like drinking juice, these tentacles quickly absorbed the blood from the man's body, and the translucent tentacles suddenly turned bright red. Only then did everyone come back to their senses, and they suddenly became a mess.

"He killed Thicke!"

Since ancient times, miners have been one of the most united groups, and these people dared to come to save people without any preparation. Immediately, two strong men picked up their shotguns and aimed at the Sheriff who had lost control.

"Do not impulse!"

The strong man leader only had time to scream. Along with the smoke and loud noise, the Sheriff's entire body suddenly hit the wall behind him like a kite with a broken string, and the thick dark green bodily fluids scattered everywhere.

"There's a situation!"

The two police officers who were drowsing outside also perked up at the same time and were startled by the movement coming from inside.

"You are crazy!"

Inside, the leader swore angrily. Seeing that the Sheriff who had been blasted against the wall was bloody and mangled, and seeing that he was dead, he had no choice but to retreat: "We must have been discovered now, go inside the school. Let’s go, find an exit and go out!”

"Why did you kill my uncle!"

Unexpectedly, suddenly, the Sheriff's nephew rushed towards them with red eyes and snatched the shotguns from their hands. His expression was extremely excited, as if he wanted to kill them all.

But how could he be the opponent of these strong miners? He was slapped to the ground twice. One of the shooters even spat at him: "Your uncle is a monster at all. We shouldn't have come to save him." !”

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and let's go!"

Since everyone is dead, the value of the Sheriff's nephew is gone. The leader just watched all this with cold eyes, and then said coldly, but did not notice that the corpse of the Sheriff, which was already bloody and in human form, was still slowly squirming. .

The next second, countless tentacles that looked like tree roots were densely shot out from the body. The sound of sizzling flesh was heard all of a sudden. Even the nephew of the Sheriff was skewered together like a barbecue.


A vague and low roar sounded, and then everyone was torn into pieces by a huge force in the blink of an eye, and the scene instantly became extremely bloody.

"Everyone must die."

A few minutes later, another burst of gunfire erupted in the school, and then everything fell silent again. For the townspeople, the real terror was growing.

"It seems like, what happened again?"

At this time, Lu En had already left the school, and could only vaguely hear the noise coming from inside. Where he was now, outside the town, there was only the Thumb Goblin flapping its wings, but Liv was nowhere to be seen. traces.

He was about to make a long journey.

This is an arrangement from the creator. It seems that because of Luen's demonstrated potential, they decided to invest more in Luen. At least he will not treat him like the previous tool man. This trip is to give Luen a certain degree of success. benefit.

Of course, in the words of the Thumb Goblin, this is called the "Path of Trial". Only those who pass the test can obtain the so-called gift from God.

The creator seems to be quite proficient in this method, or how to deal with human beings. He knows that for most people, only what they work hard for will truly be cherished.

Lu En was a little interested. It wouldn't take much time anyway, because according to the calculations of the creators, the time of this transmission was almost over. It could be one day as soon as possible, one and a half days later, and it would never exceed two days.

In that case, go check it out.

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